Admiral Richard E.Byrd

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month ago

1 month ago
I smell bullshit

I smell bullshit

1 month ago

We have travelled the world and despise all of their fraudulent paperwork. I have lived for years in various countries and know it is all about exercising control over the slaves and generating revenue (re venue) from those slaves.

Have you travelled outside of America? note I said America, not the US (Washington DC corporation city state). For the record a UNITED STATES citizen is a 14th amendment corporate debt slave, not an American. Do you enjoy travelling outside one STATE OF corporation's jurisdiction to another without having to show paperwork? Shouldn't everyone have that right if they are not doing harm to others?

The word "citizen" means "slave" and citizenship means "slave ship". "Just walking across our border without a visa is already a crime!" say the slaves. Wrong. A crime requires two things, intent and a harmed party. neither are done by walking across imaginary lines. You are drinking the propaganda cool aid and justifying tyranny when deporting people who have done no harm to others. note I am very specific on this. I have no problem with the run of the mill criminal gangs getting deported, but I feel they should just be incarcerated for the good of mankind. Just note they will be back shortly as even with a wall the border is very easy to cross. I just watched a video on this. Stop falling for divide and conquer please.

2 months, 1 week ago

Strange fog in many cities all around the world...

3 months, 1 week ago
This is the vault at the …

This is the vault at the end of the world where all the existing seeds on the planet are kept. It is located in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, about 1,300 kilometers from the North Pole. Opened in 2008, this underground warehouse is designed to preserve 4.5 million seeds of crop plants from around the world, acting as insurance against the loss of genetic biodiversity caused by natural disasters, conflict and climate change. So, in case the world is ever destroyed and you are the only survivor, you know where to go.

More details/photos:

3 months, 2 weeks ago

What should we discuss today? Immortality of the Human Soul? Genetic discrimination reproductive technologies? Spiritual celestial navigation? Knowledge between Kether and Tipareth? Anunnaki genetics? Reptilian Aliens and the Illuminati Supreme Council? MK-ultra Mind Control? Is America really the Fourth Reich? The Invisible God? Sharia Islamic Law? I'm in the mood to write some really crazy shit today! Camp David and Human Cloning? Reptilian Dragon Queens? Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail? Solomon's Temple a Star Gate? Sirius the Dog Star? Is President Obama human? Putin a Clone? Hollywood and Predictive Programming? Is there really a God? Satan? Trans-Humanism? Holograms and Twin Towers? Walt Disney and Hitler? UFOs? CERN and the opening of a portal? Goodbye Golden Gate Bridge? Joe Biden the next President? In the "Land of Make Believe" anything is possible. Because nothing is true and everything is indeed permitted! The "War on Terrorism" a cover story for something else? False Flag Operations? The CIA and dirty tricks? Frank Zappa and the Grand Wazoo? Organized Crime? The Black Stone of Mecca? Albert Pike and "Three World Wars"? Jacob's Ladder? A New Earth? The Hip Hop Gangster Nation and the CIA? Did JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Tupac, Elvis, all faked their deaths? Is there a DNA Connection to wealth and power? Illuminati Bloodlines? Holy Blood Holy Grail? The Tribe of DAN receiving an up-grade so they could download more data from the Motherboard? Moses and "the Burning Bush"? The Bush Crime Family? Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter a White House Covert Operation? Is Donald Trump a clone? Is his wife even real? Hillary Clinton a CIA Clone? Does Bill Clinton have AIDS? Men in Black and Orion's Belt? Michelle Obama not a girl? The Illuminati White Rabbit? Did they fake Princess Diana's death? Is the Queen a lizard? David Icke? Donald Marshall and his weird stories? Do you believe in magick? The Kabbalah? 32 Paths to reach the Godhead? 32 Scottish Rite Degrees? The game of chess with 32 pieces played on a Black & White checker board? Does Freemasonry really control this World? Is your Birth Certificate nothing more than a Bill of Sale? Is the United States of America a corporation as define by Maritime Law controlled by the Vatican? Did we really land on the Moon? Does the little Hobbits live within a 3-D Holographic Reality Model? Is everything fake? Much like "The Truman Show"? Was Jesus a Shape Shifting Alien? Are the little Hobbits easily influenced by engineered environmental elements and mind controlled psychology? Is there Nano-Mind Controlled shit in bottled water? In the food you consume? Who wants to dance with me? Come on! Lets have some fun today. Blow a few minds with crazy shit! Santa or Satan? He knows whose been naughty or nice! He knows whose sleeping or awake! Which one are you?

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Why don't elite soldiers and Navy …

Why don't elite soldiers and Navy SEALs have physiques like Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel?
The Gentleman pictured below, is one of the original members of Delta, probably one of the Absolute utter Badasses to Ever wear the Uniform. Command Sgt Major Michael Vining… Take a GOOD look at his Photo. You don't need to be built like Those ACTORS, to do the real job in the Real world.
Take a GOOD look at this man…there are a bunch of assorted deceased folks who underestimated this man because of how he looked.

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month ago