Taftazani's Legacy 🔻

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❤️zpravodaj zdarma❤️ pro vlastence v CR a na SR. ( Nezavisly Kanal bez jakekoliv diktatury - hnuj uz mame v TV )

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

Ardida, feito pimenta
Quente feito vulcão
Doce na medida certa
Tudo depende do momento
Da entrega
Do desejo de ser
Pois, a intensidade seduz, mas também retém se não usada corretamente.

Adm. Pimentinha ✍️🔥

Canal criado: 30/12/2020

Last updated 4 weeks ago

3 weeks, 1 day ago
Taftazani's Legacy 🔻
3 weeks, 3 days ago

والنسبة الحكمية: هي ثبوت المحمول للموضوع في كل من القضية الموجبة والسالبة عند المحققين.

حاشية الدسوقي على الخبيصي.

4 weeks ago

قيل لأبي بكر الخوارزمي عند موته: ماذا تشتهي؟
قال: النظر في حواشي الكتب

2 months, 4 weeks ago
(شرح الوسطى)

(شرح الوسطى)

3 months ago
Taftazani's Legacy 🔻
3 months ago
Shaykh Dr. Ali Sami al-Naşhar (d.1980 …

Shaykh Dr. Ali Sami al-Naşhar (d.1980 AD) said in his introduction to al-Shamil Fi Usul al-Din :

"The emergence of the Ash'arites was the greatest intellectual incident in the history of Islamic philosophical thought. As its head, Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, was able to lay down the intellectual pillars that directed Islamic intellectual history even to our day..."

3 months, 1 week ago

من عجائب الإمام السنوسي رضي الله عنه

3 months, 1 week ago
**Sunni Identity & Rational Sciences**

Sunni Identity & Rational Sciences

Following on from the above post,
this clip by Dr. Ali al Omari explains the regression in the past century of the Sunni Muslims in the rational sciences.

This is due to both the anti rational nature of Wahhabism and its influence on the Ummah as a whole, as well as the mistaken idea that European colonization meant that Islamic metaphysics was flawed.

As Dr. Omari states, a 17 year old kid at a top Shia Hawza can talk about Mulla Sadra and the degrees of existence just as we can talk about famous football players! They have made the rational sciences a part of their identity. It is ironic because in reality the earliest Shia were severely anti rational, and were heavily afflicted by anthropomorphism.

The Sunni identity is much more than simply loving Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna Umar. It is an entire worldview and a way of thinking, rooted in consistent rational proofs. It encourages freedom of thought and does not stifle questions. The rational sciences are the foundations of every other science. Without these foundations we have no identity.


3 months, 1 week ago

الاحتجاج بالغلبة والكثرة والانتشار والبقاء:

قال العلامة اليوسي تـ١١٠٢ في حواشيه على شرح الكبرى:

"ولا خفاء أن بقاء طريق الأشاعرة إلى آخر الدهر واضمحلال غيرها من الطرق من أقوى الأمارات على أنها الحق، وأنها التي عليها النبي المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه، ثبَّتنا الله عليها حالا ومآلا وجميع المؤمنين بها بمَنِّهِ ورأفته"اهـ

3 months, 2 weeks ago
الطبري يثبت ان الله تعالى يخلق …

الطبري يثبت ان الله تعالى يخلق افعال العباد

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❤️zpravodaj zdarma❤️ pro vlastence v CR a na SR. ( Nezavisly Kanal bez jakekoliv diktatury - hnuj uz mame v TV )

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

Ardida, feito pimenta
Quente feito vulcão
Doce na medida certa
Tudo depende do momento
Da entrega
Do desejo de ser
Pois, a intensidade seduz, mas também retém se não usada corretamente.

Adm. Pimentinha ✍️🔥

Canal criado: 30/12/2020

Last updated 4 weeks ago