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5 months ago

Listen 1 min about: Gold 🥇****

I don’t understand the fascination with gold. It’s just a soft metal. It isn’t even the most valuable metal. It’s interesting how almost every culture in the world loves gold. Indians spend a fortune on it. When their children get married they give gold bracelets and rings as gifts. Most of the world’s wedding rings are gold. I know different countries prefer different types of gold. In Thailand, only 24 carat is good enough, but in England, people buy a lot of 9-carat gold. It seems like we have always loved gold. Think how many stories there are from hundreds of years ago about gold treasure. In fact, if you go back further, Egyptian kings and queens had lots of gold. I’ll never forget Tutankhamen’s mask. The gold in that was really golden


5 months ago

It’s a new day. You woke up today, you are infinitely blessed. Try again today, you were granted another opportunity, push yourself. Leave yesterday’s troubles behind, start over today. The only limits and barriers you have, are the ones you placed in your mind— release them.


5 months ago

Have a good night😴🌃

5 months ago

O'ylab qoldim reaction hamma uchun tekinmi yo faqat men tekin bosamani?🤔

5 months ago

***Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal
You should say:

• What animal it was

• When and Where you saw it

And explain how you feel about this animal

Band 8 Sample***

Well, I’m going to talk about an occasion on which I got to see a group of small monkeys. As we all know, monkeys are one of the funniest animals in nature. They are full of curiosity, adventure and mischief, and have great intelligence. They often live in the jungle, mostly in tropical rain forests, and jump from tree to tree to seek out food and play. The diet of a monkey includes nuts, berries, fruits, anything that smells good, and not to mention, bananas, which is always at the top of their list.

Anyway, back to the main point, the first time I saw a ‘real’ monkey was a long time ago, when I was in secondary school. My friends and I travelled to a mountain located somewhere on the outskirts of Hanoi, and when we were climbing the mountain, suddenly a group of small monkeys appeared in the middle of the road ahead in the distance. They were jumping up and down from trees before they approached us. Then the monkeys stared at me and my friends as though they wanted to communicate and ask for food, so I decided to give them some of our snacks. They were really cute creatures, you know, their hands are like a mini version of ours, which makes them look like little kids.

However, although I’m quite into monkeys, I have to admit that they are unexpectedly sneaky. In some tourist attractions around Vietnam, you can easily spot a troop of monkeys stealing food from street vendors, and other unsuspecting tourists. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do but watch them run off into the jungle with our food as they are way faster and smarter than you may think.

Anyway, the trip was truly a once-in-a-life-time experience for me as I got to touch and feed wild monkeys. Seeing them first hand also made me realize that they share more common features with humans than I’d previously thought, which really evoked my curiosity about the theory of how people evolved from apes over millions of years.

5 months ago

📹 Learn English By Movies - The Pursuit Of Happyness (Scene With Subtitles)


Reaction bosib ketamiz❤️

5 months ago

📌 TOPIC VOCABULARY 🌟 1. Unspoiled (C1) ifloslanmagan 2. Fluctuate (C1) - qulayliklar 3. Excavation (C1) - qazilmalar 4. Millennia (C1) - ming yillik 5. Consecutive (C1)- ketma ketlik 6. Imminent (C1) - yaqinlashayotgan 7. Nostalgic (C1) - o’tmishni…

5 months ago


  1. Unspoiled (C1) ifloslanmagan
  2. Fluctuate (C1) - qulayliklar
  3. Excavation (C1) - qazilmalar
  4. Millennia (C1) - ming yillik
  5. Consecutive (C1)- ketma ketlik
  6. Imminent (C1) - yaqinlashayotgan
  7. Nostalgic (C1) - o’tmishni xotiralash
  8. Prehistoric (C1) - tarix yozilishidan oldin
  9. Subsequently (C1) - oqibat, natija
  10. Previously (C1) - ilgarigi
5 months, 1 week ago

Tashlayotgan postlarimni gapi:

"Men shunday yomonmani nega hech kim reaction bosmayapdi ekanaaa??


5 months, 1 week ago


✓ 1. Passengers - yo’lovchilar
— Interestingly, there were not many passengers on the plane

✓ 2. Pedestrians - piyoda yo’lovchi
— Pedestrians should take off their headphones when crossing the road

✓ 3. Land - qo’nmoq (yerga qo’nmoq)
— The plan is expected to land after 20 minutes

✓ 4. Take off - uchib ketmoq (yerdan ko’tarilmoq)
— The plan took off at 6 p.m today

✓ 5. Fasten your seatbelt- xavsizlik kamarini taqing
— Please fasten your seatbelt
— Unfasten - yechmoq

✓ 6. Departure time - ketish vaqt
— When is the departure time ?

✓ 7. Arrival time - yetib kelish vaqtim
— I don’t know the exact arrival time

✓ 8. Flight attendant or cabin crew - styuardessa
• I would like to work as a flight attendant

✓ 9. Check in - Registratsiya qilmoq, ro’yxatdan o’tmoq
— You can check in online if you wish

✓ 10. Gate - darvoza
— Our gate number is 12A

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