RELO Russia

The Regional English Language Office supports quality teaching and learning practices through partnership with the educational community in Russia. Invite others to join!
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5 months, 4 weeks ago
***??***Meet English Language Specialist, Dr. Mary …

??Meet English Language Specialist, Dr. Mary Ann Walter! Dr. Walter is an Associate Professor of English at the University of the Virgin Islands.
As a native Texan, she earned her PhD in linguistics from MIT and has taught in the US (Northwestern University), England (University of Cambridge), Bulgaria (Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski) and for many years in Cyprus (Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus).
?She researches in the areas of phonetics, phonology and sociolinguistics of Middle Eastern and Balkan languages.
? Dr. Walter invites you to explore resources on her website, including a list of films involving linguistics, a list of fiction involving linguistics, and a list of language-related international holidays.

5 months, 4 weeks ago
***☕***Coffee Talk Collaboration is today!

Coffee Talk Collaboration is today!
This week’s Coffee Talk Collaboration is on vocabulary activities. Please join us for mini presentations or informal sharing of ideas, suggestions, strategies, activities, materials, etc. Anyone attending is welcome to share but it is not a requirement.

5 months, 4 weeks ago
***?*** Information for English learners, parents …

? Information for English learners, parents of English learners, and educators!
The final webinar in the Raising Multilingual Children series on Monday, September 16!
?This webinar will be a facilitated panel discussion with all three presenters: Dr. Angela Palmieri, Ms. Amanda Fox, and Dr. Edith Esparza Young.
➡️ Don’t miss this discussion on advice, strategies, and techniques for parenting, teaching, and supporting multilingual learners.
?Register today!

6 months ago
***?*** Poll results

? Poll results
If you are still considering how you might incorporate sustainability into your teaching, check out the following resources!
1️⃣ UN Sustainable Development Goals
2️⃣ Teaching Sustainability from Vanderbilt University
3️⃣ Educational Sustainable Development Toolkit from University College London

6 months ago
***?*** Poll results

? Poll results
Would you like some ideas on how to incorporate sustainability topics into your teaching? Consider how sustainability relates to learners’ interests and which texts or materials allow for exploration of concepts and themes that highlight diverse perspectives.
?A framework for lessons on sustainability from Edutopia
?Classroom Activities for Climate Optimism

6 months ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago

Engagement of young adult, teenage, or adolescent learners, especially post-COVID, is a hot topic in education globally. Check out this Forum article by Enrique Alejandro Basabe and Mary Beringause on the use of pop songs to engage young adult learners in English language learning as well as dialogue on topics like sense of self and cultural competence.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

?American culture with Molodets!
The Molodets library has many materials that build language while sharing aspects of American life in different regions of the country. In Module 9 Unit 5 there is information on the solar energy industry in the southwest area of the United States as well as videos showing common aspects of environmentalism present in southern California like the one posted here on trash, recycling, and compost bins.
If you are interested in including environmentalism materials in your curriculum, check out these education resources!
1️⃣ The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
2️⃣PBS Learning Media
3️⃣ Integrating Environmental Education into a Genre-Based EFL Writing Class
4️⃣ Science: Protecting the Environment
5️⃣ Open Educational Resources: Climate Project

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Recycling Bins


Recycling Bins

В юго-западных штатах США сбор и переработка отходов из домовладений организованы эффективно и систематически. Жители, как правило, имеют отдельные контейнеры для перерабатываемых материалов, таких как бумага, картон, пластик, металл и стекло. Муниципальные…

6 months, 2 weeks ago
***?***Universal Design for Learning Series

?Universal Design for Learning Series
In our final post on Universal Design for Learning this week, take a look on why and how to apply UDL with English language learners. Tell us how you incorporate the UDL framework in your work with English learners and we’ll highlight your tips in a future post!
Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners from Language magazine
Resources from English Language Specialist Rose David and AMC
Accessibility checklist
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