Clothona News: Explore App Updates and Enhancements – @ClothonaBot
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
Отзывы: @xRocket_otziv
Владелец: @Cryptopp_russ
Рекламный менеджер: @Mlasuzin @reklama_topi (без оплаты)
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 4 days, 7 hours ago
Average engineering class chat
Al-Buxoriy, Beruniy, Xorazmiy avlodi bo'lish yaxshi. Qachonki, ular nomi eslanganda, faxr tuyg'usini his qilish yaxshi, albatta. Lekin, eslab xursand bo'lishdan ko'ra, ko'proq uyalish hissi bo'lsa kerak bizda* (masalan, menda). Chunki ayni damda ochig'i nima bilan maqtana olamiz, g'ururlana olamiz? IELTS 9.0 bilanmi? #random #thoughts
recommendation: don’t drink more than 3 liters water. your kidneys will be shocked 💀
Is it weird to eat chocolates with bread? 🤔
POV while studying electricity:
sometimes you don't need to understand everything, you just need to accept it
Write everything.
If you have goals, write them.
If you have problems, write them.
If you're happy, write it.
If you're proud, write why.
If you make a mistake, write what you learned.
If you need clarity, write until it clears.
If you don’t know where to start, write the first thing that comes to mind.
Write until the fog lifts. Write until the pieces fit. Write everything.
Clothona News: Explore App Updates and Enhancements – @ClothonaBot
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
Отзывы: @xRocket_otziv
Владелец: @Cryptopp_russ
Рекламный менеджер: @Mlasuzin @reklama_topi (без оплаты)
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 4 days, 7 hours ago