Vril Society

Metaphysics, Occult, WW2
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1 year, 5 months ago
In 1920, Hitler decided that the …

In 1920, Hitler decided that the Party needed its own flag, one to symbolize their struggle. Germany adopted a new national flag with the Swastika. There is a common beleif that this symbol was 'stolen' from the Hindus. But this symbol had been used on every continant, by the Celts, the Norse, by the Greeks. In 1871, an archeologist named Heinrich Schliemann went to Greece. His mission was to find out if the famed city of Troy in Homer's Iliad had really existed. He had found his city, and also found something else. At least 1,800 variations of the swastikas were uncovered. The symbols unearthed aquired for him a double intrest, used as far back as the Neolithic era, this was seen a a perfect symbol for a movement set on piecing together and honoring Europes glorious past. Proof of a symbol the Aryan Race had always used, from the Nordic countries to the Mediterranean, to the East, as far back as the stone age.

1 year, 8 months ago
Part 2: After the war, many …

Part 2: After the war, many typewriters with the SS key were modified. Some were “denazified” by grinding off the runic sybol on the type slug and removing it from the keytop. Others had the SS slugs and keytops completely removed and replaced with other characters that were more useful after 1945.

1 year, 8 months ago
Typewritters were manufactured to have the …

Typewritters were manufactured to have the runic shorthand "SS" above the 3 Key or the = Key. Some Third Reich-era typewriters came from the factory with the SS runic key, but with others, this key may likely have been an option that could have been chosen when ordering. They are thought to be predominatly used by troops in the feild and military and government workers, but they also were available to civilians to buy. Multiple companies from multiple countries manufactured these typewriters including Italy and the USA.

1 year, 8 months ago
Happy Midsummer! Around the 1930’s a …

Happy Midsummer! Around the 1930’s a movement called “Thingspiele” was popular in Germany. "Thing" roughly translates to a gathering or assembly, usually a coming together of officials and civilians. Thigstatte was created for just that reason. The Heidelberg Amphitheatre construction started in 1934 and was completed within a year. It has about 8000 seats and 20000 places to stand. On the opening evening of the Summer Solstice on June 22nd 1935 Goebbels spoke to a crowd of 20000 people. 400 sites in total were planned but only 40 are completed (one of them being Ordensburg Vogelsang, the previous post)
Around 1937 the Thingstättes stopped being used and became obsolete when the more impressive Nuremberg Rally’s came into existance, built by Albert Speer.

1 year, 9 months ago
Out of all the places I …

Out of all the places I have visited, two have stood out to me the most in my search for Vril and Race. One of those places is Ordensburg Vogelsang. Up in the mountains of the Eifel National Park in the North Rhine-Westphalia is a massive training venue for what was to be the upcoming Nazi-elite (one of 3 camps a fourth was planned but never built) Unlike museums in Berlin who hammer into your head the "never-agains" and made a point to litter the rooms modern 'art' that would have been considered degenerate in the 30's, Ordensburg Vogelsang had every artifact and diagram they could on display with detaid descriptions from a very matter-of-fact viewpoint. The outside of the building had been stripped off all its flags and symbols, and only shadows and outlines remain of what used to be eagles, but the reliefs by Willey Meller remain in tact.

1 year, 10 months ago

In order to receive the cross these legislative prerequisites needed to be strictly met: 1. Evidence that the mother and her husband were of German and that their four grandparents are not of Jewish or other foreign ethnic origin, nor have ever belonged or subscribed to the Jewish Religion. 2. That the Mother was in fact 'worthy' meaning moral and honourable as well as healthy. Any past promiscuity or past interracial relationships would disqualify her from this high award. 3. That the children were healthy and free from genetic disorders. The husband also would influence the decision. Were he a drunk, previously arrested, someone who was regularly unemployed or lazy making the family a burden on the system, or the parents did not maintain the home and properly care for their children. It was considered abhorrent to consider or recomend any mother with a background that was viewed as a threat to the wellbeing of the nation.

1 year, 10 months ago
The Cross of Honour of the …

The Cross of Honour of the German Mother was a State decoration issued to honour ethnic German monthers for their exeptional merit to the German nation. They were given from 1939-1945 in three classes, Bronze for eligible mothers with 4 children, Sliver for 6 children, and Gold for 8 or more children. The crosses were awarded the second Sunday in May annually. The role of the mother was of great importance, strong families meant a strong germany, and a pure ethnic Germany was the only true Germany. The conferral of the Mother's Cross was so highly regarded, that additional bureaucratic resources assigned to lesser civil and military decorations were pulled for the exhaustive administrative procedures that this decoration required.

1 year, 10 months ago
Happy Beltane/May Day. Every tradition we …

Happy Beltane/May Day. Every tradition we honor, we bring ourselves closer to our ancestors. Passing down history, stories, and traditions goes hand in hand with passing down Blood.

1 year, 10 months ago

Going through my notes, excited to be back.

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