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Гайз, у цей вівторок зберемося з вами щоб поговорити про граматику, як потужний інструмент з прихованими можливостями,
пройдемо по “фірмових” українських помилках і сліпих зонах рівня Pre-Intermediate,
визначимо, які теми і в яких обсягах потрібні, щоб упевнено почуватися на екзамені ISTQB.
Буде багато інтерактиву і практики, адже просто слухаючи, ми запамятовуємо тільки 5% інформації!
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Hello my friends, we are planning to start new group on course IT English
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LIKE or AS???
What's the difference?
The meanings of LIKE:
?LIKE = similar to, the same as
In this case, the structure of the sentence is usually the following:
A typical HDD looks like the one presented in the picture.
?LIKE = for example, such as
Computer hardware includes parts which are inside the computer case, like video card, hard disk drive, etc.
The meanings of AS:
?AS = in the position of, in the form of
In this case, the structure of the sentence is usually the following:
A track can be described as a narrow recording band which forms a circle on the disc.
?AS = at the same time as the other oneIt is used to indicate that one event was happening at the same time as another one.
As software sends a request for disk access, the read/write heads determine the current
or new location of the data.
?**AS IF = similar to
In this case, the structure of the sentence is usually the following:
The hard disk looks as if there was* a head crash.
?AS + ADJECTIVE + AS to make comparisons when the things we are comparing are equal in some way (такий...як) Your computer is as expensive as the one I have at work.*‼️REMEMBER?look like/sound like/feel like/taste like/smell like
?As far as I know.../As you see.../As is...(as they are, in the present condition), As of now... (starting now)
All discounted goods are sold as is, with no exchanges.
As of now we must use the new email address.
Good morning!?
Let's learn today how to react to what others say. I think you know these phrases and use them in your everyday talks.
But can you say them in English? ?
First, read the phrases in Ukrainian, try to translate into English. Then check if you were right. Good luck!?
?Ти обвів мене круг пальця! Обдурив! You could've fooled me!
?Про смаки не сперечаються! There's no accounting for taste(s)!
?Менше з двох зол. The lesser of two evils.
?Одне потягло за собою інше. One thing just led to another.
?Я ніколи цього не переживу! I'll never live it down!
?Куй залізо поки гаряче. Make hay while the sun shines.
? Так чи інакше. One way or another.
How many of them did you know? Share in comments
See you!
Hello, everybody! ?
Here's a list of phrases for you to talk about money.
?spend money (on) - give money as payment for something
Juan spends a lot of money on travelling.
?save money - keep money for use in the future
We’re saving a little money each month
to buy a new car next year.?waste/squander money (on) - spend money in a bad way; (марно витрачати)
squander is stronger and is only used about large sums of money
Sara wasted/squandered all her money on clothes and fast cars.
?change money - exchange one currency for another, e.g. dollars for euros
You can change some money at the airport.?throw money around - spend money in an obvious and careless way on unnecessary things
If Jim keeps on throwing his money around like that, he soon won’t have any left.
?throw money at - spend a lot of money, possibly more than necessary, trying to solve a problem
The government think they can solve the problem by throwing money at it.
?donate money (to) - give money to help society in some way
The business donates a lot of money each year *to charity. (на благодійність)
P.S. And don't forget in English MONEY is singular (однина)
What do you like spending money on? Share in comment.
Have a nice weekend!
See you!❤️***
Hi, everybody! ??
Congratulations to you on the occasion of Ukrainian National Flag Day! ??
You communicate a lot with your teams which can be multinational. You have the possibility to get to know about life in other countries, their people, traditions, holidays and so on.
On this festive day, I offer you to share some information about our national symbols in English.
??The national flag of Ukraine is a banner of two equally sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow (стяг із двох рівновеликих горизонтальних смуг синього та жовтого кольорів)
Ukraine has celebrated the Day of the National Flag on 23 August since 2004.
⚡The Сoat of Arms of Ukraine is a blue shield with a golden trident. The lone emblem featured on it is the tryzub (meaning "trident"), a state sigil (герб) of the Kyivan Rus from the 10th century A.D., believed to originally represent the Holy Trinity (свята трійця).
⚡The national and state anthem of Ukraine is known by its official edition's first line "Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia" -'Ukraine's glory and freedom/will have not yet perished'.The lyrics constitute a slightly modified version (трохи змінена версія)of the first verse and chorus of the patriotic song "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina", written in 1862 by Pavlo Chubynskyi, a prominent ethnographer from Kyiv. In 1863, Mykhailo Verbytskyi, a Ukrainian composer and Greek Catholic priest, composed music to accompany Chubynskyi's lyrics.
⚡"Glory to Ukraine!" is a Ukrainian national salute, known as a symbol of Ukrainian sovereignty (суверенітет) and resistance (опір) to foreign aggression. It is the battle cry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is often accompanied by the response "Glory to the heroes!".
Good morning, guys! ?
How are you after the weekend?
The new working week has started and it's essential to be productive and catch up with all the tasks.
So, I offer you a video to remind you about the time management tips that can help you boost productivity.
Here are some of the phrases you can come across in the video.
?declutter - відкоригувати
?work in a frantic way - працювати в шаленому темпі
?boost productivity - підвищувати продуктивність
?stay on track - дотримуватись плану
?rank in order of priority - розставляти в порядку важливості
?set achievable goals- ставити досяжні цілі
?bounce from tasks - відхилятись від завдань
?have a catch up - зустрітись з тим, кого давно не бачили
?productivity hacks - лайфхаки з продуктивності
What are your personal productivity hacks? Share in comments
Have a nice week ahead! ?
10 Time Management Tips to Boost Your Productivity
If you’re always feeling pressed for time, it might be because you need to manage your time better so you can pack more into your schedule. To help you get more done, this video explores 10 easy-to-follow time management tips that will help you focus, create…
Hi everybody!?
Today let's have a look at the commonly confused words in English.
?Accept vs. Except
Accept - To receive or take in willingly. (приймати)
The system administrator accepted the request to reset the user's password.
Except - Excluding or not including. (окрім)
All team members attended the IT workshop except for Sarah, who was on vacation.
?Principal vs. Principle
Principal - Refers to a person who holds a high position, like the head of a school. (керівник)
It can also mean the primary aspect of something. (принциповий, провідний)
(Person): The principal addressed the team during the meeting.
(Primary): The principal goal of this software update is to improve security.
Principle - A fundamental belief, rule, or guideline. (принцип, засада)One of the guiding principles in programming is to write clean and organized code.
?Lose vs. Loose
Lose - To be deprived of something or fail to retain it. (губити, втрачати)If you don't save your work frequently, you might lose all your progress in case of a system crash.
Loose - Not tightly held or fastened. (незакріплений)Make sure all the screws are tight; a loose connection could lead to hardware malfunctions.
Do you face trouble using any other words that can be confusing?
Have a nice weekend ahead! Spend summer weekends in full! ?
Hi there!?
Glad to come back to you with a portion of new phrases. Today let's see how to keep a meeting on track (йти за планом, підтримувати). Here are some variants:
⚡ That’s another subject.
Finance is another subject altogether. Now we'll just talk about sales.
⚡We can’t discuss that issue.
We can't discuss that issue today. It's not on the agenda (на порядку денному).
⚡That's outside the scope (виходить за рамки)
That's outside the scope of our meeting so we‟ll leave it for now.
⚡Let's get back on track
Let's get back on track. We're wasting too much time.
⚡We’re digressing (відходимо від теми)
We're digressing. I want to stick to (дотримуватись) the main subject.
Let all your meetings always be on track.
Have a nice day!!!! ?
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? We keep an eye on the price; you can just watch us do it.
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