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The Official Telegram Channel of "Treasures of Knowledge Islamic School for Kids".

‎مدرسة كنوز العلم الإسلامية للأطفال

‌‏Nourish your growing buds with the nourishment of Quraan and Sunnah.
A project by كنوز العلم
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago


Last updated 2 months ago

hace 1 año, 1 mes

الطريق إلى الجنان!

The theme says it all!

This is a custom in the Sultanate of Oman. Every year before Ramadan, they break the piggy banks they have collected throughout the year and distribute them to the poor
This year they will send it to Gaza Al-Azza, جزاهم الله خيرا

Subhaan Allaah, what a practical way of Tarbiyah!

Instilling the love of Sadaqah from the childhood by saying that it is the Way to Jannah!

Then breaking it by own hands to not attach the love of wealth to the heart!

Giving it before Ramadaan to the needy together and teaching to care for the community together!

Subhaan Allaah, there are so many benefits we can derive from this single video. However, what we always have to say about Arabs is their faults, their mistakes.

May Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala Heal us as an Ummah!

?️Admin - كنوز العلم

?For more Authentic Islamic Reminders join us at our Official Channels إن شاء الله

?WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDQ7BPGpLHGxDrd3X1Y/296

? Share the Khayr.

hace 1 año, 1 mes

Alhamdulillaah in the year 2019, (when Kashmir was not a UT yet), we were honoured to feature Ustaadh Abu Awzaee Abdus Salaam حفظه الله in an Online Guest Lecture.

Back then, there was no norm of Online Lectures in Kashmir, however - The Covid, (May Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala Protect us from such tests and Grant Magfirah to the Muslims who passed away because of this), changed the scenario of whole world, الله المستعان. However, it proved beneficial in many ways as well and one of the apparent benefits is the use of the Online means to spread Dawah and Islam.
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات.

?Even though the lecture was given 5 years ago, yet the topic is as fresh and as important as ever.


If you have ever wanted to learn Arabic (every Muslim does), then watch this video and ignite your faded desire to learn Arabic Language bi'iznillaah and start your journey of learning this Noble Language now!

?Video Link: https://youtu.be/BCUBqBUWmOE?si=iYkkG0AJNiSxRVRm

?For more Authentic Islamic Reminders join us at our Official Channels إن شاء الله

?Telegram: t.me/treasuresofknowledge

?WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDQ7BPGpLHGxDrd3X1Y/296

? Share the Khayr.


Importance of Learning the Arabic Language

This was an online lecture given by br. Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam via Treasures of Knowledge (a da'wah organization based in India). May Allah reward the administrators, instructor, and all attendees with good. Follow for more benefits: T.me/TreasuresOfKnowledge…

hace 1 año, 1 mes

Amazingly beautiful video explaining Why Islam?


More than Non Muslims, the Born Muslims have a need to watch and understand this Wallaahi! And there is a reason behind this...

Our respected revert brothers and sisters go through all the toil and turmoil within themselves to search for the truth and Alhamdulillaah after understanding the truth of Islam, THEY HAPPILY ACCEPT IT!

However, the Born Muslims, they are following the Deen just as a RITUAL! They don't know what Islam actually is. Who is Allaah. You will not find them easily able to answer these basic questions إلا ماشاءالله.

So, this video must be watched by all. And Alhamdulillaah, all Praises are for Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala Alone, we can say that all the students at مدرسة كنوز العلم الإسلامية للأطفال will testify to this fact that they have been taught all this in their Islamic Studies Classes since last three years. ولله الحمد.

O' Muslims! Recognise what a Blessing Islam is before Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala Replaces you with people who will better understand it and who will better practice it!

P.S: This channel is just a door to enter Islam bi'iznillaah, however then the True Islam must be learned from Rabbaani Scholars upon correct Manhaj.

?️Admin - كنوز العلم

?For more Authentic Islamic Reminders join us at our Official Channels إن شاء الله

?Telegram: t.me/treasuresofknowledge

?WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDQ7BPGpLHGxDrd3X1Y/296

? Share the Khayr.

hace 1 año, 1 mes

الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات

All Praises and Thanks are only for Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala!

*May Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala Accept our negligible efforts and Forgive us for our shortcomings.

جزاكم الله خيرا
To all our amazing students, all the amazing participants from different parts of the world, all the amazing parents, all the amazing guests and all the amazing attendees of the live events as well as this presentation.*

P.S: Alhamdulillaah it has been very well explained to the participants of The Five Pillars of Islam Art Activity Event, during the live event and the felicitation ceremony that drawing images of humans is not permissible and also making the models of Ka’aba is not permissible.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك و أتوب إليك!

hace 1 año, 1 mes
hace 1 año, 1 mes
hace 1 año, 1 mes
hace 1 año, 1 mes
hace 1 año, 1 mes
hace 1 año, 1 mes
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago


Last updated 2 months ago