Eastern NC Active Club

The official Telegram of the Eastern NC Active Club. Action Today, Victory Tomorrow. Deo Vindice!
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4 months, 3 weeks ago
Eastern NC Active Club
4 months, 3 weeks ago
The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers …

The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers low interest loans to American businesses damaged or destroyed by natural disasters. Quickly rebuilding these businesses restores the local economy and allows citizens to return to work.

The SBA is now out of money. There will be no more American small business restoration loans. Ukraine has your tax dollars. Lebanon has your tax dollars. Americans in need do not. The SBA made more than 700 Hurricane Helene loan offers totaling about $48 million before they ran out of money. This month the Biden-Harris administration gave Lebanon (a country that hates you) $157 million. They did so without congressional approval. It’s important to understand that the SBA gives loans to Americans, not grants. They would be payed back.

Ukraine and Lebanon are never paying you back.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Civ Nat cucks disgust me. They are FAR worse than open enemies. All of the funding that Ukraine has received pales in comparison to the $300 billion + Israel has received from the US since WWII. Not to mention that’s just in aid. This figure doesn’t include all of the extra cash they get in every pork bill that is passed. Remember the Covid relief bills? Yeah Israel got a massive chunk of each of those. Then these faggots want to bring up Lebanon? Any aid we’re sending them is directly because Israel attacked them. But these Jew sycophants down around Cape Fear just can’t help themselves. ???

4 months, 3 weeks ago

My thoughts on the political situation in the US:

A profound crisis may be the only catalyst strong enough to push Whites toward radical change. History shows that moments of deep turmoil and suffering often spark revolution and national revival. The examples are many, and looking at the prevailing attitudes of Whites in the West, along with the absence of any true urgency about our predicament, it seems today is no different.

Trump, though painted as the "lesser of two evils," is likely to perpetuate the same existential threats to Whites, but in a more subtle, insidious manner. His approach is not to halt our decline but to manage it carefully, allowing cultural destruction and demographic replacement to continue, all while disguising it under the banner of welcoming “new and improved” immigrants. These upgraded immigrants, in addition to being just as foreign and genetically distant as the current crop, present an even greater threat to our survival than the lower-quality variety. The latter, disastrous as they are for our society, lack the capacity to accumulate the wealth and power that Trump’s preferred immigrants will soon amass, positioning them more effectively for their unspoken purpose: White Replacement.

This rebranded replacement process is even more dangerous than the naked aggression of open borders, as it lulls White Americans into acceptance and complacency. Not only does it fail to address the issue of White Replacement, it accelerates it. Leaders who offer partial solutions to a problem often have no intention of solving the problem, only delaying action long enough to ensure that a genuine solution is never implemented. They would prefer us to passively accept a slow, calculated erasure of our power, identity, and eventually, our very existence.

To compromise in the face of an existential threat is to accept defeat. Incremental changes, especially as our numbers dwindle, will never reverse the damage caused by decades of mass immigration and a century of jewish influence. As uncomfortable as it may seem, there are times when the foundations upon which everything familiar stands must be reconsidered, and history suggests that these kinds of changes – a shift from appeasement to defiance – only occur when people feel the full weight of tyranny.

If we are ever to survive, Whites must be willing to endure immediate hardship for the sake of long-term survival. Our short-term comfort is far less important than securing a future for our children. Regrettably, many are quick to criticize the failures of past generations while simultaneously indulging that same unwillingness to face harsh realities or delay gratification for their posterity.

Voting for Trump rewards deception, failure, and fraternization with our enemies. The strong support he’s received from jewish power, combined with his past disingenuous rhetoric and abysmal record, whether out of malice or incompetence, suggests that even if Trump does some good in the short term, he will, in the end, strengthen the very system that undermines our survival, all while providing the illusion required to keep it running.

However, this all seems somewhat academic. Trump appears to have already been chosen to guide us into decline, and many seem perfectly content to follow him there.

5 months ago
North Carolinans need to begin running …

North Carolinans need to begin running up the North Carolina secession flag and bringing down the USA one. It’s clear that the scum in DC quite literally are trying to wipe them off the map. The most easy step we can take towards secession is by abandoning their icons , symbols and pledges. We have our own.

5 months ago

Could not have said it better.

5 months ago
North Carolina First

North Carolina First

5 months, 1 week ago
tall tree, short rope

tall tree, short rope

5 months, 1 week ago

You do NOT hate these people enough.

5 months, 1 week ago
Helping Hurricane Helene Victims

Helping Hurricane Helene Victims

Someone I trust is on the ground in North Carolina.

When I asked what he thought the best way to help people right now, he said this group is doing great things — able to get into all the areas without any roads or bridges. They are there. They are making drops. They are helping. They need money to fuel their flights and buy the supplies.

Don't forget that there are going to be scammers popping up and that the Red Cross is a cursed organization. But there are ways to actually help!


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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

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