Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 12 months ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Transcriber’s Note: With overwhelming tears of joy in my eyes, I wanna take this moment to say the biggest thank you of all time to God, President Donald J Trump, Melania Trump, the rest of the beautiful Trump/Patton family, President John F Kennedy Sr, Jacqueline Kennedy, Vice President John F Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, Princess Diana, the rest of the beautiful Kennedy/Kahlooni Family, the US/world wide Q Military, the entire Q team, Negative48, SabrinaGal, Toronto, Brice, all of the amazing digital soldier anons, all patriots fighting the good fight, anyone else that has helped bring The Plan to fruition, and everyone with a sense of wonder that came here to learn this incredible story. Thank you will never be enough to express how grateful I am, but I thank you with all of my heart for everything you have sacrificed and done. I love all of you so very much. WWG1WGA. God Wins. You’ll find out.
(End of The Jesus Strand Part 2)
?Negative48: Breathtaking, 116. Glorious, 116. Demolition, 116. Glorious Demolition, 232. That’s what’s gonna happen... When we pick up all the pieces we’ll have a…Glorious Country, 232. I’m Cleansing Earth For God, 223. You just stack the 2’s, make it 43. The 43rd prime number is 191. All Roads To Lead To Q, 191. Negative48 Negative472, 191. They told us everything we needed to see… Cleansing Earth For God, 201, zero means nothing, 21. It all comes back to…21 spelled out (Twenty One) equals 141…Mr. President, 141. I am the beginning and the end… Here Comes Your Man, 198. Greatest Comeback Ever, 198. The…Elephant In The Room, 198. Coincidence Theorist, 198. The Tree Of Knowledge, 198. The Resurrection, 198. President J Kennedy, 198. I Love You Jesus, 198. Wait til you see…Jesus Strand number three…Goodnight.
?(So for this post, I decided to add the video? with the sound since there was a lot of information packed in this little segment. It’s really nice to hear his voice, and how he explains it also.)
?Negative48: Father Son Holy Ghost, 235. Cheeseburger At Table Two, 235. John John was telling you back in 1994. He walked into…Pete’s Diner, 115. The Anointed, 115. With the address of 212. Two One Two, 150. Trump Train, 150. Cheeseburger At Table Two, 235. Cheeseburger And Fries At Table Two, 311. They shot his dad at 12:29. 12, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 9 = 11 (3:11). The 33 degree masons, on 11/22, three days before Junior turned 3, on a 33rd parallel… Can you see it?
?(So for this post, I decided to add the video? with the sound since there was a lot of information packed in this little segment. It’s really nice to hear his voice, and how he explains it also.)
?Negative48: Anons Medicine Is Koolaid, 220. Military Operation, 220. Thousand Years Of Peace, 221. Koolaid Is Medicine For All, 221. Blackout Necessary, 194. The Most High Medicine, 194. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, 316. “John” is what you think of… “For I gave my one and only begotten Son…” Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, 316. Red Koolaid Is The Most High Medicine, 316. On the license plate of the Lincoln in 1963 he’s talking to ya. 300…GG300. G is 7, G is 7, Christ, 77. 300? Two Hundred And Sixty Six, equals 300. 2 x 66 is 132. JFK Jr Is Alive, 132. Princess Diana, 132. But, 266 is…Please Drink All The Red Koolaid, 266 (laughs). Just amazing… Religion Is The Big Fat Lie, 221. Thousand Years Of Peace, 221. We Are The Druze People, 228. The Best Is Yet To Come, 228. The Best Kennedy To Come, 228. I’m On A Mission From God, 228.
?(So for this post, I decided to add the video? with the sound since there was a lot of information packed in this little segment. It’s really nice to hear his voice, and how he explains it also.)
?Negative48: It Is Your Turn, 209. JFK Is The Second Coming, 209. Military Operation, 220. Beautiful Anons Are Here, 220. Tiffany Blue Coat, 160. Beautiful Anons, 160. The plane crash (7/16/9, 7 + 16 + 99 =) 122. I Am Alive America, 122. JFK Jr Lives, 122. Game Over Cabal Q, 122. Game Over Cabal, 105. That’s why Trump came out on 10/5/17, and said “Maybe what you’re looking at is the calm before the storm.”, “What storm Mr. President?”, “You’ll find out.” It was on 10/5, 105, 17’, Q. American Dream, 105, 17, Q, (equals) 122. Game Over Cabal Q, 122. Game Over Swamp, 158 (laughs). Perfect Storm, 158. Yeah… American Bad Ass Punisher President, 330. The 33rd prime number’s 137. President JFK, 137. 330? You Have To Be Born Into The -AB Blood, 330. You Have To Be Born Into It, 275. 27, JFK, and 5 is grace just like the red tie says. Druze People Purity Blood, 300. Just like the license plate says. Druze People Are Us Anons, 270. Druze People Are, 167. The Appointed One, 167. Druze People, 143. It’s right there on the license plate in 1963.
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 12 months ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago