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Promoting European proactivity by exposing Messianic passivity.

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3 months, 1 week ago

*The only culture that the Vikings were a bit weary of was Christianity.

[Christian Nationalists] don't like brown things coming into their lands from the Middle East with foreign ideologies and worldviews being forced upon your people. What do you think Christianity was?

Christianity didn't even get a foothold until our own treacherous leaders planted it from the inside and made it no longer possible to fight off.*


Full video here.


3 months, 2 weeks ago
*There are still a lot of …

*There are still a lot of myths and legends circulating about the so-called "Christian catacombs" under the city of Rome.

The myth still abounds that Christians built these catacombs, or hid in them, to gather and worship, in order to avoid persecution. It will even be claimed Christians hid in these underground graveyards during the persecution of Nero in 64 AD. All of that is false.

Christians only gradually started sharing them in the third century, with no special control or ownership over them; and only started building their own later in the third or fourth century. Visiting the dead in them was already a pagan custom, so there was never anything secret about them.

No evidence of Christian presence in the catacombs predates 200 AD. So there were no Christian catacomb burials in the time of Nero (60s AD), for example, nor even in the time of Domitian (90s AD) or Marcus Aurelius (160s AD).*


Full article here.


5 months, 2 weeks ago
*"After [Jesus'] death [his] lowly disciples …

*"After [Jesus'] death [his] lowly disciples formed themselves into a communistic brotherhood. A sermon their late leader had once delivered upon a hillside summed up for them the essence of his teachings, and they made it their rule of life."

"It was a philosophy calculated to appeal profoundly to humble people. It comforted those who suffered here on earth with promised rewards beyond the grave. It made virtues of necessities of the weak. Men without hope in the future were admonished to take no thought for the morrow. Men too helpless to resent insult or injury were taught to resist not evil."

"Men condemned to lifelong drudgery and indigence were assured of the dignity of labour and of poverty. The meek, the despised, the disinherited, the downtrodden, were—in the hereafter—to be the elect and favoured of God. The worldly, the ambitious, the rich and powerful, were to be denied admission to heaven."*

— Rothschild biographer Marcus Eli Ravage [source]


5 months, 2 weeks ago
A typical and age-old display of …

A typical and age-old display of the Christian's visceral hatred for the Gods of Europe in the comment section of a Zeus veneration ritual in preparation for the Olympic Games—likely not knowing that the games originated as a religious festival in honor of the King of the Gods in 776 BCE.

The last documented celebration was in 393 during the reign of Christian Emperor Theodosius I, who initiated the war on paganism and whose grandson ordered the destruction of the Temple of Zeus in 426. The Olympics weren't revived until 1896.


6 months ago


Correct. As prominent Jesuit priest and liturgist Josef Andreas Jungmann stated:

"We may safely assert that in all the two thousand years of the Church's history, no period has ever seen a greater revolution in religious thought and institutions than that which took place in the first five centuries between the close of the patristic age and the dawn of scholasticism [c. 600-1100]."

Another example is the Gosforth Cross (estimated to date from 920 to 950), which also depicts Christ as a warrior—along with Thor and Vidar battling Jörmungandr and Fenris—significantly deviating from the traditional sacrificial lamb narrative.



Survive the Jive: All-feed

“Your pagan ancestors converted to Christianity” they scream, but what is meant here by “Christianity”? The propaganda used to entice the Germanic peoples bore little resemblance to what we now consider to be Christianity. Remember that the majority of people…

7 months, 2 weeks ago
**Our Only Eyewitness Source**

Our Only Eyewitness Source
*A typical con pulled by Christian apologists, is to conflate what our only eyewitness source said (Paul), with what anonymous foreign composers of legends about Jesus said a lifetime later (the Gospels).

When we look to our only actual witness, who is observing and reporting what Christians were preaching several decades before any Gospel was written, he outright says the resurrection of Jesus (the gospel) was known only through private revelation ("not with flesh and blood" but an experience of Jesus "in me," Paul says).

In fact, that is where Paul says he was getting many of the teachings of Jesus as well: private revelations, secret mystical conversations with Jesus in his head.*


Full article here.


7 months, 3 weeks ago
*"**Early Christianity was not a new …

"Early Christianity was not a new non-Jewish philosophy or teaching at its core. It was a Jewish movement amidst several competing groups, also proclaiming that the great moment of Jewish history was upon their generation. The earliest followers of Jesus were Jews, just like him. The Jewish followers of Jesus saw themselves as legitimate and active members of the Jewish community."

— Dr. Juan Marcos Bejarano-Gutierrez (Forgotten Origins)


7 months, 3 weeks ago
**Spartacus vs. Jesus**

Spartacus vs. Jesus

*• Sallust's Histories covered Spartacus. He was born 10 years before the Spartacan war and wrote 30 years after, and shared the Senate with those who fought Spartacus.

• Cicero mentions Spartacus in Response to the Haruspices and Against Verres. He served during the Spartacan war.

• Diodorus covered Spartacus in his Library of History. He was a contemporary.

• Varro mentioned him (as quoted by Sosipater Charisius in Grammatical Arts 1.133). He actually fought Spartacus.

• Plus many later credible histories (within 100-200 years) using contemporary records and sources.*We have none of these things for Jesus.


Full article here.


8 months ago
**Prophets For Demons**

Prophets For Demons
*Jupiter, Aphrodite, Bacchus and Isis; all of them, in the eyes of Christian writers, were demonic. In sermon after sermon, tract after tract, Christian preachers and writers reminded the faithful in violently disapproving language that the "error" of the pagan religions was demonically inspired. It was demons who first put the "delusion" of other religions into the minds of humans, these writers explained.

It was demons who had foisted the gods upon "the seduced and ensnared minds of human beings." Everything about the old religions was demonic. As Augustine thundered: "All the pagans were under the power of demons. Temples were built to demons, altars were set up to demons, priests ordained for the service of demons, sacrifices offered to demons, and ecstatic ravers were brought in as prophets for demons."*


From: The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey.


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