Community chat:
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
Last updated 3 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago
Buna seara comunitate !
In urma evenimentelor din ultimele luni am fost nevoiti sa intarziem migrarea platformei BeeGENEROUS.
Aceste lucrui noi aparute au fost foarte benefice, deoarece am descoperit niste lipsuri la ceea ce aveam deja facut si, in acest moment, am reusit sa refacem totul asa cum trebuie.
Altfel spus, am reparart si am imbunatit vechea versiune.
Va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mesaj la adresa de e-mail: [email protected] cu ID-ul pe care il aveti in platforma veche BeeGENEROUS si adresa dvoastra de portofel, tocmai pentru a ne confirma ca inca aveti acces la acest portofel. In cazul in care, din diverse motive, doriti sa folositi un portofel nou pe platforma BeeGENEROUS, va rugam sa ne comunicati in scris acest fapt, la adresa de mail mai sus mentionata ([email protected]).
Cu alte cuvinte, prin mesajul pe care ni-l veti trimite, vom fi asigurati ca portofelul pe care il veti scrie in continutul acestui mail, este cel pe care il veti folosi pe noua platforma BeeGENEROUS, atasat la contul (ID-ul) dvoastra.
Va multumim si va dorim o seara linistita !
Good evening community !
Following the events of the last few months, we had to delay the migration of the BeeGENEROUS platform.
These new things that appeared were very beneficial, because we discovered some shortcomings (gaps) in what we had already done and, at this moment, we managed to redo everything as it should be (everything properly).
In other words, we fixed and improved the old version.
Please send us a message to the e-mail address: [email protected] with the ID you have in the old BeeGENEROUS platform and your wallet address, precisely to confirm that you still have access to it.
If, for various reasons, you wish to use a new wallet on the new BeeGENEROUS platform, please notify us in writing of this fact, at the above mentioned e-mail address ([email protected]).
In other words, through the message you will send us, we will be assured that the wallet you will write in the content of this email is the one you will use on the new BeeGENEROUS platform, attached to your account (ID).
Thank you and we wish you a peaceful evening !
Va rugam cititi cu atentie mesajul de mai jos !!!
Please read carefully the message below !!!
Buna seara comunitate !
In urma evenimentelor din ultimele luni am fost nevoiti sa intarziem migrarea platformei BeeGENEROUS.
Aceste lucrui noi aparute au fost foarte benefice, deoarece am descoperit niste lipsuri la ceea ce aveam deja facut si, in acest moment, am reusit sa refacem totul asa cum trebuie.
Altfel spus, am reparart si am imbunatit vechea versiune.
Va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mesaj la adresa de e-mail: [email protected] cu adresa dvoastra de portofel, tocmai pentru a ne confirma ca inca aveti acces la acesta. In cazul in care, din diverse motive, doriti sa folositi un portofel nou pe platforma BeeGENEROUS, va rugam sa ne comunicati in scris acest fapt, la adresa de mail mai sus mentionata ([email protected]).
Cu alte cuvinte, prin mesajul pe care ni-l veti trimite, vom fi asigurati ca portofelul pe care il veti scrie in continutul acestui mail, este cel pe care il veti folosi pe noua platforma BeeGENEROUS.
Va multumim si va dorim o seara linistita !
Good evening community !
Following the events of the last few months, we had to delay the migration of the BeeGENEROUS platform.
These new things that appeared were very beneficial, because we discovered some shortcomings (gaps) in what we had already done and, at this moment, we managed to redo everything as it should be (everything properly).
In other words, we fixed and improved the old version.
Please send us a message to the e-mail address: [email protected] with your wallet address, precisely to confirm that you still have access to it.
If, for various reasons, you wish to use a new wallet on the BeeGENEROUS platform, please notify us in writing of this fact, at the above mentioned e-mail address ([email protected]).
In other words, through the message you will send us, we will be assured that the wallet you will write in the content of this email is the one you will use on the new BeeGENEROUS platform.
Thank you and we wish you a peaceful evening !
Dragi membri Be&Bee,
Începând de weekend-ul care urmeaza (22-24 martie), începem migrarea platformei BeeGENEROUS.
Va rog sa luați legătura cu cei pe care i-ati înscris în Comunitatea noastră.
Veti fii contactati si anuntati cand "va vine randul" la crearea contului pe platforma.
Sa va organizați pentru a finaliza acest proces cât mai repede !
Nu uitati ca fiecare dintre noi are nevoie de 3-5 $ in moneda MATiC, in portofel, pentru comisioanele de retea !
O zi lina va doresc !
Dear Be&Bee members,
Starting this coming weekend (March 22-24), we begin the migration of the BeeGENEROUS platform.
Please get in touch with those you have registered in our Community.
You will be contacted and notified when it is "your turn" to create your account on the platform.
Get organized to complete this process as soon as possible !
Don't forget that each of us needs $3-5 in MATiC currency in our wallet for network fees !
Have a nice day !
Dear Be&Bee members,
Starting next week (March 18-24), we are starting to migrate the BeeGENEROUS platform.
Please get in touch with those you helped registered in our Community.
Get organized to complete this process as quickly as possible!
I wish you a pleasant weekend!
Dragi membri Be&Bee,
Începând de săptămâna viitoare (18-24 martie), începem migrarea platformei BeeGENEROUS.
Va rog sa luați legătura cu cei pe care i-ati înscris în Comunitatea noastră.
Sa va organizați pentru a finaliza acest proces cât mai repede !
Vă doresc un week-end plăcut !
Buna ziua,
Tuturor celor care aveau cont facut pe le-am trimis un mail de pe adresa [email protected]
1. Daca nu ati primit nimic pe mail, va rog sa lasati aici in chat un raspuns cu:
a. adresa voastra de mail cu care ati facut contul vechi
b. adresa portofelului cu care ati facut contul vechi
c. cati tokeni ati cumparat (daca e cazul vostru)
2. Daca ati primit mail, va rog sa raspundeti la el confirmand cele 2 sau 3 informatii cerute (dupa caz).
O zi frumoasa !
I sent an email to all those who had an account on from the address [email protected]
1. If you did not receive anything by email, please leave a reply here in the chat with:
a. your e-mail address with which you made the old account
b. the wallet address with which you made the old account
c. how many tokens you bought (if applicable)
2. If you have received an email, please reply to it confirming the 2 or 3 pieces of information requested (if applicable).
Thank you
Have a nice day!
Buna ziua tuturor ,
Va rog sa verificati mail-urile, sa cititi cu atentie informatiile pe care vi le-am transmis si sa confirmati lucrurile cerute.
Astfel vom continua si finaliza migrarea platformei de ICO
Cei care au cumparat tokeni, ii vor primi pe toti, imediat dupa ce vor confirma adresa de portofel pe care a folosit-o la ahizitionarea acestora.
In mail aveti toate informatiile necesare pentru a face pasii corespunzatori.
O zi frumoasa !
Hello everyone,
Please check the mails, read carefully the information I have sent you and confirm the requested things.
Thus we will continue and complete the migration of the ICO platform
Those who bought tokens, will receive them all, as soon as they confirm the wallet address they used to purchase them.
In the email you have all the necessary information to take the appropriate steps.
Have a nice day!
Community chat:
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
Last updated 3 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago