ㅤ ??????? ?? ???
Think of it as the most comfortable home
for you. Together we create comfort.

» Shitpost: @ShitpostDNRR
» Bot MPPS: @dnrmppsbot
» Data PS: @DnrPs

????? ?? ????? ????
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

1 Jahr, 8 Monate her
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ????????????

ㅤㅤ      ㅤㅤ  ????????????

☆゚On a cool morning with the sound of birds chirping, they seem to be monitoring each other in front of a resident's house. What turned out to be the chirping succeeded in making the owner of the house wake up and several residents came out. Because of the commotion, a boy appeared who seemed to have just woken up and immediately saw what made the birds sing.

Turns out the bird was a mail carrier to a certain person, and now when he's the boy gets the letter and he has to read that information out to other citizens. He who was very curious about the contents of the letter was finally opened and he read it to other residents, all the residents who were there were shocked because they did not expect that the kingdom had returned.

The boy's friend came out of the house because of the voices of the residents who were very happy and he asked this boy "what is in the letter?" and the boys read the contents, The contents of the letter are DESA NO RACIST WILL OPEN LINK ON JUNE 24, 2023.
if you are willing to be part of us please watch on channel @OFCDNRR

1 Jahr, 8 Monate her
1 Jahr, 9 Monate her
With a bright and beautiful atmosphere, …

With a bright and beautiful atmosphere, anyone will definitely feel happy today. The same is true with us, the dnr team who will open up opportunities for all of you to be part of our team. On June 14, 2023 we will be ?????? ????? ????, which anyone who is interested and can take part in seriously at every stage. Please read the RULES first before entering the DNR area. If you interested, include ( Name + Id Ready for MPPS admin. ) Send to @owndnr_bot While trying and good luck!

1 Jahr, 9 Monate her
1 Jahr, 9 Monate her

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ㅤ ?hroughout the day, good and bad things always happen. There is a short squad named dnr. There is a group of people whose job is to carry out tasks and help each other in every need. The following are the names of some of the core:
→ Kailasha Meirabel → Rajendra Wiyatara → Shannea Ashalea → Naleo Greanka A → Meyisha Guvriella → Gaboz Batara

1 Jahr, 9 Monate her

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ㅤ   ?n a beautiful and sunny day, there is a squad called dnr for short. Organized and carried out properly and seriously by several people. And expect progress for all existing efforts. The following are the names of some of the owners:
→ Grissel Asnamira → Rybelle Chalice → Harland Van Osch

1 Jahr, 9 Monate her

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ㅤ   ?n a beautiful and sunny day, there is a squad named short dnr. Which was developed together with FO in order to form a squad that continues to progress in the future. Can give directions for those who don't understand. This is Kazio Bachiel as co-founder.

1 Jahr, 9 Monate her

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"Desa No Racist" berdiri pada tanggal 15 April 2021 dipimpin oleh Samuel Alvargo sebagai founder. DNR bubar pada 4 oktober 2021 karena ada alasan yang tidak bisa kami bagikan, namun pada hari ini Desa No Racist akan resmi kembali, founder saat ini yaitu Kahitto Marezal. Nama Desa No Racist sendiri berarti sebuah perkumpulan orang yang merangkul adanya perbedaan, saling menghormati, dan saling menjaga satu sama lain tanpa adanya Rasisme yang terjadi didalam sq ini. Dengan harapan bisa menjadi SQUAD yang besar dan dikenal atas ke solidaritasan nya.

Untuk tema, dan logo Desa No Racist diambil dari hewan Hybird ber-asas warna putih sebagai dasar tema yang melambangkan kesucian.

Hybird (Hibrida) memiliki beberapa arti dan merupakan generasi hasil persilangan antara dua atau lebih populasi yang berbeda, baik fenotipe maupun genotipenya. Pengertian ini dapat mencakup generasi langsung (dekat) hasil persilangan, ataupun generasi lanjut hasil segregasi dari persilangan tersebut.

Hewan yang kita ambil dalam logo adalah persilangan antara Singa dan Elang yang berarti emas dan dianggap bagai matahari yang turun ke tanah, menjadikan singa sebagai simbol dari dewa matahari, dengan elang yang juga sering dijadikan sebagai simbol semangat pantang menyerah, perlindungan, kecepatan, kekuatan dan kekuasaan di udara.

1 Jahr, 9 Monate her
1 Jahr, 9 Monate her


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Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago