PrayTriots 🇺🇸

PRAYtriots - A forum of mindful conservatives who place their trust in God and work for positive change in our beautiful country
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Fan Channel Samantha Gonzalez ? Samantona ?

Last updated 2 months ago

Supporters of the greatest President of our lifetimes, @real_DonaldJTrump!

Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Desprograma, darling!
Em dieta restrita de pílula dourada

InstaBAN @despertabagaray

Last updated 3 weeks ago

7 months, 2 weeks ago

During these difficult times you either laugh or you cry- I prefer to laugh ?



Tironianae 🍊 🍊 Z. - Ultra Verbum Vincet

DJT New Secret Service Detail ***😎*** No 1 DEI Choice***😎*** FBI, CIA, DOJ & Biden Thrilled***😎*** c/o Shell ***👊***

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Look at the date this was originally posted-June 5th. The “assassination attempt” was a planned white hat operation, designed to take down the Deep State ???

Thank you to Eye Drop Media for sharing this drop ???





Trump assassination ATTEMPT< COMING ***⚠️*** This EVENT is vital to taking down the deep state> MAJIC ( Majority Intelligence Communitee ) that controls the CIA and controls the U S. Government and controls the European union and several countries ( The true…

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Ask yourselves the question-what do the good guys have to gain from creating this near miss “assassination”?
1) By exposing the “gross negligence” of President Trump’s security detail-supposedly appointed by Biden- who waited too long to act-as though they wanted the President to get shot-the white hats show the world that the DOJ, FBI, CIA and Justice Departments have been puppets of the DS who are CORRUPT to the core and open people up to questioning if they have been behind other assassination attempts (they have) such as JFK, President Lincoln etc
2) This “shot heard round the world” -Q, solidifies President Trump’s support, quiets the ranting of the lefty loonies and unites a fractured nation. It garners sympathies for the hero who took a bullet to protect us all.
3) It causes people to ask questions about the weaponized justice department, just as President Trump’s false flag “trials” made them question the corrupt two tier court system and judges.
4) The white hat controlled actor playing Biden sets the scene perfectly by conveniently saying last week that he’s putting President Trump in the bullseye-right before the attempted assassination. This sets the stage to publicly remove resident Biden, and set precedent to go after corrupt players in the CIA, DOJ,FBI etc.

Patriots- this entire military operation is to wake up a nation of sleeping people who have grown fat and complacent from their pan et circus- beer and sports. You can’t tell people, you have to SHOW them-

In the past 4 years we have learned conclusively that:
1) Our elections are and always have been, rigged for the DS to win. Blue or Red=same poison
2) The MSM is the propaganda arm of the DS, that they weaponize against all opponents
3)The courts, judges and entire justice system are rigged in favor of the DS
4) The 5 letter departments (CIA, DOJ, FBI) are the policing force of the DS
5) Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Tech, Big Clothing, are all weapons of the DS designed to poison, weaken and kill what the DS terms the useless eaters of the world.
6) Movie stars, sports stars etc are false idols set up by the DS to distract and morally weaken our society.
7)Weather modification is real and used by the DS to further poison humanity and block out our source of vitamin D (sunlight)
8) The DS worship satan, actively work to divest people from connection to God and control their evil minions by tempting them and then filming their atrocities- ie Epstein island. This honeypot blackmail is used to control them all.
9) Human trafficking is a horrific source DS funding and adrenochrome harvesting is very real. We are their fodder, and they mock us by creating entertainment that shows us how they torture us (squid games)
10) We are all debt slaves to the DS who allow us only enough income to barely scrape by, and sell our souls, through our birth certificates, as commodities.

If you are reading this patriots, you are AWAKE! Congratulations!

Reconnect with God and go take back your God given rights!?? ???




10 months, 2 weeks ago

What if I told you the 10 biblical plagues appear to be playing out on the world stage right now? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that God is intimately involved in the affairs of mankind and is sending us all Divine messages to repent and do better?

In biblical times, each of the ten plagues was meant to demonstrate to the idol worshipping Egyptians that He is the One True God, Who created everything and continues to be involved in world affairs.


The Ten plagues on the world stage ? ? ? ? ? ? ❄️ ? ☠️


Cannibal Cuban tree frogs invade Georgia: Why it 'could be a problem'
Map shows where cannibal frogs that will eat anything have invaded US | US News | Metro News
Wild animals,the%20planet%E2%80%94or%20more%20carnivores.
Death of cattle

Hail (and fire)

Why Blackouts, Power Outages Are Becoming More Common

Death of the Firstborn

Mail Online

River turns blood red as council staff investigate the cause

Birmingham City Council have launched an investigation into why a stream has turned bright red in the city.

What if I told you the 10 biblical plagues appear to be playing out on the world stage right now? …
10 months, 2 weeks ago

???Scientific Proof that what happened on the 6th of Nissan was nothing short of a Miracle Words written by a Physics Professor who worked in Israel’s Defense Industry

I wanted to share something that is much more than a feeling. Something that comes from a real calculation: What happened in Israel on last Motzaei Shabbat was not less than the scale of the splitting of the Red Sea.

I am a Professor of physics and I worked for several years in the defense industry in Israel, in projects that are still the cutting edge technologies of the defence of the State of Israel. When I look at what happened on Motzai Shabbat, on a scientific level - it simply cannot happen!! Statistically.

The likelihood that everything, but really Everything works out, does not exist in complex systems like the defense systems that were used to defend Israel from the massive Iranian attack.

These systems have never, but never, not only in the State of Israel, been tried in real time!!

I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check the statistic probability that such a result would materialize. The large number of events that had to be handled, when each missile or UAV is handled independently (that is, human error or some deviation of one operation, is not offset by other successful operations), compounds the chance of making a mistake.

With all the high technologies, a breach was expected in the defense of the skies of the State of Israel.

Even if we got 90% protection it would have been a miracle!!

What happened is that everyone, but everyone - the pilots, the systems operators and the technology operators acted as one man, at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of G-d, then I no longer know what a miracle is.

It is Greater than the victory of the Six Day War or the War of Independence. Those wars can also be explained through natural events.
The rescue that took place for the people of Israel on Motzai Shabbat is simply impossible naturally. I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people from Israel.

If the defense system had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex war. I wouldn't bet that next time it will work like this without Divine supervision. The simple proof of what I said is that the managers of the defense industries, who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more than 90% success!_And we all saw, with our own eyes 99.9% !!!_

Thank You Hashem!!

"From the day you came out of the land of Egypt I Have Showed you Wonders",

M. Abitbol


10 months, 3 weeks ago

Do you want to know the most reliable source for news?

The Torah/ Old Testament.
As King Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun”. History repeats itself and everything these days is absolutely biblical!

Here is a link for the most accurate English version of the Bible I have found.??

Study it, especially the weekly Torah portion, and you will see history unfolding before your eyes.
During these uncertain times stay close to God, pray, do acts of kindness and give charity.

God loves you and there is a magnificent future waiting just over the horizon ? ??



Stone Edition ENGLISH ONLY Tanach - Mid Size

1 year ago

Big Clothing is poisoning the entire world- it’s time to put them out of business! ??

Take back your health! Wear clothing created from God made materials-cotton, linen, silk and wool, instead of synthetics.

Pass it on!


1 year ago

We are not deterred by some terrorists living under the ground, we are lions who will hunt them down and will find our prey in order to survive. We want our honor back and honor we be restored. And through all the terrorists that we have killed with the help of God, we stand to answer the call to protect Jews and all of humanity. I don’t think there could be a more special or worthy cause than this one and I am humbled to be answering this call in such fashion. I hope that my grandfather Eli, who stormed the beaches of Normandy to restore humanity from the Nazis, is looking down and smiling at what his only grandson is accomplishing in his attempt to stand in his giant shadow and the shadow of all of the fighting Jews in history.

Do not stop praying. We need to continue. We will continue. Not because we want to, but because we have to. I love you all and appreciate you all in my life. Genuinely. You have all made me who I am today and your strength enables me to do what I am doing.

As always - stay strong. Stay united. Perhaps if my chapter here will be over soon, I pray to God that I never forget this feeling of pride in being a fighting Jew, to be a part of the history of our people that actually can fight. I do this for all of you. All of your families. All of our ancestors. I do this most of all for peace, because we all deserve that fundamental human right.

Sending my love and genuine, continued appreciation to all of you and your families/friends who are praying on our behalf,

Your Paratrooper,
Simcha “Sam”

Am Yisrael Chai


1 year ago

Powerful letter from a soldier on the frontlines of the Gaza War

Hi All. By now you may have heard that I’m back for a brief period (heading back in for another, much quicker stint in a couple of days). Really, really relieved to be typing in this chat right now.

I don’t really know what to say after the last 24 days on the front lines other than thank you. The miracles that we have witnessed in blind sight that enabled all of us to come home safely is nothing short of God’s hand at work and I credit all of you for your prayers and thoughts that have influenced the direction of where their RPGs hit us across several ambushes, and redirect their bullets flying over our heads and next to our ears as we try to regroup and neutralize the threat before us.

I say with absolute certainty, not as a preacher, but if you didn’t believe in God before, I don’t know what else to tell you because not a single person on my team can explain how we all came out alive virtually unscathed considering the circumstances we underwent. I’m not talking close calls, I’m talking death guiding us blindfolded on a tight rope between two mountains. God is good. So thank you all for your prayers, they really work and we still need them.

Important to note that the job isn’t finished. There is still work to do, we still have a very big little bit coming up and as we speak soldiers are encountering what we encountered constantly. Many giving their lives so that we can live peacefully. The heroic sacrifice can’t be understated. I know it sounds like just a number of soldiers killed, but each of these people are me. Are you. Are us. Family, friends, eagerly awaiting to see their loved ones again and they never will. יהי זכרם ברוך.

As a first hand account, we witnessed what we all already knew - Hamas uses children, schools, hospitals as launch points for terror. We found tunnels in a school. We found RPGs and ammo in a hospital that we took over. We even saw terrorists using 3 of the hostages as human shields as a lure to bait us into a shoot out. The inhumanity is outrageous.

These people have waited a decade(s) for this moment and are certainly ready to die for their cause. But I tell you with great certainty: Our people have waited millennia to have peace against far greater odds, and peace will be had by any means necesary. Like we say every Pesach (Passover) at the seder: “והיא שעמדה לאבותינו ולנו שלא אחד בלבד עמד עלינו לכלותינו אלא שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו והקדוש ברוך הוא מצילינו מידם” (“And this (the Torah) is what kept our fathers and what keeps us surviving. Not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation someone rose and tries to destroy us, but God saves us from their hands.”). It’s just that simple.

I urge all of you to please appreciate your lives, your loved ones, your ability to turn on a light at nightime, your ability to go to a bathroom, to shower, to switch your socks, to not hear a boom every 30 seconds, to not jolt at the thought of another ambush, to not smell the horrible smell of burning bodies, of not being shot at, to never ever have to hear the scream of an RPG approaching and then exploding feet front you and have the second of panic not knowing which way will be more safe (to the right or to the left) as the bullets start flying to you dive to the ground. To not shoot at someone shooting at you. To never see this type of devastation. Most of all enjoy tranquility because we are fighting so that you can all live and enjoy life. Celebrate that life. Go out. Have fun. Have a drink. Eat well. Hug someone. Kiss someone. Be successful. Hate sparingly and love endlessly. Live. Give. Pray. Dream. Be proud. Love. Everything we are doing is in vain if our lives pause.

I don’t want you all to get the wrong idea. As close as we all are to death, we couldn’t be farther. Our spirits are HIGH. The fighting Jew has sustained so many difficulties and the fighting Jew cannot be broken. We are not scared. We are warriors.


1 year, 1 month ago
PrayTriots 🇺🇸
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Fan Channel Samantha Gonzalez ? Samantona ?

Last updated 2 months ago

Supporters of the greatest President of our lifetimes, @real_DonaldJTrump!

Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Desprograma, darling!
Em dieta restrita de pílula dourada

InstaBAN @despertabagaray

Last updated 3 weeks ago