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4 months, 2 weeks ago
This is bigger news that we …

This is bigger news that we haven’t seen for a moment… one of the last times Israel caused IRGC casualties, things escalated pretty quickly ? *?Israel Pounds Aleppo In Fresh Attack, Iranian IRGC Casualties ConfirmedIsrael launched major airstrikes on the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in the overnight hours, which killed an Iranian military adviser, and possibly more Iranian militia members, as well as civilians*.

"At approximately 12:20 AM at dawn on Monday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial attack with missiles from a direction of southeast Aleppo, targeting a number of points in the vicinity of Aleppo city, and the army air defenses intercepted the aggression’s missiles and shot down some of them," Syrian state SANA said.


4 months, 2 weeks ago


This video has technically been in the works since February…

Then, it was pushed back because I wrote Bible Prophecy Secrets II…

But now, the wait is over.

I humbly present to you what might be the most technically involved, highly anticipated, and groundbreaking video that God has given me the privilege to present to you.?


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HIDDEN History Is Repeating (Watch Before DELETED!) (2024)

Watch Before They DELETE This. The media is hiding this, and no one sees the imminent danger coming. Even if a small percentage of the information presented in this video comes to pass, the United States will never be the same again. This mini-documentary…

4 months, 3 weeks ago

*?? Iran's Presidential Election is in 34 days, here's what you need to know:*

The political scene in Iran is extremely complicated, but when simplified, it basically consists of two main flanks: Conservatives and Moderates.

The Conservatives are politicians that fit squarely in the camp of the revolution. They stand 100% behind Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and they are generally considered more loyal to the revolution's original values. They put emphasis on keeping Iran an Islamic, strong and independent nation, with a foreign policy that could be dubbed 'Iran-first', trying not to rely on outside powers. Most politicians who belong in this camp opposed the 2015 Nuclear Deal with the US, for example.

The Moderates, or sometimes called 'Reformists', take a more liberal approach to interpreting the values of the Islamic Revolution. They are still ostensibly in favour of the Islamic Republic and its ideals, but wish to modernize and reorganize the country in a way that they feel fits the current era. Most of them support less strict rules on Hijab, returning to negotiations with the United States, and neoliberal market economics.

Some Moderate candidates are secretly anti-Islamic Republic, but hide behind their close relations with genuine pro-IR people to conceal their true views. They know they cannot voice their opposition publicly, because no one would vote for them, and they would get disqualified.

Iran's last Moderate President, Hassan Rouhani (President from 2013-2021) caused a major decline in economic development. By forming the Nuclear Deal with the U.S. in 2015, he put the Iranian economy at the mercy of foreign powers and investments. Khamenei, who was against the Nuclear Deal from the start, warned that the United States would never keep their end of the agreement.

In 2017, he was proven right, and the U.S. unilaterally pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, despite Iran's compliance, which was backed up by the IAEA. Inflation in Iran skyrocketed, and the economy experienced its worst state in 45 years.

All of this led to the Conservative President Ebrahim Raeesi winning a 72% landslide victory in the 2021 election. Turnout hit a record low, because reformists had lost faith in their candidates due to past failures to deliver on their election promises. As a result, the vast majority of those who voted were hardline IR supporters.

If President Raeesi ran for office again in 2025, he would most likely have won a second term. But due to his unforeseen martyrdom, others will have to stand up. Until now, we don't know the candidates, but I fully expect the Conservatives to win another landslide victory, as the Reformist voter base has become idle, and I doubt they will put up any meaningful candidates, unless they decide to put forward Javad Zarif, Iran's Foreign Minister from 2013-2021, who enjoys considerable support among Moderates.

Lastly, the dynamics of Iranian politics have changed quite a lot. Back in the 2000's and 2010's, if someone was anti-Islamic Republic, they would simply vote for a Reformist / Moderate candidate, to show their opposition to the regime. This was dangerous, because they actually had a way of changing the country's direction. Unlike what some people think, the President in Iran matters a lot.

Now, the people who are anti-IR simply don't vote at all, or cast blank protest votes, because they say 'all Iranian politicians are the same'. This is extremely dumb, they are shooting themselves in the foot, because if they all united to vote for a Reformist they could shake the country up pretty bad. But it is good for the Islamic Republic and its supporters, so I am quite happy they reached this conclusion, that they excluded themselves from the democratic process.

Conclusion: Anti-IR Iranians likely won't vote at all, a small number of them will vote for the Moderate candidate, but the Conservative candidate will likely win another landslide victory like Raeesi in 2021, due to overwhelming participation of the pro-IR and religious masses.


6 months, 3 weeks ago

"If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it."

For a deeper dive on this topic, check out this post: https://t.me/overcomebabylonchannel/625

6 months, 3 weeks ago

This is what really happens when a bridge is not rigged with explosives ?

6 months, 3 weeks ago

? Breaking News: Straight from CERN’s evil black magic headquarters ?Accelerator Report: The accelerator complex gears up for action after the yearly winter maintenance break
“Physics in ISOLDE, downstream of the PS Booster, will start on 8 April, followed by the SPS North Area on 10 April. The antimatter factory is set to start delivering antiprotons to its experiments on 22 April. The AWAKE facility, behind the SPS, will run for ten weeks in total (in blocks of two or three weeks) until the middle of September, when the dismantling of the no-longer-used CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) target facility will start, to allow for a future extension of the AWAKE facility. The SPS HiRadMat facility will see four 1-week runs.”

? Though I haven’t verified all the following details, I particularly like what the Blazing Press has to say about this development ?

? MASSIVE WORLDWIDE OCCULTIC RITUAL TO TAKE PLACE ON APRIL 8 WITH THE SOLAR ECLIPSE AS CERN REACTIVATES AND ON ANNIVERSARY OF ALEISTER CROWLEY’S BOOK OF THE LAW The occultists worldwide are celebrating 120 years of Crowley rituals on April 8-10 for the Anniversary of his satanic Book of the Law, Liber AL vel Legis. Aleister Crowley claimed he first channeled an entity named Aiwass, whom he identified as Satan, on April 8, 1904. They remained in communication for three days, or until the 10th, and the demon dictated the entire contents of the Book of the Law to Crowley.

Now, with the solar eclipse happening on the same day, April 8th, we have an influx of Crowley’s followers using these three sacred days to do their rituals in combination with the eclipse, which they view as a chance to channel deeper demonic powers from.”

? Many Christians have been speculating for years that CERN is in the process of opening “the bottomless pit” as described in the book of Revelation.

I tend to agree.

Remember to check out Bible Prophecy Secrets chapter 10 where I speak about what happens after the pit is opened. My original speculation was incorrect. But still, nothing prevents the 3.5 years of tribulation from beginning.

And this might be the kickoff event for apollyon to come back.

Blazing Press

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Live in a few minutes! See ya soon, and Shabbat Shalom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ECCMKiBN0Q


America's Link to the 200 Year Judgment Cycles of Ancient Israel

There are unmistakable parallels to America's demise and the ancient cycles of all the Israelite Empires of History. If you have never heard of the Phoenicians or Cythians, this will be an eye opening discussion of history that the "system" doesn't teach.…

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Live Tonight: We will be examining this recurring theme of "200 Year" judgment cycles. If you have not investigated the empires of Ancient Israel and the Lost Tribes, you will be shocked by this information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ECCMKiBN0Q


America's Link to the 200 Year Judgment Cycles of Ancient Israel

There are unmistakable parallels to America's demise and the ancient cycles of all the Israelite Empires of History. If you have never heard of the Phoenicians or Cythians, this will be an eye opening discussion of history that the "system" doesn't teach.…

8 months, 2 weeks ago
**INTELSKY BREAKING – Iran breached Mossad's …

**INTELSKY BREAKING –  Iran breached Mossad's security network

Spies and people affiliated with Mossad in 28 countries of the world, in the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe, were identified during the operation.

Iran also obtained a big cache of intelligence and security data, including Israel’s hidden military installations, weapons factories and strategic civilian industries.**

? Iran Observer
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@Intelsky ?

8 months, 3 weeks ago

If you want more information on why I said Greg Abbott of TX is controlled opposition that is playing his role to cause civil war, check out this short video:



Gov Greg Abbott EXPOSED, Order Allows Illegal Aliens Enter U.S. Freely

If you want more information on why I said Greg Abbott of TX is controlled opposition that is playing his …
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