English Excellency | IELTS 8.0

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🙆‍♂️ a passionate teacher
🚹 an enthusiastic individual
🏀 an amateur basketball player
🇬🇧 IELTS 8.0 | Speaking 8.0 2x
👨‍🎓 MDIST Graduate
💼 work at @ieltszone_uz

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Last updated 3 months ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

Last updated 5 days, 5 hours ago

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2 months, 2 weeks ago
**Good news**

Good news

Khusnora elementary guruhda o'qigan o'quvchimiz. Yaxshi harakatlar o'z samarasini berdi.

She is a university applicant this year and this achievement helps her get one step closer towards her dream.

Good luck, Khusnora📈


2 months, 3 weeks ago

💬 Sizga yangi xabar! Where do you live in Namangan? Maybe we're neighbors😁 ↩️ Javobni yozish uchun etkazib yuboring

2 months, 3 weeks ago

*💬 Sizga yangi xabar!*

Where do you live in Namangan? Maybe we're neighbors😁

*↩️ Javobni yozish uchun etkazib yuboring*

2 months, 3 weeks ago

💬 Sizga yangi xabar! Assalomu aleykum ustoz yaxshimisiz, sizni yangi ochilgan IELTS standart kursiz bormi? Yo'q bo'lsa qachon ochasiz? Javob uchun oldindan rahmat. ↩️ Javobni yozish uchun etkazib yuboring

2 months, 3 weeks ago

*💬 Sizga yangi xabar!*

Assalomu aleykum ustoz yaxshimisiz, sizni yangi ochilgan IELTS standart kursiz bormi? Yo'q bo'lsa qachon ochasiz? Javob uchun oldindan rahmat.

*↩️ Javobni yozish uchun etkazib yuboring*

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Let's have an AMA (ask me anything ) session

4 months, 4 weeks ago

⭐️ Here are useful phrases to use in Speaking part 3:

**• In my opinion

• In my view

• In my mind

• In my humbe opinion

• In my perspective

• To me or To my mind

• From my point of view

• From my perspective**

Use them to make some sentences


4 months, 4 weeks ago

🔥Ramadan Eid contest contest 🔥 Who invites more friends wins a Multiple gifts! 1. Start the contest bot using the link below 2. The bot gives you a link 3. Share the link with your friends! At the end of the contest (2024-04-12 17:00:00 UTC) the user that…

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Ramazon oyi ham nihoyasiga yetib qoldi. Bayram munosabati bilan bir konkurs tashkil qilsak nima deysizlar?

Bu konkursda qatnashib quyidagi sovg'alardan biriga ega chiqishingiz mumkin.

  1. Airbuds quloqchinlari 🎧
  2. Ajoyib fudbolkalar 👕
  3. Qiziqarli kitoblar 📚
  4. Bepul speaking mock testlar 🗣

Konkursda qatnashish juda ham oddiy. Bizning kanalga obuna bo'lasiz va sizga berilgan referral link orqali o'z do'stlaringizni taklif qilasiz.

Sovg'alar eng faol bo'lgan va ko'p do'stini taklif qilgan ishtirokchilarga beriladi.


5 months ago

🌟The best books for IELTS Preparation:

1️⃣ Cambridge Official Guide for IELTS

2️⃣ Thematic IELTS Reading and Listening Practice books

3️⃣ Cambridge practice tests 1-18

4️⃣ Vocabulary for IELTS by Pauline Cullen

5️⃣ IELTS Advantage series


We recommend to visit

News and announcements of the library. No books here.
🇨🇳Official Chinese channel: t.me/zlib_china_official
🌐 https://z-library.sx
🐦 https://twitter.com/Z_Lib_official
🐘 https://mastodon.social/@Z_Lib_official

Last updated 3 months ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

Last updated 5 days, 5 hours ago

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