Brotherhood of Academists

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5 months ago


2 Thessalonians 2:6-7And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now
letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
*“What then is it that
withholdeth, that is, hindereth him from being revealed? Some indeed say, the grace of the Spirit, but others the Roman Empire*, to whom I most of all accede”— John Chrysostom

The highest purpose of Russia's existence — its spiritual mission — is to be the world's Katechon, keeping the world from evil. If Russia — the Third Rome will cease to carry this burden, the end of the world will come and the "mystery of iniquity" mentioned by Apostle Paul will be accomplished.

Ego sum ostium! ?

5 months ago
Brotherhood of Academists
5 months ago
**Our History**

Our History

Modern Academists are historical successors and continuators of the traditions of patriotic and conservative students of the Russian Empire.

There is a myth that the Russian students of that time held exclusively left-liberal, revolutionary, anti-state and anti-church positions.

In reality, however, this was far from the case. Not all students shared radical views. In opposition to the strike movement of 1905-1907 various organizations appeared in the university environment, which in Russian historiography are commonly referred to as the “Party of Academic Order” or “Academists”. Academists is a collective term used in relation to numerous student movements of patriotic, conservative, Orthodox and monarchist leanings. Advocating for the preservation of universities as “temples of science” and a place for raising faithful sons of the Fatherland.

The Academists of the early 20th century fought against turmoil, against attempts to turn universities into a political tribune for anti-state and revolutionary activities.

The main goals and principles of academic communities were: to deny politics within the walls of the university, to fight student demonstrations and strikes, to raise the dignity and honor of the student uniform, to promote the awakening and development of patriotic feelings and national consciousness among students, to prepare future defenders of the Russian statehood.

**And we, The Brotherhood of Academists, faithfully follow the traditions of our glorious forefathers!

Ego sum ostium! ?**

5 months ago
**We are The Brotherhood of Academists**

We are The Brotherhood of Academists

We are a network of clubs uniting patriotic and conservative students of the leading universities in our country. Academists are historical successors and continuators of the glorious traditions of students of the Russian Empire.

The key concepts for Academists are Duty, Honour and Service to God and Country.

The meaning of life of each Academist is in devoted service to God, Fatherland, his people, as well as his family.

It is impossible to restore our country to greatness without a national elite capable of fulfilling this mission. Therefore, the main goal of the Academists is forging the new national elite – the future builders of the **Russian Empire of the XXI century

Ego sum ostium! ?**

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