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?????the soceity of actuaries ireland is in on the palter,
fortunately actuaries are terrible liars,
the genocidal maniacs that the men and women of ireland trusted to manage their health are becoming entangled by their own lies while ireland has the second highest excess mortality in europe. make no mistake the reason ireland has the second highest excess mortality in europe is because our government is more interested in covering up their crimes than saving life and suffering, many of the people who are dying could have been saved or had their livves greatly extended or had their suffering greatly reduced if our government had the courage to face their crimes.
why would an acutarial soceity leave out 700 dead bodies out of their numbers, why would an actuarial soceity then use an average of a year with 54 excess deaths and a year with 1044 excess deaths to base their conclusions on.
they are not actuaries they are in on the palter they are fucking savages
remember this when they are looking for clemency
anyone got the definition of the word "rare" our government is using to justify the removal of the johnson and johnson poison because of "rare" side effects, and the removal of the asta zenca poison because of "rare" side effects but the continuation of the pfizer poison with "rare" side effects and the moderna poison with "rare"side effects or is it that pfizer with 81 convictions for fraud and false claims are more capable of manipulating their parners in our government
i aksed god to give me the courage to hold his creations in the reverence they deserve and to stop all damage done to the children hurt by the ultra sexist indoctrination in the trans cult
these trans pedophiles are ultra sexists really,
they are cutting boy and girls up with blades while recomending and taking drugs
thats ultra
and it has nothing to do with organ harvesting of children missing from tusla porn production studios,
it just happens to occur under the same minster
a cost must be imposed. these garda tactics dont work on the m50, 5 seperate assemblies at 5 different exits, hold them for an hour then move to another motorway exit and another and another the government has never been weaker, but the boot in now lads, break them now so we get no more corrupt legislation from this dail, bring the capital to a halt occupy dublin
after the scenes in newtownmountkennedy i am convinced drew harris has ilegally set up a second police force in ireland
if had a couple of vaccine damaged lawyers who knew they were poisoned i could strip these cop naked in the street, leave them with nothing only what god gave them
but i dont because all the lawyers are too busy pretending they're not dying
they are disrupting peacful assembly, this is unlawful behaviour, it is a crime against the nation, and they are under oath to that nations state
they deserve the most severe punishments available to the courts
i would aslo say since the state cant produce the original of the 1924 court enactment act, the court set up by delores cahill is the only lawfully established court in the land
ha, fuckin ejits
@johnwaters i just heard you were running for MEP in the west, thank you for all you have sacrificed for our great nation and i am certain you are one of the great irish men who will restore the status of our nation among the nations.
greatness is achieved through sacrifice and suffering
you are great john
and you will win in the west
i say i will plead guilty to the charge and write a letter of apology to det kerrigans boss if det kerrigan can reason me in writing to this email address away from my interpreation of the data i have submitted
i say although i am confident and i expect this case will be over in the shortest possible delay so i also say this offer is open ended for the purposes of reason
i say i have numerous areas of argument available to me sucessfully defend myself from the charge before the court
i say i will forego the benefits of all other argument for my innocents if det kerrigan can reason me away from my interpretation of the data i have submitted to him in writing.
i say i am certified as an industrial engineer
i say i understand numbers very well
i say i understand these numbers very well
i say i am greatful for det kerrigans demeanor yesterday and i will plead guilty and apologise in the shortest possible delay if i am wrong about the data within in the terms of our duscussion in the lobby of cloverhill high court 1 march 2023
i say i give you my word john i will be resonable in the discussion of our business, i will plead gulity and i will apologise if i am wrong
i say there is excess mortality happening in ireland
i say stephen donnely has told lies about excess mortality to the nation while under oath to the republic
i say the cabinet and oireachtas are guilty of the same crimes by operation of a common design
namely "paltering"
i say the natrual order must be restored
dara o flaherty
2 march 2024
why the gardai drop the charges against me recently?
they scrapped the charges because i swore to a judge in a statement of truth and left myself no way out of it, that i would plead guilt if the detective could reason me out of my positon.
an unrebutted affadavit is law he had 28 days to rebutt, the assertion in this email are law because they were unchallanged for so long
my attitude has changed
this is all the authority i need
time to go back to courts on the offensive
they backed down on the charges it was the only way they could avoid the data i presented them being put infront of a judge, unfortunately for them when they changed the charges, both the data and this email were no longer evidence before the court so i am free to publish them both, i will of course be resubmitting this evidence for the new charges just after going public and there by remain in honor in the septic tank we call a justice system
ya know the four courts are built on top of four brothels (follow me up to monto monto), for the pimps, to distribute the legal aid money
i sent this emali to my lawyer the attorney general the judge and the dpp, the buckeled like the cheap whores they are
[email protected]
[email protected]
2 Mar at 15:49
6 attachments
to whom it concerns
i submit this statement of truth under the miscellaneous provisions act 2021
i dara o flaherty of 18 years or more an engineer from the townland of castlegar a natural man on the soil of his ancestors make this declaration from facts within my knowledge i understand that if i make a decalartion here i know to be false i may be held liable for fine or imprisonment.
i say that i attended cloverhill high court in dublin ireland yesterday 1 march 2024
i say i met det kerrigan of galway gardai in the court room
i say i offered det kerrigan a copy of the irish goverment data from the central statistics office and the general registrations office related to mortality in ireland over the last number of years.
i say i offered det kerrigan a sumation of one the modules of my reasoning in the matters before the court in the form of a tables containing both records and predictions
i say det kerrigan offered to discuss the data i had just offered him outside the court room in the lobby
i say i accepted det kerrigans offer to further discuss the data in the lobby and i say that after that discussion i provided det kerrigan with a paper copy of the data mentioned above which he accepted
i say further to our meeting i sent det kerrigan an email at containing electronic copies of the data refered to above
i say there is also a copy of this data attached to this email
i say in seven days from noon yesterday i expect det kerrigan will have made substantial effort to reason me away from my interpretation of the data or into his interpretation of the data as these are matters of life and death
i say det kerrigan may argue or reason in writing about the data i have submitted, by email to this email address,
i say det kerrigans responses that are not based in fact or figure or his response that are from outside his juristriction will be saved to a file submitted as an article of evidence against the prosecution called "common design by paltering" see file attached
i say if det kerrigan fails to reasonably dissuade me of my position on the data above within the seven days my attitude will change
i say when q4 2022 numbers are fianlised at the end of march my attiude will change
i say i am ready for trial at our next appearance in the district court,
i say the only standard of evidence or argument det kerrigan has to meet to change my position on the data i have submitted to him is the standard of "reason".
i say i do not require det kerrigan to meet the standard of reasonable doubt as in a criminal sense to dissuade me of my interpretation of the data
i say i do not require det kerrigan to meet the standard of "proponderance of evidence" as in a civil sense to dissuade me of my interpretation of the data
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