Владелец: @pecheniks
По сотрудничеству/рекламе: @NEKISLOTAKTO
Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago
? @studuent_life_bot
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Kepada yg berminat, blh buat bayaran pada akaun di atas sebelum 17 Mei 2024 dan pm cg nisa 0172081984. Tq
Slm kepada semua peserta yg ingin menyertai Pertandingan Asia Rope Olympiad, ianya terbuka kepada Peserta ISOCSEA yg telah mendapat Bronze sehingga Diamond (dlm pertandingan IMOCSEA/ISOCSEA/GELOSEA)shja. Berminat blh hubungi Cg Nisa 0172081984.
Link pendaftaran akan diberikn
Good evening. Medalists in IMOCSEA, ISOCSEA and GELOSEA are qualified to join ASIARÓPE IR in Hong Kong.
Dear participants, I attached herewith the official results for ISOCSEA National Round 2023. Warmest congratulations on your achievement! Closing date for medal reservations will be 28/9/2023 at 8.00pm E-certificate will be sent via email starting from 29/9/2023…
For both Imocsea & Isocsea
Imocsea can choose from the package A, B, C or D
Second test (Isocsea)
additional test kit is 300usd/RM1440 (without extra set of souvenir kit and shirt) or 375usd/RM1880 (with extra set of souvenir kit and shirt)
Dear participants, I attached herewith the official results for ISOCSEA National Round 2023.
Warmest congratulations on your achievement!
Closing date for medal reservations will be 28/9/2023 at 8.00pm
E-certificate will be sent via email starting from 29/9/2023 to 06/10/2023.
Participants who wish to purchase medal (RM35 include shipping) may fill up the google form below???
Hurry up guyss?♂️?♀️?♂️?♀️
Kindly check your Full Name, Email Address and Grades.
Those names highlighted in red, pls pm Cg Hairunnisa 0172081984 the correct details.
Please take note that no sharing email address is allowed as the exam link will be sent to each participant's email.
If your name is not in the list, please resubmit the registration form. Remember to click the SUBMIT button at the end of the last page.
Владелец: @pecheniks
По сотрудничеству/рекламе: @NEKISLOTAKTO
Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago
? @studuent_life_bot
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago