Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Niantic has just deleted everything that was hosted under the ingress-events and ingress-internal-event-data buckets on their Google Cloud Servers. Due to this, at least 450 confirmed Media (and likely a ton more) have been broken. While the Media items still…
Niantic has just deleted everything that was hosted under the ingress-events and ingress-internal-event-data buckets on their Google Cloud Servers. Due to this, at least 450 confirmed Media (and likely a ton more) have been broken.
While the Media items still function as normal in the game, the preview images and all content hosted on Google Cloud were wiped. This is sadly almost a third of all the Media we have collected on Mediagress.
As Mediagress does not download the Media images and content itself but only points to them, that means that these Media also appear broken on the site right now with a black image in the search and a broken image in the Media details.
It is unknown if Niantic can restore this data, we will update once we hear either way from them.
? It has been a while since the last statistics!
- We currently have a total of 939 unique media recorded! The magic mark of 1000 media is close...
- Until now, 83 unique agents uploaded media via the Plugin
- Of those, 54 unique agents submitted Media that was new to the site
- The total amount of Media uploaded (Counting all unique media per agent that was uploaded to the site) is 5191
- There is a tie for most uploaded media! Both Gell-OAd and cardTemplate have been uploaded by 39 different agents
- Counting all upload attempts, the ratio of the faction of agents stands at 3473 uploads for the ENL and 4136 uploads for the RES
- Going by First Uploaded status, the ENL have claimed 452 Media on the site, with 487 Media going to the RES
❕In both of the prior statistics, the ENL massively closed the gap towards the RES since the last time the statistics were posted
- Out of the 939 live media, only 57 have a description ?
- The agents that have uploaded the most media are as follows:
?InvestigateXM, RES with 198 media
?uedinha, ENL with 168 media
?Janis1979, ENL with 99 media
- The top three categories for media are:
?Anomaly with 234 media tagged
?Tessellation with 172 media tagged
?Ingress Report with 118 media tagged
And as a small update, expired some time ago and has been registered by us now! Opening the .com site will redirect you to our .net site.
As you may or may not have guessed, I'm not a fan of all that NFT stuff Niantic has done, and the main reason I took the site down was because I didn't want to dedicate any more time towards Ingress. That being said, as I have no idea how to code, I have paid someone to create the site, so if it just sits around and shuts down eventually, its basically 800 bucks down the drain.
I still have zero desire to "help" Niantic keep the community happy with the site, but they seem dead set on continuing with their NFT plan.
With that being said, I have given another trusted agent access to the site so that Media can be categorised and approved. The site is therefore reopened again.
As I'm not 100% if they want to, I'm choosing not to name the agent in question at the moment. While they can ask me for advice, I'll otherwise not impede or help their work. That also means that I do not wish to take any credit for categorising and approving Media from this point forward.
I apologise for the inconvenience over the last month.
Mediagress is locked in protest of Niantics decision to offer NFT biocardsDuring the Epiphany Dawn anomaly in Los Angeles, Niantic announced the introduction of collectable NFT biocards for Ingress in collaboration with SpotX Games. This happened after a previous outcry by tons of agents when the SpotX Team only met with players without even announcing anything yet, which Niantic apparently choose to ignore.
We vehemently condemn this decision and have decided to lock Mediagress in protest.
There is zero actual value to NFTs. Their sole purpose is to create artificial scarcity of an artwork to supposedly increase its value. In addition to that, NFTs are bad for the environment, as they rely on cryptocurrencies that cause huge amounts of carbon emissions. They will continue to rely on these systems for security reasons (despite claims to the contrary about moving to other systems).
There is no reason to use NFTs over already existing technologies, and nothing that NFTs offer cannot be done without the use of Web3.
This site will stay locked until Niantic announces a full discontinuation of NFT biocards. Should this not happen, Mediagress will stay locked indefinitely.
If you wish to upload your Media, you can still do so with our IITC plugin here. Submissions will stay open and new Media will be approved and categorized as soon as the site goes public again.
For further questions, you can contact @InvestigateXM on Telegram. Please note that all messages with the topic of "Actually, NFTs aren't that bad", "You are overreacting" or similar will be met with a block and a report for spam.
Hello agents! We have arrived at a point where we believe that the Website is looking good and "finished". Do you have any ideas or suggestions for features or improvements? Let us know in the comments or in the discussion group!
While we can't promise to build Ingress 3.0, we want to hear from you no matter how crazy the idea is. Worst case, it makes a good discussion topic ?
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago