Akramoff | blog

Tutor: Akramov Otabek
IELTS: R 9.0 S 8.0 W 6.5 L 8.5

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This channel was created for the sole purpose of helping students struggling with their language acquisition and give proper guidance based on my own humble experience.

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5 months, 1 week ago

#reading *revisited

Ways to improve your reading from my experience. Let’s go:

📌If you read a book, always pay attention to the meaning of the paragraph, chapter and the book as a whole.

You aren’t reading the book for its words or phrases per se. But, you are reading the book to boost your comprehension (which is the skill you’ll need in IELTS). If you understand the words and idioms but don’t understand the page, it is a problem and it will be even a bigger problem in IELTS crash courses. Thus, ponder upon author’s opinions, arguments and his point of view.

As soon as you see a word, don’t jump to look this word up in the dictionary.

It is a fact that you face a bunch of new words in your examination paper. That’s why you need to work on your guessing ability. Before using a dictionary while you are reading any text, do guess the meaning of a word based on the context. Ask yourself “what meaning should this word have to complete the meaning of the sentence?“ and you will do just fine.

  1. Coming soon…
5 months, 1 week ago

“Big Brother is Watching You” Effect A specialized group of behavioral experts from Smith Change the World Incorporated conducted a study on the effects of surveillance on a society. Using technology in both Little Brother and 1984, they were able to create…

5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 1 week ago

#note If you were a girl with all the options she has, would you choose you? Read that again.

5 months, 1 week ago


If you were a girl with all
the options she has,
would you choose you?

Read that again.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

The significance of authentic materials.

When I took my last test, I was given a passage about “Bakelite”, a compound of plastic of some sort. A similar passage also happens to be in Cambridge Practice Test 5 and in Actual Test No.#, I cannot remember exactly which one.

This situation is also known as, “recycling”. The fact that Cambridge recycles some of its practice materials or previous exam papers in future IELTS tests is not a secret anymore. If you are lucky enough, you will be given exactly the same passage like I was.

The takeaway is that one of the things you can do to prepare thoroughly for your exam is to look through all Cambridge 1-18 Practice materials with in-depth analysis. Moreover, I would highly recommend that you solve some of the Actual Tests too, for extra precaution.

Moreover, most of the expressions and sentence constructions in Cambridge materials are most likely to repeat themselves in later materials. It means you solving and analyzing practice tests also lays a solid foundation for your future exams.

Send the post to those whose exams are fast approaching.


5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Taxonomy of Students (Part 2)

Know-it-all ~ a student who thinks they know more than anyone else in the room. They spoil the competitive atmosphere in class. That’s why everyone hates them.

Phone “addict” - the one who is always on their phone. They prioritize their over-the-phone long-distance relationships over the lesson they themselves are paying for.

Class clown - the who is good at cracking jokes. They are loved by everyone, even by their teachers. Their absence makes a huge difference.

Secret lovers - they sit far from each other thinking as if the teacher doesn’t have a clue.

5 months, 4 weeks ago

This edition is one of the best thus far.

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