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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

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MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Deadly Ebola-Like Bleeding Virus Is ‘Surging Through Europe’.

Is this going to cause the next pandemic that the globalists are eagerly waiting for?

PS. They are obviously desperate to get a WHO treaty signed. They can easily fake a Marburg / Ebola pandemic in the "vaccinated" by using 5G - this was their plan all along anyway. The doctor who exposed this was murdered.

The People's Voice

Deadly Ebola-Like Bleeding Virus Is 'Surging Through Europe'

Cases of "vole fever" are being reported hundreds of miles away from where it is typically located, with the potential for it to turn into an Ebola-like fever.

Deadly Ebola-Like Bleeding Virus Is ‘Surging Through Europe’.
1 month, 4 weeks ago

Plant uie vanaf saad. - beginners.

Ps. Dit is nou tyd vir uie, beet, alle koolsoorte.  Begin klein..maar begin iewers


1 month, 4 weeks ago

7Frederick Potgieter:

Die aanbreek van die Era van Jakob

Ezra gesien hoedat ’n splinter klein koninkryk van ’n groep Europeërs ontstaan toe hulself weg van Europa gekolonialiseer het. Hulle word deur die Almagtige God “bewaar tot die einde toe.” Hulle word egter voortdurend met plaaslike oproer gekonfronteer. (2 Ezra 12:29-30.) Dan het Ezra gesien hoedat ‘n brullende leeu wat uit die woud kom en Edom (as die arend) bestraf weens sy onregtighede en wrede dade. Die leeu sal hulle oordeel en daarna vernietig. (2 Ezra 11:37.) Die leeu gaan (as die Verwoester) tydens die Derde Wêreldoorlog gedurende ’n angswekkende storm uit die ooste wat absoluut verskriklik sal wees, (2 Ezra 15:35) te voorskyn kom.

Hierdie leeu is die perderuiter van die eerste seël van Opn. 6 – die Verwoester van Ps. 18 wat sal kom as die Suiweraar om die aarde van onreinheid skoon te was en as die Stryder van geregtigheid om die onregtighede van die Edom te bestraf. Hy is JaHshua – die Lam van Openbaring. Hy kom met met “donder en aardbewing en groot gedruis, wind en storm en die vlam van ‘n verterende vuur.” (Jes. 29:6.)
die manlike se naam is Behemot (of Baphomet), wat met sy bors ’n verlate wildernis met die naam Duidain, bewoon het aan die oostekant van die tuin waar die uitverkorenes en regverdiges woon, (’n plek waar lig en duisternis geskei word – 2 Ezra 6:51 saam gelees met Gen. 1:18) waar my grootvader opgeneem is, die sewende van Adam af – die eerste man wat God van die Geeste geskape het. (Boek van Henog 60:7-8.)

27 2 Ezra 15:34-42: ““Kyk daar kom wolke vanuit die ooste en die noorde na die suide en hulle is verskriklik om na te kyk, VOL VAN TOORN EN STORMS. Hulle sal teen mekaar stamp en ’N GROOT STORM OP DIE AARDE NEERSLINGER, en die bloed wat deur die swaard (van die sewe donderslae van Opn. 10:3-4) vergiet is, sal tot by ‘n perd se buik reik. En die mis van mense sal reik tot aan die gordels van die kamele, en daar sal groot vrees en bewing op die Aarde wees; en hulle wat die onstuimigheid sien, sal verskrik wees en bewing (vrees) sal hulle oorval. En daarna sal geweldige storms kom uit die suide en uit die noorde en ‘n ander deel uit die weste. En die sterk winde uit die ooste sal die oorhand kry wat die ander wolk sal opsuig en die hemel sal oopskeur, en die Ster Nibiru (Planeet X – die Verwoester) wat opgekom het om verskrikking na die oosteen suidewind te bring, sal vernietiging na die aarde bring. En ook sal die winde en die Ster (Verwoester) oor elke hoë en verhewe plek ‘n afgryslike storm uitgiet. [Ook] vuur en hael en vlieënde swaarde (Esg. 1:13-14) en watervloede, totdat al die velde vol is, en alle riviere deur die water oorstroom word. En hulle sal die stede afbreek, en die mure, en die berge en die heuwels, en die bome van die bosse en die gras van die weivelde, en hulle vrugte.”

28 Die wind het iets soos ‘n figuur van ’n Man (die Groot Lig) laat kom vanuit die see
(van die eerste hemel). En ek het gesien hoe Hy met die Wolkkolom van die Hemele afvlieg. Daardie Man is versterk met die duisende van die Hemele. Dit is Hy
wat die Allerhoogste vir ’n lang tyd bewaar het, deur Hom sal HY die wêreld bevry
word. Sy vurige Stem het almal wat Hom gehoor het, laat wegsmelt soos was. (Ps.
68:3.) Daar het ’n groot menigte mense vanuit die vier winde van die Hemele saam
vergader om teen die Man wat uit die see gekom het, om oorlog te voer. Die man
het vir Homself die berg Sion (’n Muur van Vuur) gevorm en daar bo-op heen
gevlieg en gaan staan op die kruin van die Berg. Toe Hy die geweld van die menigte
sien aankom, het Hy uit Sy Mond en Sy gloeiende asem ‘n vurige Gees laat
uitgaan, en dit het met geweld geval op die menigte en dit het elkeen van hulle
verbrand sodat daar van die ontelbare menigte niks te merk was nie, maar net stof
en die reuk van rook. (2 Ezra 13:2-28.) My Hand sal die oortreders nie spaar nie,

4 months, 1 week ago
.en dit is in Phizer vaccines …

.en dit is in Phizer vaccines ontdek....

Sv40 dna

Siek samelewing met siek mense 😡👹


4 months, 1 week ago

DA are a Zionist controlled party obviously funded from outside the country and acting on behalf of the UN and the WEF. The other half of the story is the undisputed fact that 90 % of the South African parliament are bought and sold to the deepstate acting as the deepstate's puppets. This is coming from way back in the years of the Union days starting under Lois Botha. The Cecil John Rhodes era after the British stole the Two Republics and desimated the people which for the record were white and black alike. The concentration camps were used as a experiment for the Illuminati to see what would be the best method of subduing people in the event of a take over. These same methods have been used all over the world since then, the latest are in the Gaza strip.

4 months, 1 week ago

Every country in the world has signed with the UN, apart from the Vatican City and Palestine.
The UN also partnered with the WEF in 2019.
The DA has openly stated that they will follow through with the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. In SA it is called the National Development Plan 2030 (NDP30).
It does not matter which big political party you vote for, we are a UN country.
The only party that are standing for system change, abolishing the political system, the UN and implementing #Direct Elections, where the public votes for the best person for the job in office, is the Organic Humanity Movement (OHM).
They also want to implement self sufficiency.
Lauren Evanthia Bernardo have been standing up for children for years and waking people up to the horrors taught in schools along the way.
#LeaveOurKidsAlone on Telegram
There is always hope, but we have to choose it...

4 months, 2 weeks ago

188 million views. Banned song in South Africa

Pink Floyd. Brick in the wall


#BELA bill

While some apply the song's biting lyrics to specific kinds of schooling, others use it as a rallying cry against any government mandated form of education.

For more analysis on this previously Banned song

4 months, 2 weeks ago

How the ANC is robbing the S A citizens 🔥



Craig in The Red List SA • Info and Chat

WELL DONE ANC!!! WELL DONE !!! In case you were wondering where the electricity is going, and why we have loadshitting - apart from the wholesale stealing, sabotage and fraud, here are some other facts: There is a mining company named…

4 months, 2 weeks ago

The Global agenda is that parents lose their rights over their children and Government takes control.

Young minds are easier to manipulate than mature minds.

If we know what is going on as ordinary citizens, the politicians in every party know it as well.

Government works for the people not the people for Government as has been happening for much too long. It is time they learn this.

The only way they win is by dividing people. The divide must stop and more people who know the truth must speak out, make people aware of what the real agenda is.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Guys here is the BELA bill. See from page 33.

Take screenshots for urgent matters.

Go and attend the meetings in your area. This is terribly important.

Even if it's just for your family or friends' children. ....

It affects our entire country's children and our descendants.


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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago