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Last updated 3Â weeks, 5Â days ago
REMINDER: Join our Road to Geneva debrief TONIGHT at 8pm
We'd invite you to our open #roadtogeneva debrief call this evening at 8pm UK TIME where we will share the key feedback from the events in Geneva.
Over 200 people have now submitted written feedback on the #roadtogeneva events, we've hosted debrief meetings with our co-organisers and consulted with a selection of our speakers and we are delighted with the response.
We will summarise our findings on tonight's call and give you the opportunity to share your highlights, feedback and suggestions.
Finally, we'll also be sharing some ideas about what we can do next to tackle the Pandemic Treaty and hint at our next event!
RSVP to join us tonight at 8pm here
Please note - over 100 people have already registered for tonight, our Zoom capacity is currently 100 so please only RSVP if you are planning to attend. You can update your registration on the same link above.
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Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution…
Join our Road to Geneva debrief this Thursday at 8pm
We'd like to invite you to our open #roadtogeneva debrief call this Thursday evening at 8pm where we will share the key feedback from the events in Geneva.
Over 100 people have submitted written feedback on the #roadtogeneva events, we've hosted debrief meetings with our co-organisers and consulted with a selection of our speakers and we are delighted with the response.
We will summarise our findings on this weeks call and give you the opportunity to share your highlights, feedback and suggestions.
The accounting for the event is nearly complete and we're now very close to covering our costs. If you'd like to help you can donate here, we'll be sharing a breakdown of the costs of the event on the call.
Finally, we'll also be sharing some ideas about what we can do next to tackle the Pandemic Treaty and hint at our next event!
RSVP to join us on Thursday at 8pm here
Road to Geneva Convoy | Free Humanity (Powered by Donorbox)
Unfortunately we have to postpone tonight's #roadtogeneva debrief once again as Dan is still unwell.
We're expecting the call to be scheduled for later this week.
Thank you for your patience
Unfortunately tonight's meeting has been postponed until Monday at 8pm. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
SALE: Road to Geneva merch!
We've got an extremely limited number of Road to Geneva t-shirts and baseball caps and Free Humanity T-shirts and Tote bags leftover from our trip to Geneva.
Grab a bargain and a special memento from the #roadtogeneva
All proceeds will support the campaign and help us to build Free Humanity.
Purchase here:
NB Delivery is only available to the UK for sale items.
It's not over.
We can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since the Geneva Rally already!
It's been wonderful to witness to amazing support for the event and to see people's photos and stories being shared online from the convoy and the rally.
Our objective for the rally was very simple:
To proclaim our independence, freedom and right to self determination.
51 speakers, many partner organisations and thousands of activists from around the world came together to make this powerful statement right outside the UN office in Geneva.
This message has resonated with millions of people around the world who share our concerns about the latest impositions from the World Health Organization.
However, simply making a powerful statement is not enough.
Whilst we're all proud of what we accomplished with the #roadtogeneva and the #wearethechange rally, the reality is that our work has only just begun.
The amendments to the International Health Regulations were passed and whilst the Pandemic Treaty has been delayed, it is still very much on the path to adoption.
Now we must continue to work to strategically resist the corporatisation and corruption of public health on a global scale, whilst paving the road to better alternatives that:
- Respect individual choice in public health decisions
- Address the root cause of disease and prioritise natural wellness
- Eliminate conflicts of interest and corruption within public health
We're in the process of reviewing the #roadtogeneva and will soon be publishing the feedback and full accounting from the project.
You will also receive an invite to our final #roadtogeneva open call this Thursday at 8pm UK time.
To help us to plan our next actions we welcome your feedback to help us shape future projects.
Please click the link here to complete our feedback survey
Get your Free Humanity Gear
Grab yourself a Road to Geneva memento from our range of t-shirts, hoodies and hats or make a statement with one of our Free Humanity signature pieces to send a message wherever you go!
We make a small surplus on each order which will all be used to help fund this campaign!
The #RoadToFreedom
Our work in Geneva is just the beginning.
We'll be taking a short break to debrief so that we can review and reflect upon our first campaign before we embark on our next stop on the Road to Freedom with the UN's Summit of the Future in September in our sights as our next major international coalition event!
If you appreciate our work with this campaign please consider making a donation by clicking the button below:
Road to Geneva Convoy | Free Humanity (Powered by Donorbox)
What Impact Will This Make?
The rally in Geneva above all else demonstrated our international solidarity and resolve. We will not back down and we will continue to move forwards, independent of the will of the unelected and unaccountable global organisations.
Despite our efforts we were disappointed to learn that the World Health Organization pushed through the amendments to the International Health Regulations in an emergency meeting at the last hour, nonetheless, together, we helped to drastically water down what began as a dystopian set of additions to the existing regulations.
We maintain that the existing International Health Regulations are not fit for purpose and we will continue to work to prevent the IHR amendments from being adopted into domestic legislation in the wake of the demonstration in Geneva, and work towards these regulations being scrapped.
More positively, we are pleased to learn that the Pandemic Treaty has been delayed. The treaty risks enshrining the spirit of ineffective and harmful pandemic interventions into an international treaty that could see public health emergencies of international concern being declared without appropriate scrutiny or oversight.
We now have a long road ahead with much work do be done to ensure that both of these documents are prevented from coming into force.
"It's in the moments when you can't see us, that we are working the hardest for humanity" Marco Bruin
Our panel of international lawyers have already met to discuss our legal options, and we are working on joined up strategies across the world to demonstrate how the W.HO has become corrupted by private and corporate interests and is not fit for purpose in it's current form and under it's present leadership.
Sign the Free Humanity open letter calling on government representatives to:
Sign here:
Open Letter: Reject the Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments
Sign the Open Letter to Reject the Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments
We DID it. #WeAreTheChange
We're incredibly proud of what we accomplished with the #roadtogeneva and the #wearethechange rally with the support of our partners and activists from across the world
We'll never forget some of the magic moments on the convoy or the greeting we received when we arrived at the convoy basecamp with hundreds of activists from all across Europe and around the world
This is the first time that organisations and activists from across the world have come together in one location with a united mission to reject the agenda the W.H.O and the rally has been described as one of the largest acts of defiance that Geneva has seen in recent years.
Having reached millions of people around the globe online, it's our hope that more people around the world will now join us on the road to freedom.
We'd like to thank everyone who joined us on the convoy and at the rally and extend our thanks to each of our partners on this project, our Free Humanity core team, all of our Road To Geneva volunteers and every single person who donated or cheered us on!
Watch the rally in full here:
You can also see Dan's livestream from the march here:
LIVE: We Are The Change Geneva Rally
Join us live from Geneva for the We Are The Change Rally where we will say NO to the W.H.O and YES to our Freedoms! Donate to support the campaign
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Last updated 1Â week, 4Â days ago
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Last updated 6Â months ago
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Last updated 3Â weeks, 5Â days ago