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Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago
🪧 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗞𝗘𝗘𝗣🪧
🔖 Keep a diary - kundalik tutmoq
🔖 Keep a promise - va'dasini bajarmoq
🔖 Keep a secret - sir saqlamoq
🔖 Keep an appointment - kelishilgan vaqtda uchrashmoq
🔖 Keep busy - band bo'lmoq
🔖 Keep fit - yaxshi jismoniy holatda bo'lmoq
🔖 Keep going (1) - bitta manzilda davom etmoq
🔖 Keep going (2) - haydashni, yugurishni, yurishni davom ettirmoq
🔖 Keep going (3) - davom etmoq
🔖 Keep in touch - aloqada bo'lmoq
🔖 Keep quiet - juda past ovoz chiqarmoq
🔖 Keep records - ma'lumot saqlamoq
🔖 Keep safe - xavdan saqlanmoq
🔖 Keep smb waiting - kuttirmoq
🔖 Keep sb/sth quiet - shovqindan to'xtatmoq
🔖 Keep score - hisoblamoq
🔖 Keep still - harakatlanmsalik
⚫️ To be honest - Rostini aytsam
⚫️ In my opinion - Mening fikrimcha
⚫️ It seems to me that - Menga shunday tuyuladi
⚫️ To put it simply - Oddiy qilib aytganda
⚫️ There is no doubt that - Shubhasiz
⚫️ On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
⚫️ In contrast to - Taqqoslaganda
⚫️ To a certain extent - Ma'lum darajada
⚫️ For instance - Masalan
⚫️ In addition to - Qo‘shimcha ravishda
⚫️ It is widely believed that - Keng tarqalgan fikrga ko‘ra
⚫️ As a matter of fact - Haqiqatan ham
⚫️ To address the issue - Masalani hal qilish
⚫️ A growing number of people - Ko‘payib borayotgan odamlar soni
⚫️ It is essential to note that - Ta'kidlash muhimdir
⚫️ From a broader perspective - Kengroq nuqtai nazardan
⚫️ There is a tendency towards - moyillik bor
⚫️ To highlight the importance of - ...ning ahamiyatini ta'kidlash
⚫️ In light of recent developments - So‘nggi rivojlanishlarni hisobga olgan holda
⚫️ It is worth mentioning that - Ta'kidlashga arziydi
Listen 1min about: Shopping 🛒
📝Shopping must be one of the world’s most popular hobbies. I hate it. There’s nothing more boring than wandering around shopping malls. What a waste of time. I know a lot of people who like window shopping – just walking around shops without wanting to buy anything. Crazy! My plan for shopping is ‘quickly in, quickly out’. If I have to go shopping, I go in the morning on a weekday. This is when the stores are empty and you can get what you want quickly, without thousands of other shoppers getting in your way. The worst time to go shopping is on a Saturday afternoon during sale season. It seems as though all of the world’s bargain hunters are in the same store as you. I was happy when online shopping came along.
?Describe People
?? Meticulous [C2-adjective]
?? juda ehtiyotkor | sinchkov
Ex. I am a meticulous person, and I pay great attention to detail in all my work.
?? Charismatic [C2-adjective]
?? o'ziga jalb qiladigan
Ex. The charismatic leader had a natural ability to inspire and motivate his team.
?? Astute [C1-adjective]
?? juda aqilli | uddaburon
Ex. The professor's erudite lectures were highly informative and engaging.
?? Erudite [C1-adjective]
?? bilimdon | o'qimishli
Ex. She was a well-respected and erudite scholar.
?? Perspicacious [C1-adjective]
?? zehni o'tkir | ziyrak
Ex. The detective's perspicacious mind allowed him to solve complex cases quickly.
?? Sagacious [C1-adjective]
?? mulohazali | zehnli
Ex. Her sagacious advice helped me make wise decisions in my personal life.
?? Unflappable [C1-adjective]
?? ko'ngli keng | og'ir-vazmin
Ex. Even in stressful situations, he remained unflappable and handled everything calmly.
?? Consummate [C1-adjective]
?? o'ta tajribali | mahoratli
Ex. The pianist's consummate skills were evident in her flawless performance.
?? Virtue [C2-noun]
?? yaxshi xislat | ezgulik
Ex. Kindness is a virtue that can make a positive impact on people's lives.
?? high-flyer [C1-noun]
?? iqtidorli | kelajagi porloq
Ex. Sarah is a high-flyer who has achieved great success in her career at a young age.
?? larger than life [idiom]
?? jozibali | o'ziga rom etadigan
Ex. The actor's larger-than-life personality captivated the audience during the performance.
Fire in Los Angeles: A City Ablaze?
For people like David Chen, who lost his Malibu home in the Woolsey Fire, the trauma is more personal. “You build a life, raise a family, and then watch it all turn to ash in a matter of hours. It’s a pain you never forget.”
Assalomu alaykum hammaga tongni dolzarb xabarlar bilan boshlaymiz Los Angelesdagi yong'ing haqidagi article
Agelast - bu hech qachon kulmaydigan inson
Apricity - qishda quyoshdan issiq kelsa, uni Apricity deymiz
Dysania - ertalab uyg'onishga erinayotganimizdagi holat shunday ataladi
Fugacious - juda ham qisqa davom etadigan voqea
Hiraeth - bu so'zni amerikaga ketsez, va o'zbekistonni so'g'inganizda ishlatasiz
Ineffable - bu so'zlar bilan tasvirlab beromiydgan narsa haqida gapirganizda ishlatasiz
Limerence - boshqa insonga nisbatan qattiq o'rganish shunday ataladi
Mellifluous - bu quloqqa yoqimli tovush
Nefelibata - juda ham osmonda uchib fikr yuritadigan insonlarga ishlatasiz
Petrichor - bu yomg'irdan keyingi keladigan iforning nomi
Quixotic - bu shunchalik ideal narsaga nisbatan ishlatasiz, bu narsa borligiga ishongiz kemidi
Resfeber - bu sayohat qilishdan oldingi kichik qo'rquv va hayajon hissiyoti
Serendipity - bu biron narsani qidirib, boshqa biron muhim narsani topganizda ishlatiladi
Vagary - o'zini noodatiy tutuvchi insonlarga ishlatasiz
Listen 1 min about: Flowers ?
Flowers are a true gift from God. They’re beautiful. All of them. One of life’s pleasures is looking at flowers. If you look at them really closely, it’s amazing just how beautiful they are. Their colours are so rich and deep. I don’t know of anything in the world more red than a rose or more yellow than a tulip. Flowers seem to be a big part of every culture. People give flowers as gifts, arrange them in their houses, grow them in their gardens. Some people even name their daughters after flowers. I can’t imagine how boring the world would be without flowers. I’m always coming across new flowers. Every time I travel to another country, I find lots of flowers I’ve never seen before. It must be nice to be a bee and spend all day flying from flower to flower.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 months ago