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5 days, 21 hours ago
**Mark Epstein — the brother of …

Mark Epstein — the brother of notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — is accusing federal investigators of covering up video evidence which, he claims, will prove that his politically connected brother was killed and did not take his own life.

On the five-year anniversary of his brother’s mysterious suicide at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, Mark Epstein is accusing law enforcement officials of quickly removing his brother’s body from the facility in order to cover up evidence of assassination.

According to Mark Epstein, officials he has spoken with have not been forthcoming about information as to whether or not a thorough investigation followed his brother’s death. “I only want to look at facts, but when we consider the facts available, we get more questions,” he told the New York Post earlier this year. “There appears to have been no investigation once it was ruled a suicide, they saw no reason to dig deeper.”

5 days, 21 hours ago

Trump has united sane Democrats in his cause to stop forever wars. This terrifies the political establishment.


We The Media

BREAKING***🔥***: Former Hawaii Democratic Rep Tulsi Gabbard officially endorses President Trump: "I am committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House where he can once again serve us as our commander in chief. Because I am confident…

5 days, 21 hours ago
1 week, 5 days ago


17 August

Banks & Economy:

The ‘Future Of Finance’—Radical Trump Plan For A Huge Bank ‘Shake Up’ Revealed. Trump, who made a headline appearance at the Bitcoin 2024 conference last month alongside an "absolute game-changer" bitcoin bill, has fueled wild speculation of a bitcoin price boom. Now, as the crypto market braces for a Wall Street earthquake, Trump's son Don Jr. has launched a Telegram channel for the Trump decentralized finance (DeFi) project that his brother Eric said will "shake up" the world of banking and finance. More. Bitcoin is a fiat cryptocurrency designed by the CIA for their nefarious activities. It can go one of two ways,
1. Totally crash when the fiat system collapse.
2. Trump can seize it under his Executive Orders, save it by somehow connect it to Gold, and use it to pay the $35 trillion us debt.

BREAKING! XRP Is Officially Decoupled From Bitcoin!! See. Here we go!

The Trillionaire Dollar Man, Dan Pena, a big Trump supporter, vehemently warns... STOP and watch this 60 sec video!

Bitcoin is the child, organ harvesting, raping, laundering, drug running, trafficking, Deep State coin!

Time will tell...

Payment Systems:

Mastercard Embraces Blockchain, Sees Opportunity Beyond Stablecoins.

Mastercard has launched a debit card with MetaMask that allows users to spend self-custodied tokens at any store where Mastercard is accepted. The card is compatible with stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, and wrapped Ethereum, but not with most cryptocurrencies. Mastercard is working on an alternative system to stablecoins that leverages existing digital bank deposits to power commerce on-chain. More

EU Merchants Accept Ripple Payments; Buy Gold and More With XRP. It feels like we just pulled a shiny rabbit out of the hat; various merchants in Europe accept Ripple’s XRP as a payment method for gold and silver! Yes, you read that right—your favorite altcoin can now buy you some solid gold bars. It’s not just gold and silver; they’ve thrown in platinum, palladium, and rhodium for good measure. Plus, they’ve got live pricing in XRP, so you can watch those rates in real time, like a hawk eyeing its prey. More

Yes, Ripple and XRP are MEANT FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Not retail. “Ripple’s business model centers around the XRP Ledger -> financial institutions MUST INTEGRATE THEIR SYSTEMS WITH THE XRPL TO UTILIZE RIPPLE SERVICES” This is the facts and no amount of complaining from Developers will change this. Once banks switch out of test mode, they will begin to actually transact real value on the XRPL, driving up demand for the XRP token, thus increasing the value of the token. This isn’t a narrative. This is a declaration of the truth that rises above speculative arguments. May go over the heads of some and I’m expecting that. But shout out to my sharp and intelligent followers that are catching all of these documented facts! See


BRICS Currency Will Shift World Into Multipolarity. Iran's deputy minister of Industry, Mine and Trade is optimistic about moving away from a unipolar world, he told at the BRICS ministerial meeting. Watch

Termination of SWIFT transfers: Banking system remains stable. The country’s banking system remains stable and sustainable. Commercial banks continue to operate as usual. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan commented on the situation in connection with reports of termination of SWIFT transfers in dollars from September 2024. More

China’s interbank system promoted as safeguard against SWIFT consequences. More

Currency Wars...

Yesterday, 53 years ago, the US temporarily suspended the dollar's convertibility to Gold. The world is still waiting. Today, we witnessed history. Interesting coincidence. See. The Cabal's fiat currency system experiment failed, we are transitioning back to Gold-backed!

I inform, you choose. In this library we don't give false hope or news for sensation. The info we share is based on reality.

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‘Absolute Game Changer’—Congress Introduces Radical Bitcoin Bill As Trump Primes Price For A $100 Trillion Surge To Replace Gold

U.S. senator Cynthia Lummis has unveiled an "absolute game changer" bitcoin bill...

1 week, 5 days ago

Clones in the DUMBs done by Reptilians. 👆

1 week, 5 days ago


HOWEVER.....some want out of ‘the club’ and are desperate for ‘humans’ to ‘get it’ so we can break these alien systems and more specifically bust the cloning labs that keep these world jailers puppets in covert operations. Running primal fields will break up all their technology.

Research Clonaid. They named their first clone Eve because Eve was cloned from Adam’s ribsome in Enki’s Eridu underground lab facilities.

The black and white hat saga is all a game to put your faith in the Illuminaughty playing out the same agenda on opposite scripted sides. The only people who can make sustainable change here are us normal folks who haven’t sold their blood to the Luciferian covenant and still retain our Krystic living flame Tauren connection to source.

3) The golden new age is all about immortality through cloning and sleeve transfer (body to body consciousness transfer through microchipping people in their hypothalamus). This is what Elon ‘Mask’ is pushing hard!

Once they have your DNA, they can clone you and keep transferring your consciousness over to other bodies as permanent puppet slaves and blackmail you by torture of your clones which they grow in underground water tanks ‘on demand’. This is what hell is! Revelation 9:6 ‘And in those days men shall seek death and shall not find it’.

Brittany Spears ‘Break the Ice Video’ is all about trying to destroy the cloning Centers and escaping from hell. Lady Gaga’s ‘Born this way’ is all about the new race of alien clones that inhabit the world under an evil parasitic influence. Most of the mainstream songs have subtle references to being imprisoned in clone bodies. Look up Do-n@-ld M@r-shall. He describes in detail his own REM clone experiences which matches up with a lot of the Emerald Covenant’s Guardian Alliance material.

That is what the Leviathan and Judah groups are! They are controlled clones! Luckily, you can bypass this soul transfer necromancy technology if you can burn out their key REM soul catcher implant called ‘the black heart of Anubis’ which keeps you locked in 3D and hijacks you when you full asleep. Why do you think in Egyptian mythology it is Anubis that weighs your heart and grants you passage to the black sun underworld portals???

The solution is to do the flame body emerald covenant bioregenesis techniques. These teachings were banned when Thoth slaughtered the Eieyani and doomed anyone preaching these sacred teachings to be punished by torture and death.

All the original steps regarding flame bodies are organised on my telegram channel for those looking to escape the One World Order NETs and connect with the Golden Fleece Amoraea buffer field that gives you the gold wave infusion currents to evac out of this phantom Procyak Milky Way galaxy.

I’m going to get a horde of people saying ‘this is spreading fear’ and throwing the laughter emoji around like there’s no tomorrow. Only a few people are going to get this and that means writing this was totally worth it.

This world is much sicker than most of us can possibly fathom but like it or not, this is what goes on behind the curtains of the show. Most people can’t face the truth....but I can breathe a sigh of release as now you’ve all been given the problem and solution formula with guided steps. It’s on you now to decide what to do next.

That’s all for now.

Via Jamie Phillips

2 weeks, 6 days ago

And the grays who jumped through the portals, the 5 rings of the Olympic games... And Tom Cruise who looked nothing like the original version and had also become taller and fatter... And Simone Biles and the singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers who joined the Boot club... Biles supposedly has an injury but she also donated 4 million to Kamala Harris' campaign...
In short: I had a great time. If this is necessary to wake up the sleepers, that's fine with me 😁

However, what struck me most was the shape of the stage. It was supposed to represent the continents but it was reminiscent of the Hunger Games movie and clearly showed a rider on horseback. There was also a task for the rider who galloped across the Seine on horseback at the opening ceremony: she was allowed to hang the Olympic flag on the pole so that Tom Cruise could take it with him to the US.

I feel like the White Hats, who have complete control over the Olympic Games, clearly want to point us to the book 'Behold a Pale Horse' by Milton William - Bill - Cooper. The book can be found in PDF on the internet and I was blown away. Cooper was a member of the United States Naval Intelligence Briefing team and he knew what was going on. The Q team consists of members of the Naval Intelligence...

Cooper wanted to warn us with his book in 1990 and of course he was called a 'conspiracy theorist'. He talks about the children, chess and games, the military, the Illuminati and that they want to recreate 'revelations' from the Bible. This is where the 4 horsemen come into play. In London we have also had horses breaking free. The pale horse is the last horse and symbolizes Death. From them.

I would recommend everyone to read up on 'Behold a Pale Horse. A mountain of lies is revealed. Yesterday was 'mountain day' in Japan 😁

2 weeks, 6 days ago
2 weeks, 6 days ago

👀👀👆Sergey replaced liddle eric [schmidt]. Remember NoKo and [hrc]'s private servers? Remember the 16 Year Plan?

Oh yes, and his wife. 23AndMe.

4 weeks ago

For Joe Rogan to say this, as the barometer of the normie overton window, it goes to show we really are in the middle of the Great Awakening.

By this time next year where will we be?
Based Joe Rogan is 🔥🔥🔥

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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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