• Vaziyat o'zgarsa qilaman, deb yurgan hamma ishingizni, vaziyat o'zgarsa ham qilmaysiz.
• Aqliy mehnatga toqati yo'q xalq, jismoniy mehnatga mahkumdir.
Administrator: @inomovichb
IELTS score: 8.0
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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

?‍?Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun @Cardinal_Garant
? UC Uchun: @Cardinal_UC
☎️Tel: +998906666646

?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

5 months, 3 weeks ago

This is the passage I used as an example!


5 months, 3 weeks ago

A short masterclass as to do matching heading questions by me!


5 months, 4 weeks ago
6 months ago

Try hard to learn the highlighted words until the next challenge!

6 months ago


Urbanization is a common problem in many countries around the globe today. As a result, there has been a falling trend in the rural population. This is a completely negative development having detrimental effects for both urban and rural areas.

The trend of heading to cities in search of better life and higher job opportunities can adversely affect the whole country. In many developing and developed countries agriculture is regarded as one of the main fuels of economy as it provides several necessary resources for the local population, such as food and employment, and it is obvious that this sector exists in rural areas only with the rural population as the necessary workforce. In other words, if more and more people continue to relocate to cities, there will definitely be a significant decrease in human resources in one of the most important sectors in all countries, leading to shortage of employees and an indirect damage to economy. Therefore, countries may suffer seriously from urbanization.

From another perspective, urbanization is highly likely to pose a series of significant issues to city life too. It is evident that many big cities are facing the problem of overpopulation, which is the main stimulant to other series of issues, and it is undeniable that it is caused by the migration of rural population to urban areas. The first and foremost by-product issue is traffic problems and air pollution in big cities. Besides this, the considerable increase in the number of people based in cities has led to unemployment that is, to a large extent, blamed for increased crime rate. Additionally, many city dwellers complain about the prohibitively high prices of housing and see urbanization as the culprit. So, life in urban places is bound to be damaged because of extremely high number of newcomers.

In conclusion, the fact that an increasing number of people from the country are moving to cities is a totally negative trend as it may stimulate more other serious problems in countries.


6 months ago


The plan illustrates the changes that have been made to a public library in the past two decades. Overall, the library experienced considerable changes within this period. Although the site has kept its main function, the majority of old components of the library have been replaced or modernized.

20 years ago, the site used to be limited to reading and gaming only. In front of the entrance, there were two sets of tables provided with eight chairs each, and to its right was an enquiry desk and to the left was a reading room. Above these two, there were two sections for adults, where they could read fiction and non-fiction books. On the far right corner, children's books were kept, and opposite it was a room for CDs, videos and computer games.

The library has totally changed in terms of layout, where even old rooms are also relocated. The two sets of tables have been removed, leaving the corridor as an empty area. As soon as people enter the site, they can eat and drink in a cafe replacing the enquiry desk, while the reading room is developed as a computer room now. Above the cafe, a new information desk and self-service machines have been added and the adult non-fiction books no longer exist, instead fiction books are placed here. If visitors to the library go past the computer room, they can see all reference books. The section for CDs, videos, and computer games was enlarged and contains children's fiction books and an area for storytelling with two sofas. The room for children's books is now a lecture room.


6 months, 1 week ago
So, what does your distraction loop …

So, what does your distraction loop look like??

6 months, 1 week ago

?Reading Strategy

6 months, 1 week ago
**Qadrli EVERESTERLAR va faoliyatimizni kuzatuvchi barcha …

Qadrli EVERESTERLAR va faoliyatimizni kuzatuvchi barcha O'zbekiston ahli!

*? EVEREST jamoasi* sizni Yer yuzida mo'min-musulmonlar tomonidan keng nishonlanayotgan ulug‘ va muborak ayyom – Ramazon hayiti bilan samimiy muborakbod etadi.

Ramazoni sharif har bir xonadonga, jonajon yurtimizga qut-baraka, sog‘lik-omonlik va baxt-u saodat olib kelsin! Barchamizni keyingi Hayit ayyomlariga bekam-u-ko'st yetkazsin! Niyat qilib qo'ygan barcha xayrli amallarimiz, orzularimiz va maqsadlarimiz ro'yobini bersin! Ilm yo'lida qilayotgan sa'y-harakatlarimizning samarasini va ajrini ko'paytirib bersin, ilohim!

Hayit ayyomingiz muborak bo'lsin!
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8 months, 3 weeks ago

Assalamu Alaykum hammaga!

I haven't been able to post anything lately because of health issues. I hope I will be back at work. Thank you for staying with me.!

We recommend to visit

Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Все вопросы по рекламе можно узнать в нашем телеграмм канале:

? Только в этом канале вы найдёте всю свежую и эксклюзивную информацию.

Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+WYj7gr8oQrcwZTk6

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

?‍?Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun @Cardinal_Garant
? UC Uchun: @Cardinal_UC
☎️Tel: +998906666646

?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago