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*✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 05.08.2024
*1. SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना) :Follow
Synonyms: pursue, supersede
Antonyms: retreat, precede
Example Sentence:
Team members supervene their leaders.
Synonyms: cruel, oppressive
Antonyms: easy, gentle
Example Sentence:
Your master is a draconian man.
DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना) :Waste time
Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate
Antonyms: hasten, hurry
Example Sentence:
The teacher warned the student that he will be punished if he dawdled again.
PILLAGE (VERB): (लूटना) :Plunder, destroy
Synonyms: ravage, ransack
Antonyms: protect, construct
Example Sentence:
The terrorists pillaged the city.
NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): Deadly, injurious
Synonyms: destructive, harmful
Antonyms: helpful, kind
Example Sentence:
This is a noxious chemical.
PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तीक्ष्ण-बुद्धि) :Observant, perceptive
Synonyms: alert, aware
Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant
Example Sentence:
The CDI officers are always perspicacious with their case.
FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): Enthusiastic
Synonyms: zealous, ardent
Antonyms: apathetic, dull
Example Sentence:
He is a fervent child.
FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): (चंचल):Spasmodic
Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating
Antonyms: continuous, perpetual
Example Sentence:
As long as his breathing is fitful, he will continue to need an oxygen machine.
FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): Show contempt for
Synonyms: defy, disregard
Antonyms: honour, praise
Example Sentence:
One should not flout the traffic rules.
FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): Practicable
Synonyms: possible, doable
Antonyms: impossible, implausible
Example Sentence:
This seems to be a feasible solution.**
Daily 500+ GK Free Mock टेस्ट देवें ??****
*✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 17.06.2024
*1. DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (वियोजन करना): disband
Synonyms: decommission, discharge
Antonyms: conscript
Example Sentence:Both sides have agreed to demobilize 70% of their armies.
FUTILE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यर्थ): vain
Synonyms: fruitless, pointless
Antonyms: useful
Example Sentence:He made a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage.
ONGOING (ADJECTIVE): (चल रही है): in progress
Synonyms: under way, going on
Antonyms: finished
Example Sentence:Training is part of our ongoing career development program.
OUTGOING (ADJECTIVE): (बेहिचक): extrovert
Synonyms: uninhibited, unreserved
Antonyms: reserved
Example Sentence:She's always been very outgoing and she's got heaps of friends.
REVITALIZE (VERB): (पुन: जीवित करना): reinvigorate
Synonyms: re-energize, brace
Antonyms: depress
Example Sentence:A package of spending cuts has been introduced to revitalize the economy.
DISSENSION (NOUN): (कलह): disagreement
Synonyms: difference of opinion, dispute
Antonyms: agreement
Example Sentence:The issues caused bitter dissension in the party.
SORE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ादायक): painful
Synonyms: hurting, hurt
Antonyms: healthy
Example Sentence:He couldn’t speak as he had a sore throat.
OPPORTUNE (ADJECTIVE): (समयोचित): auspicious
Synonyms: propitious, favorable
Antonyms: disadvantageous
Example Sentence:He couldn't have arrived at a less opportune moment.
CUMBERSOME (ADJECTIVE): (बोझल): unwieldy
Synonyms: unmanageable, awkward
Antonyms: manageable
Example Sentence:Diving suits are cumbersome generally.
REPROACH (NOUN): (तिरस्कार): rebuke
Synonyms: reproof, reproval
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:She gave him a look of reproach.**
*✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 16.06.2024*
**1. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair
Synonyms: just, impartial
Antonyms: unfair
Example Sentence:The competition was very equitable since both teams were at same skill level.
PLENARY (ADJECTIVE): (अशर्त): unconditional
Synonyms: unlimited, unrestricted
Antonyms: conditional
Example Sentence:Crusaders were offered a plenary indulgence by the Pope.
LETHAL (ADJECTIVE): (घातक): fatal
Synonyms: deadly, mortal
Antonyms: harmless
Example Sentence:In addition, no antibiotic therapy was administered, as it was a lethal model.
INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (रचनात्मक): inventive
Synonyms: creative, imaginative
Antonyms: unimaginative
Example Sentence:He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.
UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): unparalleled
Synonyms: unequalled, unmatched
Antonyms: normal, common
Example Sentence:The preparations were made on an unprecedented scale.
NURTURE (VERB): (पालन-पोषण करना): bring up
Synonyms: take care of, look after
Antonyms: neglect
Example Sentence:I was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family.
MAGNIFICENCE (NOUN): (भव्यता): splendour
Synonyms: grandeur, greatness
Antonyms: cheapness
Example Sentence:The magnificence of the surrounding countryside captured everyone's attention.
RUDDY (ADJECTIVE): (लाल): reddish
Synonyms: red, rosy
Antonyms: pale
Example Sentence:The ruddy evening light was just perfect.
9 CONTEMPT (NOUN): (तिरस्कार): scorn
Synonyms: disdain, disrespect
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:He stared at me with total contempt.
वर्तमान में भारत के गृहमंत्री कौन हैं?
[**A) राहुल गांधी
B) अरविंद केजरीवाल
C) नरेंद्र मोदी
D) ममता बनर्जी**](https://www.practicemock.com/ssc-cgl-test-series/?ref=11264)
?? सही उत्तर पर क्लिक करें ??
प्रश्न: वर्तमान में भारत के प्रधानमंत्री कौन हैं?
[**A) राहुल गांधी
B) अरविंद केजरीवाल
C) नरेंद्र मोदी
D) ममता बनर्जी**](https://applink.adda247.com/d/IEgTLLMyAH)
?? सही उत्तर पर क्लिक करें ??
*?*New Type Quiz (Click on Answer)
Q. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा द्वीप कौन है ?**
[**[A] ग्रीनलैंड
[B] आइसलैंड
[C] ऑस्ट्रेलिया
[D] अरब प्रायद्वीप](https://applink.adda247.com/d/RLdzIYCSYu) सही उत्तर पर Click करें ?✅**
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