Fortress of Avalon

This Channel is dedicated to Awakening the Celtic Folk to their Native Heritage & Beliefs!

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6ย months, 1ย week ago

Maxims of the Fianna

"If armed service be thy design, in a great man's household be quiet, be surly in the narrow pass.

"Without a fault of his, beat not thy hound; until thou ascertain her guilt, bring not a charge against thy wife.

"In battle meddle not with a buffoon for he is but a fool.

"Censure not any if he be of grave repute; stand not up to take part in a brawl; have naught to do with a mad man or a wicked one.

"Two-thirds of thy gentleness be shown to women and to those that creep on the floor (little children) and to poets, and be not violent to the common people.

"Utter not swaggering speech, nor say thou wilt not yield what is right; it is a shameful thing to speak too stiffly unless that it be feasible to carry out thy words.

"So long as thou shalt live, thy lord forsake not; neither for gold nor for other reward in the world abandon one whom thou art pledged to protect.

"To a chief do not abuse his people, for that is no work for a man of gentle blood.

"Be no tale-bearer, nor utterer of falsehoods; be not talkative nor rashly censorious. Stir not up strife against thee, however good a man thou be.

"Be no frequenter of the drinking-house, nor given to carping at the old; meddle not with a man of mean estate.

"Dispense thy meat freely; have no niggard for thy familiar.

"Force not thyself upon a chief, nor give him cause to speak ill of thee.

"Stick to thy gear; hold fast to thine arms till the stern fight with its weapon-glitter be ended.

"Be more apt to give than to deny, and follow after gentleness."

6ย months, 2ย weeks ago
CuChulainn and what appears to be โ€ฆ

CuChulainn and what appears to be his battle-brother Ferdiad riding into battle on a chariot.

8ย months, 4ย weeks ago

A reminder from one of your admins to show love to your fathers, your grandfathers, your forefathers, and the good men in your life on this fine day. It's father's day in America, so I'm imposing on all of you to show them some love. I hope you all have an excellent day and I hope you all are having finer weather than we are out here!

9ย months ago

"But your ancestors were christian! How can you betray them!"

My ancestors were Europeans, imbued with an imperishable spirit that was passed down to them by their ancestors and that they passed down onto me, a reincarnating and reoccurring spirit that always seeks out its own and innermost true nature. Not even two millennia of oppressive christian force could fully stamp out the European desire to appease native spirits, to tell native stories and to take part in native customs. It could wipe out knowledge of the gods themselves, their specific names and attributes, sure, as it did for many Europeans, but it could not eliminate that reincarnating desire to remain true to oneself. We pagans do not share the belief that our ancestors died and then are relegated to some jewish afterlife for the rest of existence. No, we understand death as dissolution, some parts of our ancestors moved on to other forms of existence while others were reborn in their descendants. They are their descendants in a very literal sense, and I am my ancestors. My own reversion to my native ethnic faith is also my ancestor's reversion. The innate spiritual battle that took place within each of my christian ancestors, one that waged on even if they were only aware of it at varying degrees of awareness, has finally been won, for those ancestors have been reborn as myself, a man born in a time when the top-down enforcement of christianity has ended, allowing me, and all ancestors reborn as me, to finally return to what is natural for any child of Europe. I honour my ancestors who lived as christians, by allowing them to experience worship and veneration of Gaelic Gods, in the form of myself.

9ย months, 1ย week ago

Some good news out of Mexico.

10ย months, 3ย weeks ago
Druids Cutting the Mistletoe on the โ€ฆ

Druids Cutting the Mistletoe on the 6th Day of the Moon, 1890, Henri Paul Motte

10ย months, 3ย weeks ago
Sculpted bronze figure of the Celtic โ€ฆ

Sculpted bronze figure of the Celtic god Ogma, by Lee Lawrie.
As the god of the spoken and written word, he stands guard by the east entrance of the Library of Congress, John Adams Building, Washington, D.C.

10ย months, 3ย weeks ago
Near Grantown-on-Spey; in Moray, Scotland. ***???????***

Near Grantown-on-Spey; in Moray, Scotland. ???????

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!):

11ย months ago
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