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481,813 @rekko


Last updated 8 months ago

Владелец: @Royalmaksi

Самые Важные новости в мире финансов Вы можете найти только в этом канале! Крипта, Проекты бизнеспланов, первые публикации новостей в мире экономики и финансов ВСЁ ЭТО У НАС!!!

Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

📞 @studuent_life_bot

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago
I made this gift for my …

I made this gift for my friend Pili to get out of the artblock 🗿

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi!!!, I've been living with my …

Hi!!!, I've been living with my mom since she's back in town and I've been living a bit more with my family, sorry for the lack of activity :3.

I also wanted to let you know that I have made a raffle for having reached 150 followers on furaffinity and I have decided to make a raffle for that!!!, if you want to participate here I leave you the link, the raffle ends on March 10 at 23:59 hrs >:DDD https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55764109/#cid:178062397

3 months ago
Today is my birthday and my …

Today is my birthday and my broh Kreimpos gave me this present aaaaaaaaaaaa im so happy T___T

I think I'll stream in a couple of hours working on commissions to pass the time :3

3 months, 1 week ago
I don't know if I'm vibing …

I don't know if I'm vibing low but yesterday I crashed my car when I was storing it in the garage. my car door, rear view mirror and garage door are dead 🗿

3 months, 1 week ago

Just to let you know that this is my new queue board :3

I am working on a new carrd but in the meantime I leave you the trello so you know in which stage is your commission >:D


3 months, 1 week ago
I had to leave because something …

I had to leave because something came up, but here's the sketch+idea, let's see what my friend says :3 Wip :like:

5 months, 2 weeks ago
Finished commission for Noize :3.

Finished commission for Noize :3.
I don't remember why I didn't upload this commission omg, but this was the last commission I finished before my Hiatus. I went and I'm a big fan of the result.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Hello, Reck here after 4 months of absence if I'm not wrong. I hope you're feeling well :3c. I'm here to tell you about why I basically disappeared.

TW: Vent (??) if you just want to read the explanation about my commissions you can read from the red dot :D
Some of you know that I started having hospital visits because for years now I have been having trouble breathing, but these last few months my ability to breathe has been getting complicated as I have not been oxygenating well. I had started my treatment in the public health sector and for a couple of months it helped me a lot but after a year of treatment I have not felt any improvement beyond the fact that I no longer have a runny nose (something I am very grateful for) so at the suggestion of my mom I started to visit private doctors (bruh moment), in short, the medicine was not working for me because I was not able to breathe well, the medicine was not working because the main problem is my deviated septum, I do not understand how the first doctor who monitored me for months did not notice despite the x-rays I had, in the end my final diagnosis (for the moment) is severe chronic rhinitis with hyperatrophied turbinates, deviated septum, collapsed nasal valve and apnea, anyways so. .. my absence in these months had been for this reason, my anemic state is not the best, the fact of visiting the hospital at least once a week, having to endure the fact that my nose was mistreated to the point that sometimes I got to bleed, and that this is just one of the many things that I have to treat because, I always joke that once you go to the hospital Pandora's box opens, but at this point I am already tired, my body in general is very hurt and because of this I gave myself a "break" from college, my job, my friends and family (except for my mom and brother), I have never felt this depressed before, I stopped leaving my house if I didn't have to, I watch streams most of my day, I just do nothing, it's horrible. These last few weeks I've started trying to slowly get back to doing things I like and things a functioning adult would do u_u.

🔴 The truth is I'm ashamed to tell this to you because I don't want it to become an uncomfortable moment because I'm sure you follow this channel for the art I share with you, but I also give an explanation to everyone who has thought or commissioned me, that's why I haven't asked for my commission payments since the beginning because I don't want you to feel cheated/unsure with me and I have felt quite guilty for my lack (I don't know if "commitment" is the right word? ) of response these last months, by now I have started to communicate with most of my clients with pending commissions and the decision they make is totally valid and acceptable, I give my sincere apologies to all of you because in the end you have only been supporting me when considering buying an illustration from me, something I will be eternally grateful for. I am more than aware that communication on my part has not been very good and I apologize for that. In a couple of hours I will continue to contact the people I missed because it's 5am and I don't want to disturb heh. I hope you have a good start of the day <:3

5 months, 2 weeks ago


8 months, 3 weeks ago

COMMISSIONS CLOSED! Thank you all very much for your support! 😭😭❤️❤️ I will reopen them as soon as I finish a couple of the commissions I am working on! 💥💥💥

We recommend to visit
481,813 @rekko


Last updated 8 months ago

Владелец: @Royalmaksi

Самые Важные новости в мире финансов Вы можете найти только в этом канале! Крипта, Проекты бизнеспланов, первые публикации новостей в мире экономики и финансов ВСЁ ЭТО У НАС!!!

Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

📞 @studuent_life_bot

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago