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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

7 months, 1 week ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 26.07.2024
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: indian woman
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:
- hometown
- house chores
- movies

Part 2:
Describe a historical building you have been to
‣ what it is
‣ what it looks like
‣ what it is used for now
‣ what you learned there

Part 3:
- related to historical buildings

P.S: (everything was perfect)

P.S2: (if you want a high score, then get ready seriously?)

Well done ???

7 months, 1 week ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 26/07/2024
Test Centre: Innovative Center,
Venue/City: Samarkand
Examiner: his name was a little bit complicated to memorize but  he has ocean eyes and British
Candidate: Nozima
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:
-Hometown( is that busy city or quiet and another related questions
-differences between online and paper reading

P.S questions weren't from app but similar

Part 2:
Describe a party you went

Part 3:
- related to part 2 but not from app at all
-about organizations such as Olympic games and so on.
- what's the main purpose of such organized events among countries
... Some personal questions about Uzbekistan. I guess it was "what do you think such bigger organizations will be held in Uzbekistan in the future and blah blah blah

P.S: the examiner reminded my history teacher I mean "qitmir" and foxy man. I talked with him like my old buddy?. Kulib turib joningni olaman deganday qildi xullas.

Break a leg guys... I did my best to explain atmosphere and questions. And I suggest you guys not to worry. Examiner is not death angel?.

P.S2: my main exam is tomorrow.. I would be happy if you make a dua for me.
Well done

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7 months, 1 week ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 24.07.2024.
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Tashkent, Irrigation University
Examiner: I don't know but he was nice
Candidate: me
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:
- hometown
- listening to music
- library

Part 2:
Describe unusual meal that you eat
Extra question: with whom do you share this experience

Part 3:
- Some weird questions about food transportation and AI meals

P.S: ( I think I messed up. Guys, if you can't answer to one question in Part 1 and speaker asked an extra question during part 2, how this will effect on overall score ?)


7 months, 1 week ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 22.07.2024. 11:20
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Tashkent - at the irrigation university
Examiner: Greg
Candidate: Madina Abdurazzakova
Exam type: Speaking in person.

Part 1:
- Part 1 - Hometown
- Doing household chores
- Movies.
( other questions are down to my answers )

Part 2:
Describe an old person.
(Not an interesting old person)

- When did u meet her?
(It was a short question,  I said right the before)

Part 3:
- Part 3
Out of app questions
Nothing was given by app.
He interrupted me more and more

Retaired person:
1) What do they do if they have free time
(Watching TV,  going to the beauty of nature )
2) If they haven't money, what do u do?
3) the proportion of people are equal the middle ages,  younger generations and older people
4) What will be in the future?
5) How can guess about future life? ( overpopulation)
6) Why is it being like?!
( many countryside of people are coming to live in a big city)
7) How can the government encourage to spend their time lively?
8) What ages people should retaire?

( overall part 3 was a little bit tricky and difficult, he gave me questions from his own perspective  but I tried to manage to speak nonstop,  I didn't lose my fluency)

P.S: I'd say he was really really friendly. I had a blast . Thanks to his manner, I could speak more confidently.  The exam was not challenging that I expected. It is easy if students have general speaking knowledge base.

P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other  exams were particularly difficult for you) not yet,
it will be on 27th July.
Well done

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7 months, 2 weeks ago

B2 **/ C1 phrases, collocations and idioms

Part*1️⃣* B2 phrases

Part 2️⃣ C1 phrases

Part 3️⃣ C1 phrases Part 4️⃣ C1 collocations Part 5️⃣ C1 adjectives Part 6️⃣B2 phrases Part 7️⃣ B1 phrases

Part 8️⃣ Beautiful C1 idioms

Part 9️⃣ B2 phrases

Part 1️⃣0️⃣ Proverbs

Part 1️⃣1️⃣ C1 grammar structures

Part 1️⃣2️⃣ B2 phrases

Part 1️⃣3️⃣ C1 collocations

Part 1️⃣4️⃣ B2 words

Part 1️⃣5️⃣ My favorite idioms

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 14.07.2024
Test Centre: ... IDP
Venue/City: Tashkent, Cambridge university
Examiner: -
Candidate: -
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:
-what excited you when you were a child
- Is climbing and skydiving exciting for you (related to exciting activities)

Part 2:
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goals

Part 3:
- Do you think money is the most important motivating factor at work?
- How can parents and teachers motivate children to study more?
- Is it good for factory workers to compete each other ? And what are there any benefits for company?
Other questions related to motivation and encouragement

P.S: (imtixon yaxshi eng muhim hayajon bolmasligi kerak examiner kozi katta katta oq sochli tolachadan kelgan odam tanidiganlar bormi yaxshi qoyib beradimi ?)

P.S2: (11.07.2024. Writing pie chart discussion some people say that hosting international sport events bring advantages others say it has drawbacks mi shunga oxshash mavzu). Hammaga omad!
Well done

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7 months, 2 weeks ago
7 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 07.07.2024
Examiner: I couldn't hear his name
Candidate: Baxtiyor
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1
hometown (busy or not)
city (well know for)2x different question
social media (using a lot or not)

Part 2:

about decision (someone made decision which was important)

2xshort questions about making desicions

because I didn't answer fully covered

Part 3:

whole topic was about sharing things

P.S: (test was super, result was super for me because i didn't expect of getting 6.5 i thought that i would take 5.5 or maximum 6, the thing is in part 3 asking 4-5 questions only about one topic was too difficult to cover, maybe it's because of my first and second answer wasn't so good, but as a human he could change the topic after seeing my these struggling answers )

P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you)
Well done

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7 months, 4 weeks ago

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 03.06.2024
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Tashkent. Irrigation university
Examiner: old English man
Candidate: Iroda
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:

-How have you been living that area?
-Spending time family
-Small business from app
1) Where do you prefer
2) Are there small businesses around

Part 2:
Describe an activity that you enjoyed when you were young

Part 3:
-Activities for children
-About attitudes of parents for activities
- What do you think nowadays people have work-life balance?
- Is there any difference in the way people spend their free time nowadays and past?
- Regularly breaks at schools

P.S: (be natural, the examiner tried to support me and i liked his attitude )

P.S2: (-)

Well done ???

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago