RiseUp Collective

RiseUp Collective created to collaborate for those who have a vision for all.
In Peace, Love & Unity
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Last updated 6 days, 16 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 day, 19 hours ago

2 months, 2 weeks ago


Some good news me thinks another chink in the pharma armour


💥💉 HUGE! Dr. David Martin Explains the Landmark Court Ruling That Opens Door For LAWSUITS Against COVID Vaccine Manufacturers!

The COVID "vaccines" aren't vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacture

Some good news me thinks another chink in the pharma armour
2 months, 3 weeks ago
RiseUp Collective
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Download and print, put it on …

Download and print, put it on windows and doors. Read it.

He who does not know his rights, has none!

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Blissful rising discoverers

How are ye?

Trusting ye are navigating these times by honouring yourself?

If not, why not?

What barriers or limiting beliefs, if any, do ye hold about being true to ye?

Always with kind curiosity

Have an awesome day

Love and gratitude

Helen 💞

4 months, 3 weeks ago

This 🥰

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Blissful rising discoverers

Inspired by a video I saw this morning, two videos actually.

The first about a mother wanting to know how to protect her child from internet dangers. The answer, don't let them engage with the internet and build their self esteem so that they are confident in who they are. Acknowledging that this is hard.

What is your default when something is hard? Hard doesn't mean it's impossible, it may be difficult, uncomfortable and a struggle, still possible.

Something may be hard when you don't know how or are unfamiliar with what is presented. Hard is also unique to each, what ye may consider hard may be easy for another and vice versa.

Explore your perceptions of what is hard and what this means to you.

Finding something hard may encourage ye to evaluate it's worth. Is it worth my time, energy, . . . that will only be answered by you. It may be hard because your doing what someone else desires and you're just not into it. Whose drumbeat are you walking to? May be time to walk to your own. Only you can determine whether something is hard.

The other video was one that made me laugh. Belly laugh. Love that.

So today ye are encouraged to find something that brings forth laughter to your world, especially when your finding it hard.

Always with kind curiosity

Have an awesome day

Love and gratitude

Helen 💞

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Blissful rising discoverers

I was fortunate to attend a workshop on astronomolgy (hope I've spelt it right) the reunification of astronomy and astrology. Both subjects have always made little sense to me, stars that I see are not there by the time I see them, daily horoscopes 🤷🏽‍♀️

Learning about the three zodiacs, our calendars and more, it was illuminating and empowering. My innerstanding of the cosmos has definitely expanded, if only a wee bit.

What have you done recently that challenged your status quo and pushed you out of your comfort zone? Could be a workshop, course, ate new foods, began a new regime . . .

Challenging our norms, I believe, is necessary. As change is the only constant seeing how we influence those changes makes sense. Exploring new ideas, or rediscovering old ones that need some space. We don't have to embody all that is presented, we can leave what does not resonate with us. Have we become incapable of disagreeing, of acknowledging that something is not for us. There is a very definite push to become a clone of one ideology. To all think and be the same, of course you have choice, this or that! You can express your individuality through your aesthetic, you may look different from others, well if you can find different stores, that's where the second hand/vintage/thrift stores come into play. How much of how you present yourself is you and not what you've been offered as choice?

Ye are encouraged to explore your relationship with the status quo and the choices presented. Do they challenge, aid or hinder your authentic expression of you?

Always with kind curiosity

Have an awesome day

Love and gratitude

Helen 💞

5 months ago

Blissful rising discoverers

Today is all things garden, at least that is my intention. Only by the end of the day will I know if this intention has been borne out.

Setting intentions of how ye wish your day, life to be is vitally important, having and holding a vision of the world ye wish to create and inhabit; what it smells, looks, tastes, sounds and feels like. Involving all of your senses. Utilising your connection to the divine to manifest and bring into being. When setting your intentions and creating your vision, a question to ask when making decisions on what to do - 'Does this takes me closer to my vision?' if the answer is no, why are you putting your energy into it. Sometimes our vision alters, that's good and ok remain open to life's unfurling.

As I said only at the end of the day will I know if I held true to my intention, the hurdles that may appear, the distractions that may present or the motivation to execute these and not yet known influences will all play their part in how my intention today shapes. A major force of influence will be how I react or respond to what presents. The power always belongs to me.

Today ye are encouraged to explore your relationship with your intentions and how you respond to what presents before you in relation to your intentions.

Always with kind curiosity

Have an awesome day

Love and gratitude

Helen 💞

5 months ago

Blissful rising discoverers

When was the last time ye had a good laugh?

For me it was this morning, an Instagram reel, had me crying, jaw aching belly laugh. Didn't expect it, yet so grateful for it.

What I've found is that I don't know what is going to activate my laughter. Which can be problematic, I've laughed at things I thought I'd been heartbroken about, I've laughed at misery, people falling, sneezes and snots, I've laughed at calamity and strife. I've laughed when nervous, excited and bewildered. I know ye have too.

As the decades pass by I've become comfortable with my laughter. My laugh has been described in many ways: a whores laugh, a dirty laugh, a loud laugh, an inappropriate laugh, and many more ways. Initially others judgements about my laughter caused me to endeavour to suppress, especially when others were stern faced. Sometimes it just blurted out, without permission or requesting space, often with the contents of my mouth.

I no longer suppress my laughter, I find myself hilarious at times and am sooo grateful that I can laugh with and at myself, with a love and joy that makes me smile to think about.

I enjoy hearing laughter, I enjoy watching others laugh, I can't think of anything negative about laughter, apart from laughing at others misfortune, even though I have.

I've laughed hysterically when distraught, I've laughed instead of crying at my pain. I've used laughter to hide, I've used it to distract.

Do you consider yourself to have a sense of humour? Humour is unique to all of us, it is not a hard fastened state.

Jimmy Carr a UK comedian once said 'you can be offended, or you can laugh, you can't laugh then be offended' in these revelatory times we find ourselves being offended is worn as a badge of honour for some, doesn't mean I'm offensive though!

Laughter is medicine, comedians offer us an opportunity to see ourselves through the veils of laughter, the good, the bad, the ugly and let us know it's ok. That's excellent comedy, to reveal our nature and bring us joy and a space to explore our world. One of the reasons that comedians appeared to remain silent in the past four years.

Today ye are encouraged to explore your relationship with laughter, do you cover your mouth, are you a ha ha ha, he he he or ho ho ho? Or something entirely different. Do you allow yourself the gift of laughter or find it a nuisance?

Always with kind curiosity

Have an awesome day

Love and gratitude

Helen 💞

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/start

Last updated 6 days, 16 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 day, 19 hours ago