Tohir Isroilov | IELTS 8.0

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3 weeks, 6 days ago
**The word "RESPECTIVELY" in Writing Task …

The word "RESPECTIVELY" in Writing Task 1

We mostly use the word "RESPECTIVELY" with two names and two numbers. But, some of us may not know that it is totally fine to use it with triple names and triple figures. Here's an example: 👇👇

Italians and Germans are the most likely to learn a language for their job, both coming in at 23%; while the Spanish are close behind with 19%. When combined with the answer “for my job search” (not pictured), those numbers jump to 34%, 32% and 30% respectively.

The Germans, French and Brits are the most concerned with being able to communicate better when traveling.

Learners in France are more likely than those in other countries to learn a language for the sake of their family or partner, while the Germans and Americans are the most likely to pick up a language simply because they are interested in it.

4 weeks ago
**Latest result at SMART LC**

Latest result at SMART LC

⭐️ Student: Abdulaziz Toshpulatov
⭐️ Teacher: Tohir Isroilov (IELTS 8.0)

🧐 READING - 6.5
✍️ WRITING - 6.0
🤓 SPEAKING - 6.5

🥳 There's more to this guy than meets the eye. He showed a great level of diligence as well as perseverance. He deserves an overall 7.0, but his score is more than enough to start the application process for selected South Korean universities. Well done, Abdulaziz. I'm sure you will take your place on the list of the greatest people in the future! 👏

🇺🇿 Ingliz tilidan xalqaro miqyosda qabul qilinadigan yuqori balli sertifikatni qo'lga kiritgan o'quvchimiz Abdulaziz, keyingi bosqichda Janubiy Koreya oliy ta'lim muassasalariga o'qishga topshiradi va tez kunda, Abdulazizni bu boradagi muvaffaqiyatini ham, ko'pchilikka motivatsiya bo'lishi uchun shu yerda e'lon qilamiz. Abdulaziz - sizni yana bir bor SMART LC nomidan tabriklaymiz!

Kurslarimizga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:
📱 +99897 252 3100
💻 @smart_lc

👉 @tohir_isroilov 👈

4 weeks, 1 day ago
- How important is Vocabulary?

- How important is Vocabulary?

ielts listening 🎧/ reading 📑 is nothing but a test of vocabulary.

These two parts of the exam simply check if you can recognize the paraphrase (=your ability to match synonyms)

The key to boosting your score is learning all the new words you encounter in any passage you read or listening test you take.

Look at the picture attached to see how they paraphrase the statements in the audio.

- The most important.

3 months ago
***⭐️*** WORD OF THE DAY! | …

⭐️ WORD OF THE DAY! | 14-December, 2024 ⭐️

⭐️ @tohir_isroilov ⭐️

3 months ago

?IELTS Speaking: Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them
IELTS Speaking can be tricky, and some common mistakes might lower your score. Here are 3 key mistakes to avoid and tips to fix them:

1-Giving Very Short Answers:

*?*Mistake: Only answering with a single sentence or a few words.
*?*Fix: Always expand your answer by giving reasons, examples, or details.


Question: "Do you like traveling?"
Answer: "Yes, I do."
☑️Answer: "Yes, I enjoy traveling because it allows me to explore new cultures and meet different people."
—————————————————— 2-Overusing Fillers:

*?*Mistake: Saying "um," "uh," or "you know" too often.
*?*Fix: Practice speaking slowly and clearly. Use short pauses instead of fillers to sound more natural.
—————————————————— 3-Memorizing Answers:

*?*Mistake: Giving memorized answers that don’t match the question.
*?*Fix: Focus on understanding the question and answering naturally. Examiners can tell if your response is rehearsed.

?Quick Tip to Improve Speaking:
Practice answering common IELTS questions with a timer. Record yourself and listen for areas to improve.

?What’s your biggest challenge in IELTS Speaking?
Drop your answer in the comments or send me a message!

?Keep learning with me!

3 months, 1 week ago

Common Listening Traps in Section 2 & How to Avoid Them ?
Section 2 in IELTS Listening often has monologues or conversations with distractors that can confuse you. Here are the top 3 traps to watch out for and tips to beat them:

1-Distractors in Numbers & Dates

*?*Trap: The speaker might mention multiple dates or figures before settling on the correct one.
*?*Tip: Stay calm and listen till the end of the sentence. Write the answer only when you’re sure it’s confirmed.
?"The meeting was originally scheduled for the 15th, but it’s now moved to the 17th."
**Answer: 17th
2-Synonyms & Paraphrasing

?Trap: The speaker might not use the exact words in the question.
?Tip: Train your brain to spot paraphrasing during practice. Build a strong vocabulary and note common synonyms.
Question: "What will participants receive?"
?"Participants will be provided with a free handbook."
Answer: Handbook
3-Too Much Unnecessary Information

?Trap: The speaker often adds irrelevant details before or after the answer to confuse you.
?Tip: Focus on keywords from the question and don’t write too quickly.
?"We’ll meet at the City Library, not the Westside one, even though it’s closer."
Answer: City Library

?Quick Tip to Master Section 2:

Practice listening to radio shows or guided tours to get used to real-life monologues. Use Cambridge IELTS books for targeted practice.

?What’s your biggest struggle in IELTS Listening ?
Share in the comments or message me directly! ?

Want daily IELTS tips? Follow our channel and stay ahead in your prep!

3 months, 1 week ago
***⭐️*** WORD OF THE DAY! | …

⭐️ WORD OF THE DAY! | 8-December, 2024 ⭐️

⭐️ @tohir_isroilov ⭐️

3 months, 1 week ago
***✔️*** Oyoq ostida yuradigan maslahat.

✔️ Oyoq ostida yuradigan maslahat.



Maktabda ustozimiz:

Bolalarim, katta bo'lyapsila. Vaqtizni qadriga yeting. Yaqinda qizlar ham bolalar ham turmush quradigan yoshga yetasila. Yaqinda bu yoshlikdagi vaqtni qaytib topa olmay qolasila.

Biz: Obbo, yana ma'ruza boshlandi.


Universitetdagi ustozimiz:

Endi yosh bolamassila. Vaqtni qadriga yetinglar. Yaqinda biz ham siz kabi talaba edik lekin bir pasda 15-20 yil o'tib ketdi. Yoshligida vaqtni qadriga yetganlar qariganda xor bo'lmaydi.

Biz: Obbo, yana boshlandi ma'ruza.


Hozirgi kunda men: O'quvchilarim, vaqtizni qadriga yeting va qattiqroq mehnat qiling. Vaqt ko'z ochib yumguncha o'tib ketadi. Biz ustozlarimizni shu gaplarini yaxshi tushunmagan ekanmiz. Bir ko'z yumib ochgan edik, 10 yil o'tib ketdi mana. Yaqinda men ham sizlar kabi talaba edim. Telefonizni yeg'ishtirib darsizni qiling.

O'quvchilarim**: Obbo, yana ma'ruza boshlandi.

Kuniz hayrli o'tsin!**

✍️ Tohir Isroilov

3 months, 1 week ago

Mana shu yuqoridagi darsda
8.5 olishimdagi deyarli 70% hissa qo'shgan usullarni gapirib, ko'rsatib berganman.

Vaqtiz bo'lsa, hoziroq naushnik taqib, tinch xonaga kirib, darsni mazza qilib ko'ring.

Shunchaki tekinga ulashganim bilan, ichida ancha-mincha pullik manbalardan ko'ra qiymatliroq bilim bor

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Mock boshlanishiga 30 daqiqa qoldi?

Tayyormisiz? ?

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Last updated 4 weeks ago