Mr MuhammadSiddiq | 8.5

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7 months ago

ART and painting 1.Do you like art? 2.Do you think art classes are necessary? 3.What benefits can adults get from painting as a hobby? 4.what kind of things do you like to draw? 5.Is it easy to learn how to draw? 1.Well, I am not culture vulture which means…

7 months ago

ART and painting
1.Do you like art?
2.Do you think art classes are necessary?
3.What benefits can adults get from painting as a hobby?
4.what kind of things do you like to draw?
5.Is it easy to learn how to draw?

1.Well, I am not culture vulture which means that I am not excessively interested in the arts. However, I do like some forms of art such as painting and music. In my spare time, I draw pictures, while listening to my all-time favorite pieces of music.
2.Absolutely, they are essential for schoolchildren. Thus, they should be taught at school. Art classes enhance and improve children’s imagination and teach them to think out of the box.
3.After back-breaking days of their work or studies, Adults can unwind by painting pictures. This hobby serves as a stress relief and soothing activity for grown-ups. For examples, I sometimes draw different pictures to get away from hustle and bustle of my everyday life.
4.I like to paint the nature as it is very stunning.Also, I am keen on drawing animals.However, I don’t draw the portraits of people as I find it quite complex and taugh.

5.In my opinion, natural artistic ability is a must thing to be able to draw good pictures. With talent, drawing can be easy to learn. However, without talent, I think it is nearly impossible to learn it no matter how hard one tries to learn.

7 months, 2 weeks ago

#_Funny facts!
Most people know my name as a holder of 8.5, but don't know my face.

Ps, I have faced such kind of situations several times.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Bitta live stream qilaylik!
Tez kunda...

9 months, 3 weeks ago


9 months, 3 weeks ago

The given is an image, explaining how bottled and canned sparkling water is produced in a particular factory.
Overall, it is self-evident that the process of preparing carbonated water is quite complex, which involves 5 main steps, starting with cleaning the water and ending with transporting the end products to the customers.
The first step starts when raw water is filtered, and then it is sent to water softener where chemicals are added to it. Following this, the ready mixture goes through the pump into electric heaters and it is heated, after which hot water goes through the cooling pipe to decrease the temperature of the hot water. Subsequently, the cold water is mixed with Carbon dioxide (CO2), turning into carbonated water.
As for the rest of the process, carbonated water is sent to the mixing tank where it is colored and syrup as well as flavor are added to it. At this point, the mixture is once more filtered before being filled into either bottles or cans. After that, the drinks are packed into boxes and the boxes are delivered on the trucks to the supermarket where customers buy and enjoy them.
word count=193

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Assalomu alaykum, do'stlar, bu process menga 04/05/2024 yildagi haqiqiy imtihonimda berilgan. Men jonli efirda oxirgi imtihonimdagi inshoga o'xshash process uchun hisobot yozmoqchiman. Jonli dars 24/05/2024 (juma) soat 20:00 da bo'lib o'tadi.

Ps, google translate ?

10 months ago

Hammaga salom, bugun men birinchi 8,5 ballimni olganimdan juda xursandman va ko'p odamlar (mening oilam, qarindoshlarim, do'stlarim,talabalarim va hamkasblarim) meni ushbu muvaffaqiyat bilan chin dildan tabriklashdi. Shunday ekan, barchaga yana bir bor rahmat aytaman. Iloji boricha bilimlarimni siz bilan baham ko'rishga harakat qilaman. Men IELTS imtihoniga nomzodlar va umumiy ingliz tilini o'rganuvchilar uchun foydali videolar tayyorlab bormiqchiman ham. Shuning uchun bizni kuzatib boring.

Ps- the work of google translate?

10 months ago

Hi everybody,I am really glad today as I pulled off my first 8.5 ,and a lot of people (my family,relatives,friends,students and colleagues)congratulated me sincerely on this achievement. So, I thank everyone once more. I will do my best to share my knowledge as much as possible with you. I am going to make useful videos for both IELTS candidates and general English learners.So,stay tuned.

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