L'UNICO canale ufficiale della Community The Crypto Gateway.
I post che pubblico NON costituiscono consigli finanziari né sollecitazioni all'investimento.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The Open Network (TON) sta mettendo le criptovalute in ogni tasca. Creando l'ecosistema Web3 all'interno di Telegram Messenger, TON sta dando a miliardi di persone l'opportunità di possedere i propri dati, identità e asset digitali. Gestito da @tonsociety
Last updated 2 months ago
Buongiorno! Ho un'attività interessante da sponsorizzare: l'affresco del clima! È un gioco divertente per capire o approfondire gli aspetti, scientifici prima e sociali poi, del cambiamento climatico.
?Domani alle 15:15 in aula 221
Per informazioni scrivetemi pure :) https://www.instagram.com/p/C5yYfIzsTF6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
Per registrarsi: https://association.climatefresk.org/training_sessions/0277ad07-dc3f-4493-ac45-efc8c144af0f/show_public?language=en&tenant_token=36bd2274d3982262c0021755
? Il POuL presenta la settima edizione della conferenza sicurezza e privacy
? Anche questo anno l'associazione studentesca POuL ha l'onore di ospitare diversi esperti:
• GlobaLeaks, organizzazione che gestisce l'omonima piattaforma di whistleblowing, usata anche al PoliMi
• Reversing Works, gruppo specializzato in reverse engineering come forma di resistenza digitale
• Stefania Maurizi, giornalista d'inchiesta che sta seguendo in prima persona il caso Assange
• Alessandro Barenghi, professore e ricercatore in sicurezza informatica e crittografia del Politecnico di Milano.
? Chi ha potere sui nostri dati ha potere su di noi
? Ci vediamo il 18 aprile e il 9 maggio in aula 3.0.3 alle 17:15. Più informazioni e iscrizioni sul nostro sito (https://poul.org/2024/03/conferenza-sicurezza-privacy-2024/?mtm_campaign=secpriv24&mtm_kwd=tg_polinetwork)
Hii guyss! We want to share with you the possibility to joint this ARCHITECTURAL BERLIN trip
The trip will be in March, from 11 to 15. The fee for each participant is 245€, plus 150€ deposit, which will be returned upon departure.
The fee includes bus travel, accommodation and medical baggage insurance. In addition, the bus will also be at our disposal during the three days in Berlin so that we can all travel together to discover the most important buildings without having to use public transport.
Berlin will certainly be the main stop, where we will spend the most time, but during the bus trip we will also have the opportunity to stop in Munich and Nuremberg on the way there and Leipzig on the way back to make the trip even more interesting!
There are 50 seats available, which you can book by filling the form on this link
If you have any questions please contact me!
? Exciting News for you! Join us in the world of Artificial Intelligence ?✨
? Calling all future tech innovators and Al enthusiasts! We're thrilled to announce our incredible competition in collaboration with Reply dedicated to the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence. ?
? Show your creative side and problem-solving skills as you take on Al challenges and push the boundaries of innovation. This is your chance to shine and make a real impact in Al! ?
? Fantastic prizes and the chance to network with experts await you. Don't miss out on this incredible journey into the future of technology! ?
Ready to show your Al skill? You can already sign up through the link below.
Stay tuned for more information! ?
?Anche quest'anno torna l'appuntamento alla Biennale di Venezia di Architettura!
?Rimangono gli ultimi posti per la visita nella giornata del 23 Novembre!
✒️Per partecipare basterà compilare il seguente Form di registrazione (ricorda che il tuo posto non sarà prenotato fino a quando non pagherai la quota di iscrizione!)
Organizzazione della giornata:
?6:30 partenza da piazza Leonardo da Vinci
? 8:30 arrivo a Venezia e partenza con il traghetto privato verso la Biennale
? giornata a Venezia in libertà
? 18:00 partenza per il rientro a Milano
?Prezzo: 25€ comprensivo di viaggio in pullman, traghetto e biglietto di ingresso alla Biennale. Non è richiesta nessuna cauzione!
MESA opens the applications for the 5th edition of Skilling Me Softly, during which certified trainers from EESTEC will come from all over europe to help you improve your Soft Skills!
The topics of this year will be:
- Presentation skills
- Time Management
- Motivation
- Productivity
- Goal Setting
- Emotional Intelligence
- Public Speaking
- Habits management
- Group dynamics
- Non violent communication
- Leadership
SCHEDULE? : https://www.instagram.com/p/CzjdRVytPiD/?igshid=amEzcHVsdGV6dWF6
?Why should you apply?
Improving Soft Skills can help you in increasing self awareness, improving personal relationships and professional life, and much more!
‼️ Spots are very limited, hurry up and apply ‼️
APPLY HERE ✨ : https://beacons.ai/eestec.lcmilan.mesa
The event is free but we ask you a small deposit to secure your spot, we’ll give you the money back at the event time?
??The event is held in english??
? Exciting News for you! Join us in the world of Artificial Intelligence ?✨
? Calling all future tech innovators and Al enthusiasts! We're thrilled to announce our incredible competition in collaboration with Reply dedicated to the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence. ?
? Show your creative side and problem-solving skills as you take on Al challenges and push the boundaries of innovation. This is your chance to shine and make a real impact in Al! ?
? Fantastic prizes and the chance to network with experts await you. Don't miss out on this incredible journey into the future of technology! ?
Ready to show your Al skill? You can already sign up through the link below.
Stay tuned for more information! ?
What if we told you that Politecnico is more than just books and study? Come and discover all the associations! ??
For 11 years, Svoltastudenti has organized the event that allows students to meet and learn about our university's associations: ?????? is back! ?
? ?????
⁃ September 26 Leonardo Campus
Terrazza Gardella and Giardini del Rettorato
⁃ 29 September Candiani/Durando Campus.
Ovale (in front of B2)
? ???? ?????
⁃ From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
? ????’? ?? ????? ??? ????
⁃ You will find most of the associations and representative lists of Politecnico.
We are waiting for you! ?
Ciao ragazzi, ✈
Volete visitare Berlino e la Germania ad un prezzo super conveniente?
AIM è felice di comunicarvi che sono disponibili ancora alcuni posti per il nostro viaggio a Berlino e Norimberga.
Posti limitati, affrettatevi!
[??Eng Version]
Hi guys, ✈️
Would you like to visit the German capital, Berlin, with a group of like-minded polimi students like you?
I'm happy to tell you we are still accepting registrations for our upcoming trip to Berlin!
Register at the link below!
BEST brings you to Amsterdam this March! After the exam session why not enjoy a trip to the Venice of the North?
3 full days + 2 trip days for 300€! It doesn't get much better than that!
we’ll visit the Rijksmuseum, and see some Rembrandt’s best work; visit the Van Gogh museum, where the sunflowers and starry night skies work together for an immersive experience; do both a walking ad biking tour of the city, to get to know every single corner! Go to the A’DAM Lookout tower, where we’ll swing over the edge on top of the city!
what are you waiting, Sign up here!:
L'UNICO canale ufficiale della Community The Crypto Gateway.
I post che pubblico NON costituiscono consigli finanziari né sollecitazioni all'investimento.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The Open Network (TON) sta mettendo le criptovalute in ogni tasca. Creando l'ecosistema Web3 all'interno di Telegram Messenger, TON sta dando a miliardi di persone l'opportunità di possedere i propri dati, identità e asset digitali. Gestito da @tonsociety
Last updated 2 months ago