
“ aku yang tidak pantas untuk dicintai atau kamu yang tidak pernah bersyukur? ”

bot for req & sewa ch: @maverarequest_bot
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Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.

Last updated 1 month ago

Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf

‎Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:

Last updated 2 months ago

join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

9 months, 3 weeks ago

i'm so lucky to have you, i'm always happy when i'm around you, you make me so happy, you're so perfect. you really treat me like a king, you make me feel so lucky to have met a girl like you, i really love u, mungkin kamu udh bosen baca kata kata "i'm so lucky to have you" tapi itu aku bener bener lucky bisa kenal sama kamu, bisa dapetin kamu. aku juga bingung mau gimana lagi ngungkapin nya, kaya ga cukup kalo di ungkapin pake kata kata dan aku harap kamu tetep stay disini bareng aku ya? aku tau ini cuma virtual kamu berhasil buat hidup aku jadi lebih seneng, karna kamu udh banyak ngajarin aku banyak hal. hal hal yang selalu aku ingat setiap saat, cuma kamu yang selalu ada buat aku. aku gatau kalau kamu pergi aku gimana sayang ☹️☹️ people come and go, kita gabisa bareng terus tapi aku mau bareng terus sama kamu, egois aku kalau soal gini. maaf buat hari ini dan hari hari sebelum dan yang akan mendatang ya, aku sayang kamu, selalu dan selamanya. i love you cantik, i love you more.

➹ created by : @maveralouisz
#longtext ver. pacaran virtual ( boy to girl )

(n) klo mau di pake jadi girl to boy juga bisa, tinggal diganti" aja yaa !

9 months, 3 weeks ago

banyak orang bahas tentang sakitnya 'ditinggal', tapi jarang yang bahas sakitnya 'meninggalkan'. padahal sakit juga lho, terpaksa meninggalkan untuk menyayangi & melindungi diri sendiri, dan keluar dari situasi yang sebenernya udah ga sehat

9 months, 3 weeks ago

bagaimana kalau ternyata kamu hidup dengan pasanganmu, aku hidup dengan pasanganku? bagaimana kalau "cinta" yang menurut kita selamanya, ternyata harus tergantikan dengan sosok lainnya? bagaimana cara kita untuk saling berhenti mencintai?

9 months, 3 weeks ago

seaman apapun, sebosen apapun, secape apapun, sebesar apapun kesempatannya, jangan pernah selingkuh

9 months, 3 weeks ago

kadang ngerasa beruntung punya kamu tapi kadang ngerasa "kayanya aku ga kuat deh jalanin hubungan sama kamu"

9 months, 3 weeks ago


  1. your laugh
  2. you're handsome
  3. you're funny
  4. your style
  5. your humor
  6. you're cute
  7. you're beautiful
  8. you're genuine
  9. you're honest
  10. you're trustworthy
  11. you're loyal
  12. you're perfect
  13. you make me feel worthy of love
  14. you make me feel loved
  15. you make me laugh
  16. you make me happy
  17. you're caring
  18. you're accepting
  19. you're supportive
  20. you're helpful
  21. you're always there for me
  22. you check up on me
  23. you're gorgeous
  24. you always put me at my best
  25. you make everyday a better one
  26. you're so patient
  27. you're understanding
  28. you're never judgemental
  29. you're comforting to be around
  30. you're kind
  31. you're generous
  32. you're amazing
  33. you're one in 8 billion
  34. you're sweet
  35. you're loving
  36. you make me smile
  37. you are the reason i go to sleep happy
  38. you are the reason i want to wake up each morning
  39. i love our movie nights
  40. i love our game nights
  41. i love our study calls
  42. i love spending time with you
  43. you make me emotional in the best way
  44. our inside jokes
  45. how we always came back to each other
  46. you're so special
  47. you're unique
  48. you make me feel wanted
  49. you're the first person i've loved
  50. you make everything better
  51. i love talking to you
  52. you're eyes
  53. you're smile
  54. when you compliment me
  55. when you send pictures of yourself
  56. you're notification makes me happy
  57. when you say you want a future with me
  58. you inspire me
  59. you motivate me
  60. you boost my confidence
  61. you're smart
  62. you believe in me
  63. you make me believe in myself
  64. you make me feel pretty
  65. you care so much
  66. when you ask about me day
  67. the way you tell me you love me
  68. when you text goodmorning/goodnight
  69. your music taste
  70. you're pretty hair
  71. you work hard
  72. our memories
  73. you're reassuring
  74. you're positive
  75. you are like no other
  76. you're passionate
  77. you make me feel special
  78. the way you talk about things you love
  79. i love listening to you
  80. you're special to me
  81. you make me feel like im worth it
  82. you're always there for me
  83. you're the most pretty person to exist
  84. you deserve the world
  85. make me feel happy even when im having a bad day
  86. you're the reason i smile
  87. you're the reason im happy
  88. everything you do for me
    1. you are youself with me
  89. you lift my spirit
  90. you make me feel safe
  91. you're protective in the best way
  92. you're respectful
  93. you make me blush
  94. you encourage me
  95. you make me feel like the luckiest person
  96. i can tell you anything
  97. i can be myself around you
  98. when you worry about me
  99. you're my entire

i love you so much, you're so so perfect and the best person that's ever come into my life. i want to be with you forever you make me so genuinely happy it's indescribable. i will always love you the most and we both know its true ????

9 months, 3 weeks ago

lebih suka bilang gapapa karena buat ngejelasin apa yang dirasain tuh nguras energi bgt & blm tentu org jadi peduli

9 months, 3 weeks ago

4L : Lelah, Letih, Lesu, Lah kok jadi asing sih

9 months, 3 weeks ago

merasa tersakiti, padahal cewenya ganti ganti. ups ??

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Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.

Last updated 1 month ago

Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf

‎Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:

Last updated 2 months ago

join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago