Eric Moutsos

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2 months, 2 weeks ago
Eric Moutsos
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Eric Moutsos
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Eric Moutsos
2 months, 3 weeks ago

A little miracle happened tonight. Years ago I remember getting into it with a guy online about a few topics; I can't remember what I said to him exactly, but I remember my heart was hard toward him and I probably said things I shouldn't of. About a year ago I tried to find his email to apologize and couldn't find it;

However tonight he emailed me out-of-the-blue and I was able to email back and apologize. I pray he will accept it. If not, at least it felt better to tell him.

I really don't like having hard feelings towards anyone, ever, even if they're in the wrong and want to hurt me; because two things I believe are true: If they want to hurt you, it's usually something they are personally bdealing with (not you) and because it can become a cancer that will eventually eat at you until bitterness completely takes over.

Anyway, thought I'd share. God is good.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

After my last post about sometimes experiencing both sadness and frustration within one's own church culture while still defending its eternal doctrines and trying to focus more on the positive aspects of the church, someone sent me a message advising me to "do more research on your own church"...

So, I did.

Yesterday, I attended church with my family. I held the door for an elderly woman with a walker, and we exchanged smiles; I enjoyed seeing familiar faces among my neighbors; I partook of the sacrament to renew my baptismal covenants, repenting of my weekly struggles and sins, and expressed gratitude to Heavenly Father for Jesus Christ and His mission, to save someone like me. I left church more energized by the Spirit than when I arrived.

Thank you for the suggestion to delve deeper into my own church.

Research complete.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

I probably get more messages about "What is the church doing?" Or "How can this or that be reconciled while the church is doing this or that?" than any other message sent to me from different platforms or through email.

I definitely don't have all the answers but anytime I experience both disappointment and sadness when observing how worldly influences have infiltrated every institution this world has to offer, including religious institutions like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for example, the church I belong to and love, I believe it's possible to see these issues for what they are, and still be a positive member of whatever church or institution you belong to, whatever denomination, all at the same time.

I believe you can see these "secret combinations" infiltrating within, and yet can also stand as a witness and defender of what true doctrine is being taught within these institutions, recognizing the immense amount of truth and light they still bring into this fallen world, particularly the eternal doctrines that remain unchangeable.

Where would we be without the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I personally would probably be on a very dark path, or dead.

There will inevitably be internal opposition within both institutions and individuals who strive to do good. We are all fallen sinners. However, I believe it's crucial to try and seek out and nurture the best aspects within them and ourselves, rather than focusing only on the negative, diminishing their value, lest we end up with nothing at all. It's tough to do, but what other options are left? Where would we go? Start baptizing people in a church we make up? Until what? Corruption enters that church? And then start another?

"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:66-69

People will even send me messages asking me why I don't "Call the church out in the same way I call out the Government!?" Simple for me. The government isn't Christ's Church. And my role isn't God's role. In other words, I believe in focusing on cleaning my house, and God will clean His, as He needs to. See D&C 112:23-28 but focus on 27&28.

In other words, I believe we must become the positive individual change we wish to see within (sometimes talking about hard uncomfortable topics) and these institutions; will hopefully slowly, bring about even more good than they already do.

Just a few thoughts.

Would love your take. Please be respectful to others since this is a difficult topic.

3 months ago

Thoughts on sugar?

3 months ago
Eric Moutsos
3 months ago
Best memes below ***??***

Best memes below ??

3 months ago
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