
If we all speak one truth per day to someone new, we will wake up the world. That is the priority now. It need not be politican or controversial. A casual comment In a cafe or mall. Cause doubt. It will grow.
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

What a dance

What a dance - the intrinsic movement of chess pieces played across a universe of an illusionary board as a planet acts out a reality in the psyche of humanity. So much thought to be known that is unknown. So much hidden until it is time to know. Offering the apparency of a struggle between dark and light, with the conqueror’s prize a planet and those left standing. Seeming real, this game within a game within a game.

And after it is all over - this divine ending of Earth’s 3D, after we have left the judgment and condemnation, the black and the white, after we push beyond the limited boundaries of this box of learning, finding truth that dissolves the apparency, rejected a way of life once lived, detached in the releasing of agreement to live this experience, when who we believed we were fades into the shadows and is gone, when we have stood tall and said our piece, after we resume our inherent power of conscious creation and feel the miracle of breath unfold, revealing truth, source and light and once again we become who we are, what then?

A movement to the first rung of the 5th dimension, steps of a new path, a finer and lighter way, joyfully living in a higher frequency of light. Stepping beyond ego and the dense energies of fear, judgement, hate, pain, sadness and trauma. A new wisdom flowering from balance, harmony, respect, connection with everything and the sharing of ideas toward a better outcome. Creation in purity. With bodies increased in light, moving together in laughter and wonder, with broader understanding, consciously creating a new world of expanding wisdom and open hearts. A softer way, with gentle compassion and empathy, but with the fun and adventure of a bigger picture, we will forge an intimate and serene connection with our deepest Self as we move toward a goal of Unconditional Love for all life.


1 month, 4 weeks ago

This is simply an idea of what might be about to happen on Earth. Purely theoretical. How about this as a possible scenario. We know the WHO (now controlled by the white hats) has just declared the fake Monkey pox as an international emergency.
Most countries govts have officially agreed over the last year, to be ruled by any WHO decisions regarding pandemics. What if it is monkey pox that will be used as the excuse to bring in a military takeover, with everyone told to immediately lockdown in their homes. Mains power will be left on with TV and possibly even the internet. All fairly comfortable, making sense, a nuisance but acceptable, told it will handle the m pox situation, still able to watch tv, cook etc so not causing too much upheaval and fear, etc. People already used to this from covid period. This will take '10 days'. Its quite a lot to organise. And various handlings of corrupted areas will be handled during that period by army and starlink. THEN the 'Darkness' period which could be the internet is turned off and the beginning of the EBS over tv and radio is delivered by Starlink...to inform people of truth about many things, delivered calmly, showing all under control and not causing fear. Maybe only over perhaps 24 or 48 hours, in sections of 4 hours so as not to cause fatigie and give time to process each section. All perhaps happening before usa presidential election on nov 5. Some have suggested a trump assasination may happen. (Note: But he is later found to be ok as he was taken into protection or something. Just like the tv show Dallas where Bobby hadnt died after all!!. ) Meanwhile trumps death would cause civil outbreak and a reason the military could use to step in. But i think that scenario would cause too much loss and sadness which does not fit with the goal of steadily increasing light. So, dont think that will happen. The EBS will expose rigged 2020 election. I feel people have had enough exposure of revealed corruption already, to be able to handle the info in the ebs. But it may not contain everything, esp full details about the children...but enough to awaken without too much grief triggered. Same with tunnels..not all info but enough. All in all, enough general info to wake people up and increase their light vibration and assist their movement out of the 3D matrix. The original Q drop in 2017 is listed as ..'10 days'. THEN NEXT LINE says 'Darkness.' It does not say 10 days of darkness. Overall, it seems humanity may be ready. We are also at crunch point on many areas, which indicates it could be soon. Its fun speculating different scenarios. It may turn out to be a different twist altogether. What a chess game. Digital credit system, ww3, compulsory jabs, currency collapse, etc. It would seem all has been set in place by the white hats for a major flip to occur soon. But however it plays out, it is in the hands of the light bringing about a new path of light in divine order. We just need to trust the plan and ourselves and hold the light stable by having no doubts. Brilliant outcome just around the corner. ?

2 months ago

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If you are connected to someone, perhaps a partner, family member or friend who behaves this way, it can help you to understand why. The solution is to bring truth into the situation. If possible, help them consider it from the viewpoint of a soul who has come here to learn. And to see how we could create uncomfortable situations to make sure we gain the specific learning we desire during the incarnation. If a person remains adamant they are right, then perhaps we are not the right person to help them resolve it at this time and we have to walk away. They may not be ready to look at it yet. Walking away may not be easy to accept as we might feel we are letting them down, but perhaps in another time and with another person, a resolution can be found.

Naturally, we also need to review our own reactions also and release them, but don’t automatically accept the accusation that it is all your fault. Your responsibility is to ensure your light remains stable and you stay in your mastery. Trust yourself.

The same lesson applies to many situations we encounter in our personal relationships. We all have many patterns, beliefs, conditions and attitudes that dictate our life. As we proceed though life these come to our attention and we see they are detrimental and are not who we really are and so we let them go.

Let us walk our path in a vibration of love, compassion and empathy for all, including ourselves. Help wherever we can but only when it feels right to do so. Make sure you don’t destroy yourself. The third dimension is not an easy road, but it is a very worthwhile one. So much wisdom and soul growth can be obtained from the incredible range of learning offered on Earth.

Love and gratitude,


4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago

We are all doing our best to traverse this incredible situation that has never occurred before anywhere. There have been bits of it in other places in the universe, partial similar stories, some learning done before, but never, ever has there been such a major reversal of circumstance and complete shift of reality is taking place now throughout an entire planet, from being deeply entrenched in dense 3D reality to moving to a high frequency plane of existence, and being achieved in such a short space of time. This is a feat that a logical mind would think impossible but nothing is impossible when Source and Divine order in involved.

Well, there is a higher reason for our ‘throw away’ society. And a reason why there are few repair kits for products out there, forcing people to buy new. A reason many things wear out and fall apart and we have to get new ones. A reason China makes very cheap products and has trade agreements with so many countries. A reason these companies exist in countries with a large worker population and perhaps massive automated systems that can manufacture and process orders swiftly. As Earth increases her light quotient of frequency newly in every minute - everything manufactured, designed, created, produces or grown - is made in the new current high light frequency. In with the new energy, out with the old. The entire structure of Earth and everything happening on it is to remove old energy and enhance and support the new light frequency to continue to increase.

There is a higher reason for everything and we can find it if we ask ourselves, how does this situation fit into the divine goal for Earth and humanity. Examples. How could this fit into the goal of waking up humanity; help the world see a different reality; help people see for themselves the corruption, control and coercion; discover the intent of the pharmaceutical industry, see behaviour so outrageous they reject it; learn not to be infatuated and detach from the trends and glamour of celebrity; discover what happens to a society when you hand responsibility to sectors in all fields without due examination. Could this action help people release their own patterns of dense energy and increase their light and that of the planet. Could this action help increase light on Earth? Could this help breakdown the existing reality, helping people to become more discerning of energy, increase people power and help us all detach from 3D?

Could this fit somehow with the flooding of so many countries (and tunnels), the undermining of the worldwide chemical farming industry, help people understand the role of governments if they see rigged elections, could the rise of awareness of paedophilia and gender change be unacceptable enough to cause mass rejection, could having doubles in place of original criminal elite members carrying out unacceptable actions help show people who they really are.

Could every part of everything, albeit painful and sad at times, ultimately be for the highest good for the race of humanity to create wisdom, understanding, become street smart and more loving, taking care of the future of every soul to move forward on their wonderful universal journey.



4 months, 3 weeks ago


Two Pages https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

It may be time we push ourselves a little further to take responsibility for our thoughts. To stop addressing situations from old automatic responses of fixed patterns and past ideas. Some who consider they are awake are still judging and commenting in conversations from an old paradigm of limited thinking, without realizing they are doing this.

I was recently speaking with some people I met on a trip south. A discussion arose about the rise in popularity of a major products company based in China. There were some sad looks and head shaking along with comments about our awful consumer society with so much thrown away and not repaired; how bad the slave wages are in China (probably not researched); how this company would put smaller companies out of business; how they would be secretly taking our details; how it is adding more Chinese products to the market; etc.

All in all, it showed a lot of automatic negativity without any examination by some people who feel they are awake. To really be awake, means we got it, we understand the overall working of 3D learning. We have moved past adding our negative thought energy, have stopped judging, playing out old patterns and above all now take the time to think outside the box and seek a higher possibility of any situation. Otherwise, we will stay bound within the 3D matrix, while being convinced we are free just because we now see what is going on. Seeing the true reality of many aspects of society is an excellent start. Then comes the discipline and the work needed to observe our own words and behaviour and embrace a new way, with no judgements, with positivity, love and a broad understanding of the higher divine goal. This involves an awareness that will increase our vibrational frequency, really wake us up so we will step free from the muddy matrix.

So, aside from not looking at the obvious positives of this company with its low prices, good quality, free postage, huge range of products, fast despatch service, excellent tracking and returns, not asking for access to photos, contacts, or location, not sharing your financial data with vendors, not pestering you if you leave things pending in your shopping trolley, etc. there were also other points missed. Not realizing that our personal data is already out there having freely given it away for years. (Not a reason to be in fear!) Or that most products we buy are already made in China. Or that small businesses were already hit years ago by people choosing to buy from amazon, ebay and others. But perhaps the most important factor of all was not even attempting to see outside of the confines of 3D thinking and look for a possible higher view of this. These people knew humanity is releasing all dense energy on Earth and the frequency of light is continually increasing toward a 5D vibration. They knew there is a divine higher plan and everything is geared to make this happen. It had been discussed. But not one ‘awake’ person present looked at how the rise of a company selling cheap new products to millions of new buyers, could fit in relation to the increasing frequency of light on Earth. All thought came from their accepted familiar old patterns. It did offer them a chance to recognise that. I wonder if they did.

There are no judgements here. This is about us taking more responsibility for what we think. And maybe trying harder to grasp humanity’s destiny and do more to align with that light energy, rather than hang on to old ways. CONT PAGE 2 of 2

4 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 4 weeks ago
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