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"Only the state is original, imperial, absolute, implacable, because it is a unity across the changing times, because it does not represent a single generation, but all the following generations, it is this precisely pure characterization of politics that the character of bourgeois liberal politics is incapable of comprehending."
Ernst Niekisch
“The revolution made Napoleon possible: that is its justification. For the sake of a similar prize one would have to desire the anarchical collapse of our entire civilisation.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
"In Modernity, the children of the stolen fire [Prometheus] create the ideal humanity of their father: a spiritless, material society. The unbound titan is the unbound man left to himself as an individual. It is telling that the Rockefeller Center in New York is the site of a bronze statue of Prometheus covered with gold gilding. The light of Prometheus, his “divine” gold, and the “golden age” of the progressivists are deceitful fakes."
Askr Svarte
"Each civilization has its own identity and cosmovision, which is why it should act as an autonomous geostrategic space, following its own principles, even if preferably in dialogue with other civilizations."
Raphael Machado
"I have always liked to mix the contradictory: Nation and Europe, Socialism and Aristocracy, Freedom of Thought and Authority, Mysticism and Anticlericalism."
Pierre Drieu la Rochelle
"It cannot be too often repeated that what destroyed the Family in the modern world was Capitalism. [...] What has broken up households and encouraged divorces, and treated the old domestic virtues with more and more open contempt, is the epoch and Power of Capitalism.
It is Capitalism that has forced a moral feud and a commercial competition between the sexes; that has destroyed the influence of the parent in favour of the influence of the employer; that has driven men from their homes to look for jobs; that has forced them to live near their factories or their firms instead of near their families; and, above all, that has encouraged, for commercial reasons, a parade of publicity and garish novelty, which is in its nature the death of all that was called dignity and modesty by our mothers and fathers."
G.K Chesterton
"Fascism and anti-fascism, communism and anti-communism share today both the same nostalgia and inability to analyze the present. The impulses at work in the totalitarianism of the twentieth century are obviously still present. But if they are still there, it is because they were there before; that is, because they belong ultimately to human nature.
To situate communism and Nazism in their times is to understand that both represented "answers" to a type of conjuncture, to a political and social problematic that differs radically from the one we know today. Modern totalitarianism were the products of a modernity that is now finished. The era opened in 1917 ended in 1989".
Alain de Benoist
“The cleverest and most dangerous subversion is not the one that betrays itself by too obvious singularities easily noticed by anyone, but it is the one that deforms the meaning of symbols or reverses their import while making no change in their outward appearance. But the most diabolical trick of all is perhaps that which consists in attributing to the orthodox symbolism itself, as it exists in truly traditional organizations and more especially in initiatic organizations (the latter being specially liable to attack in this case), the inverted interpretation that is specifically characteristic of the 'counter-initiation'; and the 'counter-initiation' does not fail to take advantage of this method of promoting confusions and uncertainties when it can derive some profit from them.” — René Guénon
The individual is a bourgeois creation by Nova Resistência
"The "individual" emerges in intellectual history in parallel to the artificial Cartesian mystification of the separation between subject and object. There is a subject that thinks. This subject thinks objects that are separate from himself. And he thinks of himself, too, as an object. That's pure abstraction.
The "individual" was established in the bourgeois Enlightenment as the figure of the abstract and undifferentiated citizen, with universal content, equal to all other citizens. This "individual" arises specifically from the aspirations and fears of a rising bourgeoisie eager to grab the economic benefits from sectors that, before, were existential prerogatives of the non-bourgeois.
This "individual" has no race, no religion, no gender, no ethnicity, no culture, no language, no history. In short, he is an ahistorical construct, with universal pretensions and which is, by definition, a lie.
Every man is born entangled by an immense quantity of conditionings that precede his own existence. The world is already set and given when man emerges in it. And man emerges in this world without ever being able to dissociate himself from it.
Every man is already born in a race, or in a mixture of races; every man is already born having a defined sex (if he is physically perfect); every man emerges in a family that will socialize him into a language, a culture, a history, a religion. And without this, he simply does not exist authentically, he is not complete.
For this reason there can be no "social contract," and the contractualist narrative itself is nothing but a joke. Every man is already born into a social structure. There is not, never was, and never could be a "pre-social situation".
To the “individual” we must oppose the Person: the fruit of all the iron needs and conditionings that are independent of the fragile human will. Fruit of numerous biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual pre-determinations, which form the unavoidable basis of its later historical development. The man in the world. The man surrounded by the world. The man surrounded by others. Because there has never been a man without the world or a man without others.
Therefore, the individual must be extinct."
Nova Resistência
O 'indivíduo' é uma criação burguesa | Nova Resistência
Sempre pontuamos e sempre pontuaremos: não há indivíduos no mundo. Nunca houve e nunca poderá haver qualquer indivíduo no mundo. Por mais que uma afirmação categórica e absoluta como essa possa espantar, essa é uma verdade insofismável, sustentada ao longo…
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