American Youth Storm

I was born for a storm, and a calm does not suit me.
-Andrew Jackson

Dedicated to the quintessential American Nation
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9 months, 1 week ago
All too often we are told …

All too often we are told “America was built on the backs of non-Whites”. Our children are taught these anti-White lies daily, furthering their disdain for their own people. The objective reality is that the foundation and growth of America was shaped and sustained by the hard work and dedication of White European Explorers and Conquerors!

Their efforts in establishing early colonies, building political and educational institutions, and developing agricultural and economic systems were the foundation for the country's growth. Our People introduced technological innovations and brought civilized ideas that influenced the creation of Heritage America and its Constitution. It was White principles and ideals which set the stage for the Heritage Nation’s evolution into a prosperous and powerful country.

We are their posterity, the sons and daughters of the founding stock of this once-great nation. Heritage America was built by Our People, and so must then be led by Our People, as any healthy nation and ethnic group must be. America is being destroyed by invaders who self-identify as some hyphenated version of a true American. We reject this invasion, and proudly proclaim that this is Our Land! ??

?? #AFP #ConqueredNotStolen ??

9 months, 1 week ago
Georgia Confederate monument, at Antietam.

Georgia Confederate monument, at Antietam.


9 months, 2 weeks ago

? Nationalist Solidarity ?

It has been brought to our attention that certain small factions within Dissident politics have been accusing the American Nationalist organization Patriot Front of being pro-Zionist. This controversy arose when a Patriot Front stencil saying “America First” was placed over “Free Palestine” graffiti. While typically best to ignore such slanderous remarks, these accusations have escalated to the point where some individuals are calling for the doxxing of Patriot Front members. We staunchly stand against these false claims and shameful actions, and assert that being anti-Zionist does not require being pro-Palestine. Our shared position with Patriot Front is rooted in non-interventionism and prioritizing American interests, neither of which align with supporting Israel or Palestine.

While we do not speak for their organization, we are able to confidently state in defense of Patriot Front that they are anti-Zionist, in both policy and principle. In fact, Patriot Front promotional materials such as posters and banners explicitly state their opposition to Zionism. However, this anti-Zionist stance which the AFP shares does not translate into support for Palestine.

We oppose Zionism primarily because of the disproportionate influence Israel exerts on American policy, and their assault on Our People’s own right to self determination. This influence often results in the United States engaging in conflicts and political maneuvers that do not align with our national or ethnic interests. The alliance with Israel has led to substantial financial and military support that could be better utilized within our own borders. Along with this, Israeli and Jewish influence have resulted in the demographic genocide and oppression of Whites in America. Our anti-Zionism is a stance against this undue influence and the entanglement of American resources and lives in foreign issues.

However, this opposition to Zionism does not equate to an endorsement of Palestine. While Palestinians may be adversaries of Israel, they do not align with our vision for a return to Heritage America. We view both nations, and their respective ethnic groups, as external to our national and ethnic interests as people of European stock, and detrimental to our sovereignty in different ways.

As non-interventionists, we believe that America should not be entangled in foreign conflicts or alliances that do not directly serve our nation's needs. Our primary concern is the welfare and security of the American people. Neither Israel nor Palestine contribute positively to these goals. Our goal is to disentangle America from foreign dependencies and conflicts, ensuring that our policies reflect the needs and interests of our own citizens above all. While the AFP recognizes that Israel has an incalculably more pronounced negative impact on American policies, our stance is not rooted in supporting any adversaries who likewise seek harm to the nation.

Conversely, Palestinians should not be considered allies either. From our perspective, they represent a different kind of threat: one which is also rooted in ideologies and actions that conflict with American values and interests. They are invaders, engaging in tactics and ideologies that are fundamentally opposed to our vision for Heritage America. Supporting Palestine would not advance our non-interventionist goals or serve American interests. Ultimately, our focus remains steadfastly on America and her founding White European stock. Both Israel and Palestine are embroiled in a conflict that is not ours to solve or take sides in. Our resources, policies, and efforts should be directed towards strengthening our nation, addressing our own challenges, and ensuring the prosperity and security of Our People.

In summary, Patriot Front and the AFP's positions are a reflection of our non-interventionist philosophy and our commitment to American interests. We reject involvement with both Israel and Palestine, recognizing that neither serves the needs of our nation. ??

?? #AntiZionism #PatriotFront ??


Patriot Front

@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front stencil reading "America First" sighted in Detroit, Michigan. The patriotic message has replaced "free Palestine" written around the prominent water tower. PF has made public statements denouncing any support for the…

10 months, 3 weeks ago
[@PatriotFrontUpdates]( » **Patriot Front is dedicated …

@PatriotFrontUpdates » Patriot Front is dedicated to uphold the traditions, defend the people, and transform the public space of the nation. Through changing the minds, bodies, and lives of Americans, we hope to create lasting effects on the course of the country. Patriot Front is active, nationwide, and committed to an ambitious array of efforts.
?? See our 2023 recap. ??

?? ?? ?? When nationalist views are censored online, Patriot Front's marches capture the national spotlight. » Manhattan anti-Zionism march. / Washington DC national march. / Columbus Day memorial march. / Independence Day march.

? After disaster strikes, Patriot Front is there to help Americans recover. » Florida hurricane relief. / East Palestine supply drive. / Mississippi tornado relief.

?? Wherever moral degradation threatens society, activists are there to oppose it. » DC pro-family demonstration. / Kentucky anti-pedophilia protest. / Tulsa "pride" protest.

?? Whereas our health and culture is corrupted, Patriot Front provides an environment for vitality, family and accomplishment. » American Muscle combat sports event. / Labor Day community building assembly. / Thanksgiving family events.

⛰️ While our youth are withheld the experiences and hardships of men, Patriot Front teaches the virtues of a strenuous life. » West Texas canyon orienteering. / First Aid workshops. / Land navigation workshops. / Activists climb the tallest peaks.

⭐️ As our history is being rewritten, destroyed, and forgotten, Patriot Front is there to build new monuments and resurrect our past. » Canyon memorial obelisk. / New Mexico fasces monument. / Allegheny wilderness shelter. / American literature distribution. / Sons of Columbia heritage catalogue.

?? Facing the slander of the media and lawfare from the State, Patriot Front fights for the rights of dissidents in the courtroom. » Activists remain strong after arrest in Idaho. / North Idaho charges dismissed. / Idaho prosecutors lose appeal. / Rousseau fights Charlottesville witch hunt.

12 months ago
*"I was born for a storm, …

"I was born for a storm, and a calm does not suit me." — Andrew Jackson

?Dallas, Texas

1 year ago
[@PatriotFrontUpdates]( » **LEGAL UPDATE:** The Free …

@PatriotFrontUpdates » LEGAL UPDATE: The Free Expression Foundation (FEF) is an advocacy nonprofit that provides moral, legal, and financial support to those being persecuted for the exercise of their First Amendment Rights. They have offered to accept donations to provide legal support for the defense of Thomas Rousseau against the unjust case being brought by Albemarle County, Virginia. This case represents a gross abuse of power, and an infringement on the rights of free expression for all Americans. Please consult with a tax professional to determine if your donation may be tax deductible.

Donors MUST include the note "For Thomas Rousseau" in their donations for them to be put towards the case.

1 year ago
[@PatriotFrontUpdates]( » Thomas Rousseau, leader of …

@PatriotFrontUpdates » Thomas Rousseau, leader of Patriot Front, was arrested by Texas law enforcement on February 23 on a felony warrant out of Charlottesville, Virginia. The arrest comes after a nearly 7-year witch hunt by politically motivated prosecutors, stemming from the events that transpired at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Rousseau faces a fabricated felony charge for "Burning Objects with Intent to Intimidate.”

This is the burden that American patriots must bear. Patriot Front will continue to organize and work in the nation's cause unimpeded.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington

1 year ago
***??*** **Rob Rundo Update** ***??***

?? Rob Rundo Update ??

According to documents obtained by Antifa Watch, Federal authorities have successfully appealed the judge’s decision on selective prosecution. The9th circuit court of appeals has “reversed the release pending the feds appeal of selective prosecution dismissal”. This therefore means he will once again be jailed.

The federal government’s strategy here seems to involve transferring the case to another court until they achieve their desired outcome. It is pertinent to remember that the only reason Mr. Rundo was arrested again in 2023 was because the government “overturned the dismissal” of the initial charges.

Such actions as these underscore clear governmental overreach and serve as another instance of tyranny within our occupied government. ??

?? #AFP #RobRundo #RAM ??

1 year, 1 month ago

“May God damn forever all who cry 'Peace!'”
— Ezra Pound

1 year, 2 months ago

? AFP Christmas Address 2023! Delivered by Executive Director John Fassbinder ?

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