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⚡️Texnologik jarayonlarni boshqarishda strategik qarorlar qabul qila oladigan yosh kadrlarni tayyorlash maqsadida texnika oliygohlari huzurida 8 ta ilg‘or muhandislik maktabi ish boshladi. Joriy yilda yana 17 ta shunday maktab ochilishi rejalashtirilgan.
Tadbirkorlar yosh xodimlarni ishga qabul qilib, ularga kamida 3 million so‘m miqdorida oylik maosh to‘lasa, ijtimoiy soliq stavkasi 1 foiz etib belgilandi.
Endilikda, xorijiy tillardan “C1” darajasiga ega bo‘lgan yoshlar tashabbus ko‘rsatib, olis va chekka hududlarda chet tillariga ixtisoslashgan o‘quv markazlari ochsa, ularga 120 million so‘mgacha foizsiz ssuda ajratiladi. Shuningdek, xususiy o‘quv markazlarida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganayotgan yoshlarga xarajatlari “2+6” shaklida qoplab berilishi alohida ta’kidlandi.
Dunyoning nufuzli “Top-100” oliygohlarida ilmiy daraja olgan, 35 yoshgacha bo‘lgan yosh olimlarga uy-joy sotib olish uchun 10 yil muddatga 800 million so‘mgacha foizsiz ssuda ajratilishi belgilandi.
Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti, Axborot texnologiyalari universiteti, Kimyo-texnologiya instituti, Turin, Inha kabi jami 36 ta texnika oliygohi rektorlari sun’iy intellekt, robototexnika, dronlar, kiberxavfsizlik kabi innovatsion yo‘nalishlarda “Oliygoh kubogi” tanlovini e’lon qildi. Eng yaxshi startap loyihalari tijoratlashtirilishi ko‘zda tutilgan.
Yoshlar masalasi parlament va mahalliy Kengash deputatlari faoliyatida ham ustuvor yo‘nalishlardan biri sifatida ko‘rib chiqilishi lozimligi ta’kidlandi.
🔁 English
✨Faqat bitta muhim jihati shundaki, bu katta e’tibor va imkoniyatlar aynan biz, yoshlar uchun ekanini chuqur his qilgan holda, bor kuchimiz va shijoatimiz bilan ulardan to‘g‘ri hamda samarali foydalanishga intilishimiz zarur. Ana shunda, prezidentimiz ta'kidlaganlaridek, katta natijalar bizniki bo‘ladi.
SC Ministry of Education
#Question8 #result #daily_quiz
✅The correct answer is:
Gelendzhik is a resort city in the Krasnodar Krai of the Russian Federation. It was founded in 1831 and was previously known as Torik, Pagra, and Yeptala. It gained city status in 1915.
Many people associate the name of the city with the Turkish word "gelinçik"
(meaning "bride"), but this is incorrect.
According to V.A. Nikonov, the toponym was named by Arab travelers and originated from the word "Xelenj," which means "tree."
⚡️Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊
🥇Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
🥈Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
🥉Boltayev Odil FED4
Best regards
SC Education Ministry
The correct answer is:10th guest gets the largest portion.
Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊
🥇Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
🥈Dilshodov Khasan FED4
🥉Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
❕The rating above is based on response time.
Best regards
SC Education Ministry
Good evening! Hey Juniors how’s it going on? Ready to ace your exams? ? ⚡️We’re here to help with Peer Tutorial Sessions Tomorrow (7th December) to make studying easier! ? Subjects & Details: 1️⃣ Computer Architecture ? Time: 13:00-15:00 ?? Tutor: Sayidolimkhon…
❕❕Friendly Reminder:
Dear 1st and 2nd-year students, please don't forget about today's mock exams, and JSE students, remember your tutorial sessions!
⏰In just one hour, we will start sharp at 13:00.
Be on time!
The correct answer is: Pakhtakor metro station
Here are the participants who submitted the correct answer for the December 6th quiz. Great job?
?Muhammadsodiq Doniyorbekov FSE2
?Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
?Khasan Dilshodov FED4
4. Yoqubjanov Mansurxon JIM1
5. Sardorbek Po'latov FE1
6. Begamov Sardorjon SME1
7. Javohirbek Nurmuhammadov SED4
8. Almanov Hayitali FCS2
9. Komiljonov Shukurulloh FP1
10.Nabijonov Xondamir FED4
Best regards
*? Attention, Senior Students!*
On September 12th, we have a special opportunity for you to meet with the university administration, including:
- Bakhtiyor Yuldashev (Pro-rector)
- Bahodir Ahmedov (Pro-rector)
- Hilola Nazirova (Pro-rector)
- Academic Affairs Department
- Student Affairs Department
- University Lawyer
? Date: September 12th
? Time: 12:00
⏰ Audience: Senior Students Only
*?Location*: Conference hall
This is your chance to ask any questions and get direct answers from the administration. Whether it’s about your academic path, student rights, or future career plans, don’t miss this opportunity to gain clarity!
? Prepare your questions in advance and be ready for an open discussion. Be proactive and take responsibility for your future!
Don’t be careless – your future is in your hands. See you there!
‼️Reminder: Group Leader and Department Representative Selection Deadline Approaching! ?
Attention all students (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors):
This is a friendly reminder that the selection process for Group Leaders and Department Representatives is coming to an end!
Important Details:
- Deadline: Today
- Action Required: Please bring your signed papers to the @gulnozkomilova
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to represent your peers and make a difference in our community!
Best regards
Student council
Dear students,
We would like to announce that retake course registration is open now. The students who have fails in modules are asked to approach Registrar Office in room 103 and consult with Registrar for further assistance and filling the retake course application out. Please be informed that the deadline is until September 6,2024.
REMINDER: Registrar 's office will not guarantee to enroll you all the retake courses in the application, because RO will review each application and check the class availability and your schedules before enrolling you.
Best regards, Registrar Office
Everyone thinks that the team of the Ministry of Education is small. We are all one family. My advisors, Department Representatives, Group Leaders and the most important people are our Young Teachers who teach extra lessons to help students, this is the education team. Thank you all very much. ✨?
As I finish my work for this year, I wish good luck to the next Minister of Education. I hope I helped every student as much as I could. I'm sorry if I missed something. During this year, I worked hard with my team, we helped students as much as we could from the educational side. I hope you enjoyed our service. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team once again. And at least I would like to mention the names of my advisors, they did their best.
Asilbek Mukhammadiev
Fahriddin Hayitov
Nurmuhammad Rakhmatov
Sardor Botirov
Sogdiana Ravshanova
Shoxrux Abdug'aniyev
Thank you guys.
Good luck for everyone in their studies. ☺️??
Best regards,
Rukhsora Toirova
Education Minister of Renaissance
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