Brotherhood of Academists

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1 week, 6 days ago
***Gaudeamus igitur,

Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus

Today Russian students celebrate a marvelous holiday — the Students Day also called Tatiana Day in honor of Saint Tatiana, a Christian martyr from the III century AD.

This is the day when youthful joy is compatibly combined with the greatest effort — the endeavor of the Russian youth to rebuild the Empire.

Let our efforts be fruitful and the result incomparably outstanding!

Ego Sum Ostium! *😎***

2 weeks, 1 day ago
**The Explorers of Antarctica**

The Explorers of Antarctica

In the silence of the vast expanses, where the eternal ice reflects the pale light of the polar sun, there is a continent called Antarctica.

The first people who approached this mysterious land were the Russian navigators — Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellingshausen.

Their expedition flew on the wings of hope and courage, paving the way to the unknown, where the icy wilderness hid its ancient secrets.

Discovering the shores of Antarctica 205 years ago in January 1820 wasn't a timid step — it was a symbol of the human thirst for knowledge and the desire to conquer terra incognita.

May the names Lazarev and Bellingshausen remain forever inscribed in history, as the names of the discoverers who dared to explore the last continent on Earth. Their courage and dedication opened up an extraordinary land for humanity, forging the path for the future generations of explorers.

Ego Sum Ostium! 😎

2 weeks, 3 days ago
***God save us from seeing a …

God save us from seeing a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless
— Alexander Pushkin, The Captain‘s Daughter (1836)

On 21 January 1775, self-declared as Tsar Peter III, impostor Yemelyan Pugachev was decapitated and quartered in front of Moscow crowd in the heart of the Russian Empire.

During the Peasants’ War 1773-1775, which was lead by Ural Cossack Pugachev, tsarist Russia encountered the saturnalia of crowd lynching directed to both peasants and nobles, destroying of Ural and Volga settlements and crimes against Russians committed by ethnic minorities.

On the contrary, the leader of the rebellion vowed to abolish serfdom which seemed to be an eternal fake pledge of insurgents who always tried to set up a dictatorship.

In fact, the attempts to earn full liberation, redistribute private property and build better social order by fire and sword are a cunning manipulation in order to strengthen «reformers» reign. Such endeavors are always followed by the streams of blood and intensive dehumanization.

Failed projects of Yemelyan Pugachev, the Decembrists and the Bolsheviks insightfully exemplified the foregoing thought.

Ego Sum Ostium! ?

2 weeks, 5 days ago
3 weeks, 1 day ago

The Brotherhood's response on the recent Trump's claims

The US president-elect keenly seeks to amass a genuine American Empire that will include Greenland, Canada and Panama (hopefully for the Americans, Ukraine isn't on the list ?).

We consider his assertions to be bold and unreal statements, shifting emphasis from America's more urgent issues.

We do not have a low regard for the American people and the US, but we strongly advice Mr. Trump to hold his ambitions back. According to your country's officials, breaking international law is our feature, not yours.

And remember, Arctic is for polar bears. Russian polar bears.

3 months, 1 week ago
**The Empire Declared**

The Empire Declared

On this notable date, 303 years ago, Russian Tsar Peter the First solemnly accepted the title of Emperor. As a vigorous and sagacious ruler, he undoubtedly deserved the honour to be the founder of the Russian Empire — Pater Patriae.

The Great Northern War forged the nation, which paid a fair price in sweat and blood for its grandeur. The right to be an Empire was captured in battle — it was an ultimate merit of the Russian people.

How do we dare to betray the covenants of our forefathers?
We are building up the Empire again — we have no option.

Ego Sum Ostium! ?

4 months, 3 weeks ago
**Our Motto**

Our Motto

I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10:9**

These words of The Lord are our vivid and indispensable motto, which constantly passes through Academists' ardent souls. It unfolds the Truth of the World on the Path to God and encourages our brethren to serve Christ sincerely and valiantly.

Take a step in the Right Path —
Ego Sum Ostium! ?

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Brotherhood of Academists
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Brotherhood of Academists
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