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This remarkable behavior must be instinctual.
Instincts are algorithms.
Algorithms are instructions
Instructions are information
Information comes from a mind.
Ants in Florida perform life-saving surgery on their peers, scientists have discovered
Ants perform life saving operations — the only animal other than humans known to do so
Florida ants perform amputations and clean wounds to prevent the spread of infection, scientists discover.
2) The second example is an "Evolution through loss of function mutations". It's very common in nature. As an example I'll bring a car which runs out the fuel. In order this car to go further one can jettison the door of the car, its audio system, mirrors. Car will become lighter and can go more distance. However this is definitely a reduction in car's complexity.
I'll give you one more example. Imagine two enemies fighting each other. When one enemy attacks the other in order to survive the one who is attacked demolishes his bridge the enemy couldn't cross the border and kill him. Of course breaking the bridge he will survive, but this will not explain how the bridge appeared in the first place.
This is how it works. Such type of changes even being adaptive, never explain the origin of specified complexity and complex features.
How observable (not imaginary) "Evolutionary changes" should be interpreted.
Whenever you read in the news that "something evolved" - these are either epigenetic changes or adaptive mutations through the loss of function. I'll try to explain both briefly and try to understand this because you will have to apply this framework to all future and past news. Don't be deceived.
1) Epigenetics.
DNA in the genome can be tagged in specific places with special molecules that change gene function but keep the DNA sequence intact—a field of study called epigenetics. Epigenetic changes are dynamic and controlled by complicated cellular systems. They enable incredible levels of fine-tuned, environment-specific adjustments within organisms without any DNA sequence modifications whatsoever. Offspring can even inherit many of these epigenetic changes.
Epigenetic mechanisms are helpful at some future, unknown, time when the environmental challenge finally presents itself. They are useless when they initially arise, and so would not be preserved by evolution's mythical natural selection.
These are two mice with IDENTICAL DNA, however different expression of this DNA (different epigenetic tags)
We already have emperical examples of huge phenotypic changes which were attained very rapidly and were adaptive. And I'll pose some of the examples below which I found remarkable.
We already have emperical examples of huge phenotypic changes which were attained very rapidly and were adaptive. And I'll pose some of the examples below which I found remarkable.
1) Italian lizard acquired new organ in few decades- a gut valve after changing its environment . Without gene sequence alteration
2) stickleback fish rapidly acquired huge morphological changes without gene sequence alteration after changing its environment and waters
3) Unable to move and facing starvation, the bacteria evolve a replacement flagellum - a rotating tail-like structure which acts like an outboard motor - by patching together a new genetic switch with borrowed parts."But the hotwiring comes at a cost. The replacement key is a molecule borrowed from a system which regulates nitrogen levels. The mutant bacteria can now move, but it can't regulate nitrogen properly, which can build up and become toxic. Of course, it's an evolutionary price worth paying when the alternative is certain death."
4) "Consistent components of complex traits, such as those linked to human stature/height, fertility, and food metabolism or to hereditary defects, have been shown to respond to environmental or nutritional condition and to be epigenetically inherited
5) Studies of fish, birds, amphibians and insects suggest that adaptations that were, initially, environmentally induced may promote colonization of new environments and facilitate speciation5, 6. Some of the best-studied examples of this are in fishes, such as sticklebacks and Arctic char. Differences in the diets and conditions of fish living at the bottom and in open water have induced distinct body forms, which seem to be evolving reproductive isolation, a stage in forming new species.
6) And my favourite example is a cichlid fish wich diversified rapidly without gene sequence alteration
7) The beaks of Darwin's finches change through epigenetic process, not because natural selection kills particular finches with certain beaks during drought or normal climate conditions, but because of distinct dietes
A Novel Cellular Mechanism Used to Repair DNA Damage is Revealed
A Novel Cellular Mechanism Used to Repair DNA Damage is Revealed | Cell And Molecular Biology
The human genome is contained within the nucleus of cells. The genome is well protected, but many things can cause DNA damage, including aging, some drugs.. | Cell And Molecular Biology
Some creatures glow naturally, in a phenomenon known as bioluminescence. It's thought that this trait has evolved independently in various animals at least 94 times
What??? 94 times?
Bioluminescence is Even Older Than We Knew | Cell And Molecular Biology
Some creatures glow naturally, in a phenomenon known as bioluminescence. It's thought that this trait has evolved independently in various animals 94 times | Cell And Molecular Biology
Seed ferns independently developed angiosperm-like leaves 50 million years before the first flowering plants.
This also means that fossil leaves with net-like venation are no reliable evidence for early angiosperms.
Seed ferns experimented with complex leaf vein networks 201 million years ago, paleontologists find
According to a research team led by paleontologists from the University of Vienna, the net-like leaf veining typical for today's flowering plants developed much earlier than previously thought, but died ...
Butterfly and moth genomes mostly unchanged despite 250 million years of evolution - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
This stability exists despite the incredible diversity seen today in wing patterns, sizes, and caterpillar forms across over 160,000 species globally. (So all that change happened without much genetic change at all? Not what we were led to think.)
Butterfly and moth genomes mostly unchanged despite 250 million years of evolution
Comparison of over 200 high-quality butterfly and moth genomes reveals key insights into their biology, evolution and diversification over the last 250 million years, as well as clues for conservation.
Explaining God to an Agnostic
Natural genetic engineering (NGE) and Intelligent Design
Natural genetic engineering (NGE) is a class of process proposed by molecular biologist
James A. Shapiro to account for novelty created in the course of biological evolution.
Shapiro developed this work in several peer-reviewed publications from 1992 onwards,
and later in his 2011 book Evolution: A View from the 21st Century.
He uses NGE to account for several proposed counterexamples to the central dogma of
molecular biology (Francis Crick's proposal of 1957 that the direction of the flow of
sequence information is only from nucleic acid to proteins, and never the reverse).
Shapiro drew from work as diverse as the adaptivity of the mammalian immune system,
ciliate macronuclei and epigenetics.
The work gained some measure of notoriety after being championed by proponents of Intelligent Design,
despite Shapiro's explicit repudiation of that movement.
With the publication of Evolution: A View from the 21st Century, Shapiro's work again
came under discussion in the Intelligent design community.
In a conversation with Shapiro, William Dembski asked for Shapiro's thoughts on the origins of
natural genetic engineering systems.
Shapiro replied that "where they come from in the first place is not a question
we can realistically answer right now."
Is James Shapiro a Darwinist After All?
Has Shapiro really solved anything? His “third way” seems more like an equivocation strategy.
William A. Dembski -- January 25, 2012
More Reasons to Admire University of Chicago Microbiologist James Shapiro
If Shapiro is right, that would make intelligent design by default the lone viable theory of life’s origin.
David Klinghoffer -- May 2, 2012
If James Shapiro Is Right, Materialist Explanations of Life’s Origins Are Even Less Plausible than Previously Thought
Our friend and ENV contributor James Barham is engaged in a fascinating dialogue with the maverick University of Chicago biologist, likewise an esteemed contributor.
David Klinghoffer -- May 15, 2012
Natural genetic engineering
Natural genetic engineering (NGE) is a class of process proposed by molecular biologist James A. Shapiro to account for novelty created in the course of biological evolution. Shapiro developed this work in several peer-reviewed publications from 1992 onwards…
Modern science is more and more turning into a kind of madhouse where any kind of ridiculous speculations are permitted. Russell’s teapot looks like hard science compared to this rubbish.
Life might have been possible just seconds after the Big Bang
Life may be much, much older than Earth.
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