Bibliotheca of Warha

"When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes." - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus
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1 month, 1 week ago

I have remastered a digital version of the recording of a conversation between Adolf Hitler and Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces, on 1942-06-04.

1 month, 1 week ago

The Only Secret Recording of Hitler's Normal Voice

The Hitler-Mannerheim Recording Oddly enough although many speeches given by Adolf Hitler have been preserved, there is no audio footage of his normal conversational voice. Well, except one tape, recorded in secret by a Finnish sound engineer and released to the public only decades after the war ended.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

"When Berthold Mann illustrated Don Quixote, he went to Spain to saturate himself in the right atmosphere, and to follow the gentle knight's itinerary for several weeks. After he returned home, he worked, day after day, for more than eighteen months."

- Maurice Robert & Frederic Warde (A Code for the Collector of Beautiful Books, V, Remark, Pg.20, 1936)

6 months, 2 weeks ago

"This book provides a view of literary life under the Nazis, highlighting the ambiguities, rivalries and conflicts that determined the cultural climate of that period and beyond. Focusing on a group of writers – in particular, Hans Grimm, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Wilhelm Schäfer, Emil Strauß, Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen and Rudolf Binding – it examines the continuities in völkisch-nationalist thought in Germany from c. 1890 into the post-war period and the ways in which völkisch-nationalists identified themselves in opposition to four successive German regimes: the Kaiserreich, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and the Federal Republic. Although their work predated Hitler’s National Socialist movement, their contribution to preparing the cultural climate for the rise of Nazism ensured them continued prominence in the Third Reich. Those who survived into the post-war era continued to represent the völkisch-nationalist worldview in the West German public sphere, opposing both the Soviet and liberal-democratic models for Germany’s future. While not uncontroversial, they were able to achieve significant publishing success, suggesting that a demand existed for their works among the German public, stimulating debate about the nature of the recent past and its effect on Germany’s cultural and political identity and position in the world."

6 months, 2 weeks ago

"This is no longer a conflict over decrepit dynastic interests, or the correction of national borders, or little economic interests. No, this is a fight against a true global sickness that threatens to pollute the nations, a contamination of nations that is remarkable for its internationality.

We know the reason for this, because it is not a Russian sickness or a Spanish one, just as it was neither a German one in 1918, nor a Hungarian or Bavarian one in 1919! Neither Russians, nor Germans, nor Hungarians nor Spaniards are the pathogens of this sickness; rather it is that international parasite of nations that has spread itself across the world since many centuries ago, and that in our own time is back to its full destructive potency.

Only someone who is biased could close his eyes to the fact that there is an undeniable common thread that runs through all the diverse phenomena of the collapse of nations' political structures and lives of their economies or their traditional cultures. Only someone who desperately wants to stick his head in the sand can fail to see what the actual spiritual inspirers of this international sickness themselves openly and unashamedly admit!"

- Adolf Hitler (Voice of Triumph: Hitler's Speeches at Nuremberg, The Führer's Concluding Remarks at the 1937 Party Congress, September 13th, 1937. Pg.294)

6 months, 2 weeks ago

"...the magnitude of National Socialism's educational mission came to the fore at this Party Congress. That synthesis of strength, beauty, and spirit is striving toward realization. ... What you see playing out before your eyes has never been before. It is not a rebirth, but something new and something unprecedented in German history. Never has the intellectual agenda and formation of our will been so identical with the natural duties of political self-assertion as today. Never before in the German Volk has its ideology been the same as the eternal laws of nature and as the nation's necessities for life. Never before has the ideological alignment been so uniformly focused on the perpetuation of our people, and never has such a clear concurrence been found between intellectual orientation and physical form."

- Adolf Hitler (Voice of Triumph: Hitler's Speeches at Nuremberg, The Führer's Concluding Remarks at the 1937 Party Congress, September 13th, 1937. Pg.291-292)

6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Germany, the National Socialist Third Reich, will go through this time of hardship, of affliction, of worry, equipped with the only metal that lets the knight in shining armor survive the battle against death and the devil: the ore of an iron heart."

- Adolf Hitler (Voice of Triumph: Hitler's Speeches at Nuremberg, 1936 Party Congress of Honor, The Führer's Concluding Remarks at the 1936 Party Congress, September 14th, 1936. Pg.221)

7 months ago
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