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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago

? Nechta topdingiz?

6 ta - ?
5 ta - ?
4 ta - ♥️
3 ta - ?
2 ta - ?
1 ta - ?

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 4 weeks ago

? Isolated - Izolyatsiya qilingan, ajratib qo'yilgan
   - Meaning: To be separated from others; remote or secluded.
   - Example: The small cabin was isolated in the mountains, far from any town or village.

? Drag - sudramoq, tortmoq, tashimoq.
   - Meaning: To pull along forcefully, often with difficulty.
   - Example: He had to drag the heavy suitcase up the stairs because there was no elevator.

? Scrawny - Yupqa; o'ta ozg'in
   - Meaning: Unattractively thin and bony.
   - Example: The scrawny stray cat was looking for food in the alley behind the restaurant.

? Scarce - Kam
   - Meaning: Insufficient in amount or quantity; not plentiful.
   - Example: Fresh water became scarce during the drought.

? Pioneer - Kashshof, qayergadir 1- bo'lib boradigan o'rgananib- o'rnashadigan odam.
   - Meaning: A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.
   - Example: The pioneers crossed the plains in covered wagons during the westward expansion of the United States.

? Shrivel - quruqshab qolish, bujmayish,
   - Meaning: To wrinkle and contract, typically due to loss of moisture or aging.
   - Example: The leaves on the plant began to shrivel during the dry spell.

? Reckless - Ehtiyotsiz
    - Meaning: Acting without thinking about the consequences; careless or irresponsible.
    - Example: His reckless driving led to an accident on the highway.

? Abject - o'ta yomon
    - Meaning: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or degrading.
    - Example: The refugees were living in abject poverty, with little food or shelter.

? Ingenious - Aqlli
    - Meaning: Clever, original, and inventive.
    - Example: The engineer devised an ingenious solution to the complex problem.

? Accelerate - Tezlashtirish
    - Meaning: To increase in speed or rate.
    - Example: The car accelerated quickly as it merged onto the highway.

? Descend - Pastga tushish, ...dan o'tmoq
    - Meaning: To move or fall downward.
    - Example: The hikers began to descend the mountain as darkness fell.

Prepared by Munira Bebutova


2 months, 4 weeks ago

*? Vocab ?***

3 months ago

? Nechta topdingiz?

6 ta - ?
5 ta - ?
4 ta - ♥️
3 ta - ?
2 ta - ?
1 ta - ?


5 months, 2 weeks ago
  1. The U.S. economy was struggling - AQSH iqtisodi qiyin ahvolda edi.
    Explanation: Refers to a period of economic hardship or downturn in the United States.

Example: Despite efforts to stimulate growth, the U.S. economy was struggling due to various factors such as declining consumer confidence and global trade tensions.

  1. Unemployment rates- Ishsizlik darajasi
    Explanation: Indicates the percentage of people who are actively seeking employment but are unable to find work.

Example: Unemployment rates remained stubbornly high, reaching double digits in some regions, causing widespread concern among policymakers.

  1. Inflation had peaked at an all-time high for peacetime- inflyatsiya tinchlik davridagi eng yuqori cho'qqiga chiqdi.

Explanation: Describes a situation where the general price level of goods and services in an economy has reached its highest point during a period of peace (not during wartime).

Example: Inflation had peaked at an all-time high for peacetime, leading to concerns about the erosion of purchasing power and the affordability of basic necessities.

  1. Combat these issues- ushbu muammolarga qarshi kurashish

Explanation: Refers to taking action to address or alleviate problems or challenges.

Example: Policymakers implemented various measures to combat these issues, including fiscal stimulus packages and monetary policy adjustments.

  1. Economic policies- iqtisodiy siyosat
    Explanation: Refers to government strategies and actions designed to influence the behavior of the economy.

Example: The government introduced new economic policies aimed at promoting investment, job creation, and sustainable growth.

  1. Tax cuts- soliqlarni kamaytirish

Explanation: Refers to reductions in the amount of taxes owed by individuals or businesses, typically enacted to stimulate economic activity.

Example: The government implemented tax cuts in an effort to boost consumer spending and encourage business investment.

  1. Tax savings- soliqdan tushgan pul

Explanation: Refers to the amount of money saved by individuals or businesses as a result of paying lower taxes.

Example: Tax savings from recent reforms provided individuals with extra disposable income, which they could use to invest or spend in the economy.

  1. Trickle down- badavlat kishilarning boyligi oshib borishi natijasida kambag'allarga naf keltirishi.
    Explanation: A concept in economics suggesting that benefits provided to the wealthy or upper class will eventually "trickle down" to benefit those lower down the socioeconomic ladder.

Example: Trickle-down economics posits that by cutting taxes for the wealthy, the resulting increase in investment and economic activity will eventually benefit everyone in society.

  1. Trickle-down economics- badavlat kishilarning boyligi oshib borishi natijasida kambag'allarga naf keltiradigan iqtisodiyot.
    Explanation: A theory advocating that economic benefits for the wealthy will indirectly benefit the rest of society.

Example: Trickle-down economics argues that policies favoring the rich, such as tax breaks for high-income earners, will lead to broader economic prosperity over time.

  1. Median income- O'rtacha daromad

Explanation: The income level that separates the higher-earning half of a population from the lower-earning half when arranged in ascending order.

Example: The median income in the country rose slightly last year, but disparities between high and low earners remained significant.

  1. Invoke- Chaqirmoq, da’vat qilmoq
    Explanation: To cite or appeal to something, often a principle or authority, in support of an action or argument.

Example: The government invoked emergency powers to address the economic crisis, citing the need for swift and decisive action.

  1. Stimulating economic growth- iqtisodiy o'sishni rag'batlantirish

Explanation: Refers to actions taken to encourage or foster expansion and development in an economy.

Example: Implementing infrastructure projects and reducing regulatory barriers are key strategies for stimulating economic growth.


5 months, 2 weeks ago

Reading yoki listeningda uchratishingiz, writingda foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan so'zlar ???

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Sizlar bilan jonli dars o'tamizmi?

Mavzuni o'zingiz tanlashingiz mumkin ?

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Beginner va elementary kurslari ertadan boshlanadi. Kursga yozilish uchun: @Eng_L_Tutor

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- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun edu.uz dtm.uz xushnudbek.uz kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.


Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

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+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago