(Crime, morți, corupție, accidente, poliție, informații din culisele sistemului de pe Bîc)
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Sunt Dumitru Ciorici, antreprenor media timp de 15 ani. Acum fac jurnalism de opinie pe Telegram. Mă găsiți pe blog la www.dumitruciorici.com
[email protected]
📍Susțineți sinteza pe https://dumitruciorici.com/subscribe/
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
1. Cui și cât se achită în Moldova?
2. Unde a fost mărit salariul? Unde a fost micșorat? 🙁
3. Statistica salariilor după funcții;
4. Statistica salariilor după orașele Moldovei.
În comentarii ne puteți împărtăși inside-urile voastre.
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
There was a memoir written by a German Soldier we remember who detailed how when retreating back to Germany after pushing the Americans back, he and his unit met a woman who was begging them to leave her alone asking for no trouble. Only for her to break down sobbing because some American niggers raped and murdered her daughter.
David Irving is reported to have passed away. Thank you, sir, for all the work you did in this life.
Rest in Glory!
The harsh truth of our struggle is that we are objectively fighting the tide here. The movement already fucked up decades ago and now we live in the fallout.
Something that sticks with us is something an old movement guy said regarding how in the late 1960s, while he and his friends were busy getting in brawls in the streets and doing protests. SocDems and others took advantage of the power reshuffle in '68 going to college and taking powerful positions. And just how stupid the movement was at the time for not taking advantage of that.
We're not saying the struggle is unwinnable. No struggle is unwinnable. We just have herculean tasks to overcome. We are fighting the tide.
We live in a majority non-White country with a White population that has a sizable amount who are actively treasonous and will snitch on us to get us in trouble for even stating our views publicly. The rest of the Whites are apathetic.
How do we get out of this? We don't quite know yet. But it will take more than just stickers.
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Doresc toți securiști care monitorizeză acest canal un Crăciun fericit!
Vă urez un Crăciun/Yule fericit! ??❄️❄️??
(o ziuă târziu știu)
(Crime, morți, corupție, accidente, poliție, informații din culisele sistemului de pe Bîc)
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Sunt Dumitru Ciorici, antreprenor media timp de 15 ani. Acum fac jurnalism de opinie pe Telegram. Mă găsiți pe blog la www.dumitruciorici.com
[email protected]
📍Susțineți sinteza pe https://dumitruciorici.com/subscribe/
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
1. Cui și cât se achită în Moldova?
2. Unde a fost mărit salariul? Unde a fost micșorat? 🙁
3. Statistica salariilor după funcții;
4. Statistica salariilor după orașele Moldovei.
În comentarii ne puteți împărtăși inside-urile voastre.
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago