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O Muslims, when was the last time you truly evaluated your poor soul?
Something to soften your heart before Ramadhan comes.
This book encourages readers to cultivate beautiful manners and serves as a reminder of the importance of self-reflection and continuous self-improvement.
One thing I’ve noticed when praying with my mashaykh is their humility in leading the prayer. Despite being the most qualified among us, they never voluntarily step forward to become the imam. Instead, they defer to others, allowing someone else to lead.
However, obviously none of us students would take the initiative either, and the entire congregation would simply wait in silence, expecting someone to step forward.
If no one does, we students would then politely request our shaykh to lead the prayer once again, and only then would they agree to do so - and in some cases they would still reject -.
This is something I first observed during my days in Jordan. Our Qurʾānic and Tajwīd teacher, Shaykh Wisām al-Ḥarbawī, despite being the most qualified among us, never voluntarily stepped forward to lead. Same thing I observe from our mashaykh here in Madinah.
We learn etiquettes from our mashaykh simply by observing their conduct... something online learning never gives you.
Al-Ḥusayn ibn Ismāʿīl narrated from his father, who said:
كان يجتمع في مجلس أحمد زهاء خمسة آلاف أو يزيدون نحو خمس مئة يكتبون، والباقون يتعلمون منه حسن الادب والسمت
"Around 5000 people, or even more, would gather in Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal's lesson—about 500 of them would write, while the rest would learn from him good manners and proper conduct."
[Siyar (10/316)]
A key principle that increases the likelihood of getting others to follow what you preach is to first embody it yourself and actively practice what you advocate.
This was the approach of the Prophet ﷺ: He taught us values like honesty, responsibility, and truthfulness, while exemplifying these traits, as we have read in the books of sirah. He encouraged us to make siwak a habit, wake up at night to perform night prayers, and engage in voluntary fasting—all of which he ﷺ consistently practiced.
Whether we realise it or not, this has a profound impact—it makes his followers more willing to emulate his teachings, as his actions reinforce his words. To illustrate this more clearly, imagine someone who preaches about being honest while he's known to be a blatant liar.
Now, consider applying this principle to anything you call others towards, whether it's following the Sunnah or encouraging good deeds—especially those that are visible. People are more likely to accept and act upon your message when they see you practicing it yourself.
I still remember vividly the example one of our Shaykh حفظه الله gave to illustrate this concept: if you preach about the Sunnah of keeping a beard while your beard is short-cropped, or worst, your chin is as smooth as silk, then the likelihood of people acting on your advice is much lower.
Therefore, if you sincerely want others to implement what you propagate, lead by example, and ultimately, tawfīq is from Allāh.
Madinah, Saudi Arabia
18 Dec 2024 | 17 Jmd. II 1446 AH
✍? @zaidghazali00
??Learning gratitude and contentment from an 8 year old. May Allāh bless them.
Next time someone echoes the call to return to "moderate Islam" or advocates for being "moderate," stop and ask them: What do you mean by moderation?
Moderation, as defined by some lad from ISIS, and moderation according to liberal Muslims, are both problematic in their own ways.
Ask them to define what they mean by moderation. Usually such calls are simply parroting what the 'higher-ups' say without genuine understanding.
Principle: We judge things by their reality, not merely by their names.
العبرة بالحقائق لا مجرد التسميات
Alḥamdulillāh today, students from the Faculty of Ḥadīth sat for one of our core subjects, Ḥadīth Tahlīlī, where we were tested on al-Muḥarrar by Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī al-Dimashqī. I was tested a total of 187 aḥādīth (with few of omitted ḥadīths not included in the syllabus) for my level.
The nature of the questions included:
1. Memorisation of Aḥādīth.
2. Fiqh Rulings: Comparing different scholarly opinions, identifying the strongest one, and explaining the reasons behind the preference.
3. ʿIlal (Defects): Analysing specific ḥadīths to identify any hidden defects.
4. Gharīb al-Ḥadīth: Explaining the meanings of unfamiliar or strange vocabulary in the ḥadīths.
5. Biographies of Companions: Providing brief biographies of the Companions who narrated the ḥadīth.
6. Takhrīj and Status: Tracing the sources of aḥādīth, determining their authenticity, and justifying their status.
Heartbreaking paper, but the joy of hearing that Dimashq is liberated—interestingly, the homeland of the author of the book we were tested on today—outweighs any disappointments I felt after the paper. Alḥamdulillāh.
(ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر
الله ينصر من يشاء وهو العزيز الرحيم)
"And that day the believers will rejoice, in the victory of Allāh. He grants victory to whom He wills, and He is the Almighty and the Most Merciful" [30:4-5]
Glory be to Allāh and all praise is due to Him, glory be to Allāh the Almighty!
Even Interactions with Animals Can Shape a Person's Character!
Be careful on who you befriend, for as long as you're human, you can be influenced by those around you. In fact, even animals can have an impact on us! The Prophet ﷺ said:
والفخر والخيلاء في أصحاب الإبل، والسكينة والوقار في أهل الغنم
“Pride and arrogance are found among the owners of camels, while calmness and humility are seen among the owners of sheep." [Al-Bukhārī]
If humans can be influenced by animals, which are so different from us, then how much more likely is it that we can be influenced by the people we interact with daily?
May Allāh grant us the company of those who inspire us to grow in righteousness and guide us toward what pleases Him.
((Extracted benefits from Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-Qāsim's Majlis al-Samāʿ))
✍? @zaidghazali00
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