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Adolf Hitler on the Relationship Between the Political Struggle and Religious Piety for the German People
“Christianity is waging a religious crusade against paganism in all its excesses and manifestations. And just as you, Mr. Benefiziat, are convinced that the German people can never achieve salvation apart from Christ, so I am convinced that they can never achieve salvation and strength apart from the Hooked-cross. And I CAN ONLY WISH FOR THE DAY when the German people will stand on this land, firm, unshakable and united, as a symbol of the struggle for everyday life, to the left of the sword is the Hooked-cross, and to the right, as a symbol of faith and struggle. for the eternal — the cross of the Lord.”
— Adolf Hitler
In his letter to Pastor Magnus Gött dated March 2nd, 1927, in “Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte Volume 42 (1994) Issue 3”, p. 490.
Third Reich: Return Of The Holy Roman Empire
by Joey McGoebbels
of Jett and Jahn Media
This book reveals in detail exactly how the Third Reich was to be the resurrected spiritual successor of the Holy Roman Empire. It details how Hitler's worldview was deeply influenced by the idealism and Romanticism of Germany's middle ages which he saw as a vessel of a glorious ancient Germanic past. Put another way, Hitler's Third Reich was intended to be the Catholic fulfillment of a German dream intended to transform the Holy Roman Empire into a true culture bearing continental empire.
The Origins of the "Catholic Church Stood Against the Third Reich" Myth
The Great Lie of Political Catholicism
Reinhard Heydrich on Political Clericalism
Adolf Hitler on “rescuing clergymen from politics”
Adolf Hitler: In Defense of the Sacred and the Revered
Leon Degrelle on Hitler’s Faith
In this rare picture, Adolf Hitler is sporting a Japanese kimono.
Original German Fraktur to English. Translated for Basic Ideas of National Socialist Economic Policy Ed2 \- Coming Soon!
Translation of Bernhard Köhler's 1938 speech at the Nuremberg Reichsparteitag, he contrasts the German economy under National Socialism with its previous state, which he states was dominated by Jewish interests. Köhler argues for a shift towards an economy serving German interests, describing a dual struggle against Jewish economic and political tactics. He champions National Socialist policies as a means to reclaim German economic sovereignty and restore national identity. This short summary highlights the speech's ideological context and the economic nationalism that defined the era's political discourse.
An Invisible Empire Publishing Translation by Daniel Zakal
The Enigma of the Leader
Biden invoked Hitler less than a minute into his State of the Union speech.
Eight decades after his death, Hitler remains the most important figure in world politics and the supreme nemesis of the evil, corrupt elites who control the West. His spirit constantly looms over the Jewish world order, always threatening to inspire a new generation of young men to rise up and overthrow it.
Hitler on the Philosophy of National Socialism
"This [National Socialist] philosophy does not advocate mystic cults, but rather aims to cultivate and lead a Volk determined by its blood. [...]
Therefore we do not have halls for cults, but halls for the Volk. Nor do we have places for worship, but places for assembly and squares for marches. We do not have cult sites, but sports arenas and play areas. And it is because of this that our assembly halls are not bathed in the mystical twilight of cult sites but rather are places of brightness and light of a beautiful and practical nature. In these halls, no cult rituals take place, they are exclusively the site of Volk rallies of the type which we conducted in the years of our struggle, which we have become accustomed to, and which we shall preserve in this manner."
~ Adolf Hitler, in a speech at the Culture Convention in Nuremberg on September 6, 1938.
"Our elections have become auctions, where the best bidder won", Lord Vansittart, 1958
"It is notorious everywhere on Earth, the wise, intelligent and discriminating members of the community always constitute the minority. So that Majority rule must in any case mean Government by the least able and least gifted elements in every population. Can we wonder then, that wherever to-date democracy is established things go from bad to worse and that chaos and anarchy are becoming universal?"
Examples of Christian organizations being afforded more rights than the German Faith Movement
Part 2
"While HJ members were allowed these prerogatives, the same freedom of religious expression was not granted within the HJ to paganist organizations like the German Faith Movement (or DGB). When the DGB attempted to use a passage from one of Schirach's poems in a promotional flier, the leadership of the HJ voiced its disapproval. Writing to the head office of the Gestapo, the Reich Youth Leadership Office complained: “The Reich Youth Leader has never given the German Faith Movement permission to use this poem for its propaganda purposes. That the Reich Youth Leader moreover has forbidden any propaganda activity in the Hitler Youth for the German Faith Movement is proof that the quote has been misused." Schirach's office requested that the Gestapo confiscate all copies of the leaflet."
— The Holy Reich, pg. 249-250
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