Last updated 2Β months, 3Β weeks ago
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or it can be shortened to EXR is a squad in Roleplayer which was built on June 24 2022 the theme of street children x Genk motorbike in black and white.
β¬ sitting equally, standing without a king. Slogan resmi milik EXR SQ
β¬The EXR SQ was founded directly by REJA and assisted by other admins.
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βββ§???????.?itania is the nickname or title for the ?OUNDER of ??????. Titania itself is the largest natural satellite of the planet ?ranus and the eighth largest natural satellite in the Solar System with a diameter of 1,578 km. Titania was discovered by William Herschel in 1787 and named after a fairy queen in William Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. And β¦β β€β’β putdn hersclxr for the ?OUNDER.
βββ§??????. ?beron is the nickname or title for the ?o-?ounder of ??????. Oberon itself has a meaning, meaning that Oberon is the second largest satellite of ?ranus after Titania, and the ninth largest satellite in the Solar System. Its density was recorded at 1.63 g/cmΒ³, which is greater than that of a typical Saturnian satellite, indicating that Oberon is composed of equal parts of ice and non-ice. And for our ?o-?ounder putdn β¦β β€β’β oberonlxr .
βββ§?????. ?riel is a nickname or title for the ?WNER of ??????. Ariel also means the fourth largest satellite among the 27 satellites of ?ranus. Ariel orbits and rotates in ?ranus's equatorial plane, which is nearly perpendicular to Uranus's orbit, so it experiences extreme seasonal cycles. For putdn ?WNER β¦β β€β’β arielxr.
βββ§???????. ?mbriel is a nickname or title used for the ?o-?wner of ??????. Umbriel means a satellite of ?ranus which was discovered on October 24, 1851 by William Lassell. This satellite was discovered at the same time as the Ariel satellite and is named after a character in Alexander Pope's poem The Rape of the Lock. And for the ?o-?wner β¦β β€β’β putdn umbrielxr.
βββ§???????. ?iranda is the nickname or title for ?ORE of ??????. Miranda itself has a meaning, meaning that Miranda is the smallest and closest satellite of Uranus to the planet ?ranus from the five main satellites of ?ranus. With a diameter of only 470 km, Miranda is one of the smallest objects in the Solar System that rotates under its own gravity. And for the ?ORE putdn β¦β β€β’β miranlxr.
βββ§????. ?uck is a nickname or title used for ?EAM from ??????. Puck means the inner satellite of the planet ?ranus. This satellite was discovered by the Voyager 2 space probe in 1985. Puck's orbit lies between the ?ranus and Miranda Rings. The puck is roughly spherical in shape and has a diameter of about 162 km. And for ?EAM β¦β β€β’β putdn gamalxr.
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ΰ³ΰΏ ??????? ? : Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is the planet with the third largest radius and fourth largest mass in the Solar System. Uranus is also the only planet named after a character in Greek mythology.Uranus also has faint rings. The inner rings are narrow and dark. The outer rings are brightly colored and easier to see.
ΰ³ΰΏ ??????? ?? ?????? β Fragile is covered together. The main purpose of joining ?????? is to look after the house. And if you feel vulnerable and vulnerable, then we will always be there. Welcoming you, because someone's weakness can be covered and will be treated with togetherness. Now Leuxor is here to remove your fragile soul which will be replaced with happiness.
ΰ³ΰΏ ??????? ??? : It was two years later that the object was universally accepted as a new planet, in part because of observations by astronomer Johann Elert Bode. Herschel tried unsuccessfully to name his discovery Georgium Sidus after King George III. Instead, the scientific community accepted Bode's suggestion to name it Uranus, the Greek god of the sky, as suggested by Bode.
ΰ³ΰΏ ??????? ??????? : ??????
?e use leuxor, lxr, and xor as our identity. Don't copy us, and we don't accept any plagiarism in any form, because all matters relating to leuxor are purely from our thoughts.
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Last updated 2Β months, 3Β weeks ago