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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
The Bright Brief returned to kick off what's already been an incredibly hot August in the Info War.
This past week, I covered everything from the Walz of the Progressives to Donald Trump's latest masterclass in Narrative Warfare, with a couple of pit stops along the way to touch on a Flash Cash Crash and what it signifies in the broader financial landscape, as well as the 9/11 Plea Deal (and its subsequent withdrawal,) and the Tribunals of it all.
These pieces are shorter than my usual fare and attempt to fuse my Macro concepts with more current "news," all through the framing of the Mind War as we head toward a series of cascading inflection points.
We're in a War of Stories, and we have better writers.
Subscribe for free to get all Burning Bright content delivered straight to your inbox, and if you enjoy the writing, consider upgrading to a paid membership to support what I do.
Or don't. There's no need to get upset about it.
He whosoever starts up an industrial scale millstone business circa 2025 is going to be a wealthy man.
Don't get trapped into false binaries. Don't think Dualistically. Think Bicamerally.
Venezuelan elections being fraudulent and globalists attempting to force regime change for their benefit are not mutually exclusive positions.
Now, IF they are not mutually exclusive, what are the implications of both not only being possible, but probable?
Well, if we game that out, we see the following Bicameral forming in the Collective (and international) Mind:
1) Widespread, bipartisan and systemic endorsement of the idea that SOME very major elections are obviously rigged, along with the requisite exposures of whatever companies, technologies and NGOs are involved with said rigging, PLUS an implied history of how far back it goes. Loss of Narrative.
2) The fact that this forced regime change has been thwarted (for the time being,) while being publicly opposed by members of the BRICS nations, the Sovereign Alliance and the emerging multipolar world implies a Loss of Actual control.
Game Theory.
Exhibit #1,000 of why you have a choice of whether to react to the narrative cycle or let it pass through you, and observe the path it charts, Atreides-style.
The mass psychological value of the 9/11 plea deal has already been weaponized by Donald Trump and patriots in the Mind War, as it allowed them to paint the current regime as "friendly" to some of the most notorious patsies (err ... terrorists) in American history, while letting the implication hang that there remains information in the possession of these terrorists that could lead us back along the trail of breadcrumbs to the true masterminds of the most infamous day of the current century.
As we discussed this week, most Anons have a pretty good idea of where that trail leads. We can suggest with confidence that Donald Trump and patriots like Ezra Cohen-Watnick know EXACTLY where it leads, and how many branches it has.
Now, they're cultivating the public mandate to follow it.
9/11 ... JFK.
It's all coming back around.
Mapping the Chicks with Dicks at the Olympics argument along Overton’s Goalpost:
DENY ~ Khelif is not a biological male.
DIMINISH ~ Khelif MAY be a biological male, but has lived as a woman so long it shouldn’t provide a meaningful advantage.
QUALIFY ~ Khelif, as a biological male, has a massive advantage over women, BUT that’s no different from rampant steroid abuse and cheating in sport. (So, cheating is good now?)
DISTRACT ~ The REAL controversy at the Olympics is that a convicted pedophile is being allowed to compete. (Sure you want to go there, establishment?)
ADMIT ~ There is no such thing as men or women but also there is and it’s a good thing that we’re purging women from women’s sports while normalizing intersex violence on national TV.
The cognitive dissonance currently assailing true believers in the central narrative is astounding to watch right now.
Try to enjoy the Ouroboros pattern on display.
Communist-Satanist death spiral in full bloom for the world to see.
Recently, Chris Paul started violently questioning 'The Science.'
I let him go for a bit, but then calmly mansplained to him how he should simply consume Science and prepare for delivery of 'Next Science.'
Remember: it's only science if retards make money selling it to you.
My good friends Chris Paul and Patrick Gunnels kick off their new show at the top of the hour on @badlandsmedia.
Hindsight 2020 is a brilliant concept rife with potential.
Looking forward to it.
Hindsight 2020 Ep. 1 - 9:00 PM ET -
Mondays at 9:00 PM ET Episode Archive: Patrick Gunnels and Chris Paul take a look at our recent past through a current lens. Want to Support your Favorite Badlanders? Click here to see how easy it is:
Perhaps the last illogical stand of the anti-MAGA, Con Inc. faithful is to conflate Donald Trump with both Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates and injuries.
I'd call it a straw man argument, but that would imply there's ever been an ounce of underlying merit to the claims.
Trump did everything in his power to curtail the federal enforcement of mandates, left the States to conduct their own enforcement in accordance with the classical tenets of federalism, and, according to many of us, kicked off Operation Warp Speed largely to circumvent the system's ability to keep the engineered pandemic going for the decade or literal generation they intended.
Oh, and as our boy says here, he provided copious information on cheap and effective alternatives to Big Pharma experiments.
The same people telling you Trump has blood on his hands are the same ones promoting live streams announcing their delayed "endorsements" for the man they turned on at the first opportunity circa 2022.
Fuck em'.
“GameStop as a cover story” and/or narrative seeding should be front-of-mind.
Rerun and refresher course on naked short selling before Nunes/$DJT narrative progresses.
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