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2 days, 20 hours ago

Crowd of people protest outside a police station in Greater Manchester, amid anger over a policeman filmed kicking a man in the head at the city's airport.


BBC News

Protest held after Manchester airport kicking video

The video appears to show a policeman kicking a man in the head as he lies on the floor.

**Crowd of people protest outside a police station in Greater Manchester, amid anger over a policeman filmed kicking a man …
4 days, 3 hours ago

British serviceman fights for life after masked man 'looking for a soldier to attack' launches frenzied knife attack outside barracks: Police hold suspect, 24, 'who LICKED victim's blood' for attempted murder in horrific echo of Lee Rigby tragedy.

The man, who is in his 40s, was found seriously injured less than 200 metres from Brompton Barracks in Chatham, Kent, at around 6pm this evening.


Mail Online

'Soldier' hospitalised after 'serious stabbing' near army barracks

The man, who is in his 40s, was found seriously injured less than 200 metres from Brompton Barracks in Chatham, Kent, at around 6pm on Tuesday evening.

4 days, 6 hours ago

Farage is off and running.

WATCH: Farage Delivers 1st Speech in UK Parliament, Calls for New Referendum!
Reform Party leader Nigel Farage MP has used his first (maidan) speech in the British parliament to highlight his constituency of Clacton, as well as call for a new referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).The ECHR is an international court based in Strasbourg, France that oversees the enforcement of the European Convention on Human Rights by its member states. It was created in 1959 and is primarily responsible for adjudicating individual or state applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the Convention.

The court’s judgments are binding on the countries concerned, and member states are expected to implement them. The ECHR recently ruled that member states must do more to tackle climate change, and the court encourages mass, illegal immigration into Britain. Public support for the institution is said to hover around 50 percent.Speaking in Parliament, Farage said: “[If] you came to Britain illegally during the last Labour government. Your feet didn’t touch the sides. You were gone. You were out. Indeed, in the last year of the Labour Government, from 2009 to 2010, 50,000 people who came here illegally were deported. Now, none of that happens anymore.“It didn’t happen under 14 years of Conservatives, and it clearly isn’t going to happen under this Labour government. And I wonder why. I think you’ll find it’s the increased role of a court overseas that was set up in the wake of World War II with the very best of intentions that has now completely outlived its usefulness. It is, of course, called the ECHR, the European Court of Human Rights, and it was the Labour Government that enshrined the convention into British law.“We will not stop the boats, even if we send a handful to Rwanda. We will not stop the boats by attempting to smash the criminal gangs. We’ve been doing that to the drugs industry in Britain year after year, decade after decade, with no success whatsoever. The financial rewards for smuggling people across the English Channel can now net a gang 2 to 3 million euros a week. Whatever prison sentences or penalties are put upon them, there will always be people volunteering to make millions of euros a week.“We will only stop this if we start deporting people that come illegally. Then they won’t pay the smugglers. We will only do that by leaving the ECHR.“But I’ve got a fun suggestion that I think would liven up politics, engage the public, and see a massively increased turnout. Why don’t we have a referendum on whether we continue to be members of the ECHR?”

1 week, 2 days ago

Update on Harehills, Leeds Social services removed 5 Roma children These are the "protests" . And the children removal is what they were about. Now it's just a free for all and sundry to cause as much chaos as possible. And those doing this are from all…

1 week, 2 days ago

Update on Harehills, Leeds

Social services removed 5 Roma children

These are the "protests" . And the children removal is what they were about. Now it's just a free for all and sundry to cause as much chaos as possible. And those doing this are from all walks of life and all colours

1 week, 2 days ago

Biden, 81, walks VERY slowly off Air Force One and pauses multiple times after being diagnosed with COVID... as Nancy Pelosi tells him it's over

Mail Online

Biden walks slowly off of Air Force One after COVID diagnosis

President Joe Biden arrived back in Delaware Wednesday night after testing positive for COVID-19 while on the campaign trail in Las Vegas.

2 weeks, 3 days ago

The PM, making his debut on the world stage at the NATO summit in Washington DC, told the Ukrainian President there would be 'no change of approach'


Mail Online

'No change in support': PM's pledge as he meets Ukraine's Zelensky

The PM, making his debut on the world stage at the NATO summit in Washington DC , told the Ukrainian President there would be 'no change of approach'.

2 weeks, 3 days ago
JUST IN: Kyle Clifford, 26, is …

JUST IN: Kyle Clifford, 26, is in custody after the deaths of the wife and two daughters of BBC racing commentator John Hunt at their home in Bushey, Hertfordshire.

2 weeks, 3 days ago

Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels will cost up to £4 at peak times.😢


the Guardian

Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels will cost up to £4 at peak times, says TfL

Fares for road tunnels under Thames could be halved for low-income local residents, as pricing consultation opens

Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels will cost up to £4 at peak times.***😢***
3 weeks, 4 days ago

Since raising my head above the parapet to stand as a political candidate, I have been attacked and trolled by supporters of other parties. I was mentally prepared for this. However, since a Survation poll placed me 4 points ahead of the opposition I've been portrayed as "Reform Candidate is a dog abuser." In their articles they never report that I was out walking with my family or that our dog was attacked. The headline could easily be "Former bomb disposal officer protects family from dog attack." But that was never going to happen. Last night I was sent a photo of a letter sent to voters in my constituency. This looks like the final desperate act of a vanquished opponent. I've also received this report from a deputy mayor that the chairman of Budleigh and Raleigh Conservatives has been going around promoting your dog attack story to scare voters into voting for the Conservatives" Thank you for reading. I hope to meet you someday.

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