Propaganda in Focus

Propaganda in Focus provides a forum for expert opinion and analysis about propaganda and its consequences, facilitating debate over more democratic and progressive forms of persuasive communication and censored scholarship.
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Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago

2 months, 1 week ago
NATO-Russian Conflict: How Close to Armageddon?
Latest from Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett, 'NATO-Russian Conflict: How Close to Armageddon?', in Propaganda In Focus, Daniel Broudy Piers Robinson

Propaganda In Focus

NATO-Russian Conflict: How Close to Armageddon? - Propaganda In Focus

Appearing before Judge Ramona Manglona in the district courtroom of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, in his last few hours prior to freedom, Julian Assange explained that his action of releasing the classified documents that had been shared with him…

NATO-Russian Conflict: How Close to Armageddon?
2 months, 1 week ago
Spy World
Professor Cord Scott's 'Spy World',

Propaganda In Focus

Spy World - Propaganda In Focus

“In fact, it’s too good. It is so good in fact that after I pay the check, I’ll go straight into the kitchen and shoot the cook. Because that’s what I do. I restore balance to this country.” (Johnny Depp, 2003) “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power…

Spy World
2 months, 1 week ago

Dear all,

New article on Assange and threats to journalism, by GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun:



Propaganda In Focus

Julian Assange and the Continuing Threats to Journalism - Propaganda In Focus

Like millions of people, I woke up on the 25th June, 2024 to a tremendous piece of good news. Everywhere I looked online, everyone was cheering. Julian Assange was out of Belmarsh High Security Prison. He had been subjected to 1901 days or 5 years and 2 months…

Dear all,
2 months, 2 weeks ago
The Quest for Mind Control

Propaganda In Focus

The Quest for Mind Control - Propaganda In Focus

Introduction In March 2023, Elon Musk joined dozens of other tech wonks, becoming a signatory to an open letter put out by the Future of Life Institute calling for “a pause” in Giant AI experiments, the lot feeling that the technology might get out of hand.…

The Quest for Mind Control
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Greg Philo (1947-2024) – Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist

Propaganda In Focus

Greg Philo (1947-2024) - Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist - Propaganda In Focus

I first met Greg in the summer of 1985 just after I had finished my first degree. I walked into his office, knocked on the door and said ‘My name is David, can I help.’ Retelling the story later Greg would claim that the thought crossed his mind that I might…

Greg Philo (1947-2024) – Researcher, Mentor, above all an empirical sociologist
3 months ago
How “Censorship” Became “The Fight Against Disinformation” in Germany: A Story in Six Steps

Propaganda In Focus

How “Censorship” Became “The Fight Against Disinformation” in Germany: A Story in Six Steps - Propaganda In Focus

Step 1: 2014 – Ukraine After the coup in Kiev in 2014, the media across the spectrum — from right to left — started reporting events in the country with a strong bias that was favourable to the regime change and the Western-backed new government, while being…

How “Censorship” Became “The Fight Against Disinformation” in Germany: A Story in Six Steps
3 months ago
The Real Problem of Disinformation

Propaganda In Focus

The Real Problem of Disinformation - Propaganda In Focus

According to the UK Government, which has set up a dedicated Counter-Disinformation Unit, there is a ‘danger that hostile actors use online disinformation to undermine our democratic values and principles’. The US Department of Homeland Security has elevated…

The Real Problem of Disinformation
3 months, 1 week ago
Visualizing Power in a Post-Kitsch World

Propaganda In Focus

Visualizing Power in a Post-Kitsch World - Propaganda In Focus

The term ‘kitsch’ describes that element of ‘poor taste’ often seen in chintzy, factory-made objects intended to stir strong emotions in consumers who experience a heightened state of sentimentality through exposure to it. Kitsch, in its original form, gratifies…

Visualizing Power in a Post-Kitsch World
3 months, 2 weeks ago
WHO’s Pulling the Strings? Covid Injections and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4: Testing New Human Nodes of Connectivity

Propaganda In Focus

WHO's Pulling the Strings? Covid Injections and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4: Testing New Human Nodes of Connectivity…

Abstract: Since human beings generally represent the most unpredictable element of any complex organisation, management techniques must be continually refined in the interest of maintaining the system. As we have discussed in Part 3, the major centres of…

WHO’s Pulling the Strings? Covid Injections and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4: Testing New Human Nodes of Connectivity
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Freedom Convoy Protesters in Crosshairs of Illiberal Canadian Government

Propaganda In Focus

Freedom Convoy Protesters in Crosshairs of Illiberal Canadian Government - Propaganda In Focus

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can represent grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom…

Freedom Convoy Protesters in Crosshairs of Illiberal Canadian Government
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Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago