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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
In a world where we are literally importing vast amounts of processed foods and basic sustenance harvested in countries half the world away, where our children are now unable to identify a single herb, where work has pushed into relying on others to cook and supply us with nourishment the very act of growing and producing our own food has become revolutionary.
In our upcoming protocol “the homestead” we go into more detail on growing food and acquiring land legally and illegally to do this as well as what we can do at home. We are also using one of our members as a case study to develop a better detailed process of home-growing, trade and sustainability (to some degree). Please keep your eyes peeled.
In the mean time let’s glaze of what we can do as a minimum and what we can start putting in place ready for the new year.
Unlike our American cousins land isn’t readily available and what we get in regards to personal ownership is minimal. That said:
⁃ all homes urban, rural and invetween can have areas, small or large, dedicated to growing the basics: potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots etc.
⁃ Strip away flowers and grow herbs and pot dwarf fruit trees.
⁃ Put your name down ASAP for allotments before they are completely wiped out or taken. Once your on an allotment work your way into the organising committee to get inside allowing for neighbours and other ops to be fast tracked.
⁃ Trade: create networks with neighbours and other operatives to grow a variety of crops and trade accordingly. If one of you has the ability for poultry and the other to grow large amounts of potatoes then trade and work with what you have.
⁃ Guerrilla gardening; identify areas the council has neglected and will fail to notice an orchard popping up. Admin 2; I have achieved this in two of my previous homes locating pieces of grassland which were neglected (not cut on contract) planting apple, cherry, pear and plum trees. Even when the council came to survey after 2 years they didn’t notice and cut around the trees.
⁃ If one of your local operatives are unable to grow food get them on other processes which will help like preserving, drying and canning again creating an idea of trade and helping them and yourself out.
⁃ Create seed banks by buying in the winter months and storing or collecting from old crops. Make these widely available to your local team members.
⁃ Identify and map areas good for foraging and pre planted fruit trees and bushes. Again if operatives are unable to grow set them the task of collecting and regular intervals. Having a mapped area of wild food will also help if SHTF.
⁃ Use water butts to collect water to minimise costs.
These are just some helpful tips. By working together and getting out of this “lone wolf” philosophy we can create small partially sustainable communities. Those who control food distribution dictate the fight. In all handbooks associated with guerilla tactics the main basics always point to logistics involving food, water and equipment. By creating internal mechanisms and production you are one step ahead all the time being able to fuel your men and women without the need of outside assistance.
There are obviously some points like proteins which need to be discussed further and will be a lot more complicated. That said it is still achievable. Please work on the above and create networks whilst we put the finishing touches to our programmes and protocols.
All of this material is made by us. But we are happy for anyone to share it and use it within their own group settings. This is the very basics. As the project grows so will the topics, the depth we go into them and the physical in life skill shares and events.
Please post your results in our chat group. You’ll find discussions already in regards to load carrying and equipment.
You should start now at looking towards creating a solid home base, with defence in mind: how safe is your home? Risk assess local threats and how to tackle them. Training: dedicate an area of your home for training and start purchasing secondhand equipment to supplement it. Sustainability: look at turning your home into a sustainable unit. This means thinking about water collection, food and power. We will go into far more detail later on but this will act as a good startining point.
Debris shelters are simple but sturdy shelters made from natural resources. You can create them out of wood, stone, mud etc. These huts provide protection from the elements, and they are easy to make. Best of all, no special tools are needed to make a debris hut; as long as there is wood, you can make a debris hut.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago